Showing posts with label Autumn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Autumn. Show all posts

November 7, 2015

Autumn Flowers Inspiration

The Art Bead Scene's challenge this month is a silk screen print by Marguerite Zorach.  With a background in printmaking this piece really called to me as labor of love from the artist. With the muted colors and modern design elements I knew right away that I would want to make beads inspired by the art. I printed this out and went to the studio to dig in and see what I could create. 

I pulled out some bead molds that reminded me the leaves, flowers and ferns in the painting and created them in autumn hues.

I mixed up some colors in polymer that matched the color palette I created for the ABS. (It will be on the blog tomorrow.) And pulled out some canes that fit the leafy theme for a very limited edition of these Autumn Floral disk beads. Love these! May have to keep a set for myself.

 Feathers in the navy blue and jade pulled from the print.

And I love the ferns stuck in the floral arrangement so I wanted to pull out these fern charms in the navy and copper hues.

I had this mold in the beadmaking stash from something I made years ago that never fit what I wanted for the project at the time. But when I was digging in those molds this week I instantly saw it updated in the new colors and knew it would be perfect. These are my favorite from this week's beadmaking adventures.  I love how they feel like a mid-century pattern. I'd love a skirt or scarf made with this design.

And looking at the inspiration print I couldn't help but think of my Bonbon beads. So I mixed up my favorite colors from the print and got to work on a new batch. Perfectly autumn, don't you think?

So that's what I created for this month's ABS challenge. I'm also a sponsor for this month's round and have donated a $50 gift certificate. I hope you'll play along this month!

New beads can be found in my Etsy shop.

November 4, 2014

Autumn Inspirations Booklet

Color inspirations - I can't get enough when it comes to creating jewelry! I'm always on the hunt for a new beautiful color palette to incorporate into my beads and jewelry. In a rut - find a new and unexpected color palette to inspire your designs. Want to create something trendy - find a fashion forward Pantone color palette. Not confident in your color yet? Start by finding palettes that you love and go from there.

If you haven't seen the Color Canvas feature before it starts with a photo that I take, a color palette pulled from the photo and a piece of jewelry inspired by both. Oh my gosh, it's so much fun!!! My first column is in the Dec/Jan issue of Step by Step Wire Jewelry and you can download it now!

To celebrate my new gig as the Color Canvas contributor for Step by Step Wire magazine I created a free Autumn Inspirations color palette booklet.

Grab a cup of chai tea and enjoy a dose of autumn color and design inspiration! I've created a 10 page booklet with four gorgeous color palettes, design ideas, trendy tips and my favorite bead picks for each color palette featuring beads from Humblebeads and Lima Beads. 

It's a leaf collecting, pumpkin surprising, woodland walking bead romp that you won't want to miss! Print it out and use it the next time you sit down to make jewelry. 

Psst...You'll need Adobe Reader to access the PDF booklet. It's free here but your computer probably already has it.

October 24, 2014

Autumn Inspirations

I have finally had a moment to catch my breath this week. This has been the craziest two months of moving, workshops, retreats and putting my world back together in our new home. 

I'm so happy here. We are right by town but still in a woodland area near a beautiful trail. We have been going for family walks this week to explore our new neighborhood. I can tell this forest is going to soak into my bones through each season and inspire new beads. 

One of my favorite treats this week has been Chai Hot Chocolate. Steep a chai tea bag for a few moments and then stir in hot cocoa and top off with whipped cream. Autumn in a cup - you're welcome! 

How are you enjoying the season? 

October 11, 2012

Autumn Stroll - Scarf Inspiration

I love scarves and wear them year round.  Actually they travel from one neck to the next in my family, as my teenage girls are quite the scarf fans too.  I created this treasury to showcase a few of my favorites along with my scarf pins.

Deep Crimson Red Knitted Lac...
Colorful Birds in Tree Branc...
Knitted Scarf Reversible, Ha...
Bird Scarf Pin
Autumn Aspen Trees Miles of ...
Yellow scarf, Winter knitted...
Bokeh Photograph fine art. s...
Luxurious Lily of the Valley...
Lacy Knit Scarf with beads i...
Grey lace scarf, knitted alp...
Hand Knit Candy Apple Red Sc...
left behind - 5x7 branches m...
Chunky Knit Scarf in Cinnamo...
Owl Scarf Pin - Brass
Knitted lace scarf in fawn b...
LAST ONE SALE Wool lace knit...

I've even been known to knit a scarf or two in my day, although they were nothing as wonderful as these creations.  And then I found my scarves getting shorter and shorter until they became more like collars - I knew then it was time to put down the knitting needles.  I may try to knit one again this year.  It might be a nice way to relax in the evening.  Anyone seen a pattern that they would like to share?  

This one from Kiwi and Company looks like one I could tackle.  The pattern is clearly labeled easy, so that offers some hope!  And it seems like it's in line with my short attention span and need for immediate gratification.

Have you seen the 40 Ways to Wear a Scarf from  No shortage on inspiration on ways to wear a scarf!  So bundle up this week and throw on a scarf!

Link Party:
The 36th Avenue

October 28, 2010

Autumn Bliss

Every leaf speaks bliss to me

Fluttering from the autumn tree.

-Emily Bronte

When I was eleven I would go and spend the weekends with my dad and step-mom. We would play rummy (cards), charades and watch movies on some weird 1980's disc player - that I thought was pretty cutting edge.  Charlotte's web was a favorite. They lived in a cozy log cabin near a woody area and we would spend hours walking through the forest.

I loved walking in those woods. On one fall Saturday morning as we walked the paths through the trees, my dad ran across a sassafras tree and noticed the roots were sticking out in the path.  He extracted some of the roots, proudly telling me that is what they used to make root beer out of - hence the root in name!  He decided we should try our hand at making sassafras tea and gathered a few more roots.  It really did taste like root beer. 

I love memories like those, the simple joys of nature and childhood.  I think about those times when I create beads and jewelry that reflect my love of the outdoors and the beauty of creation.

The scoop on the bracelet: I whipped that up using some parts left over from my wreath project.  I used one of Vintaj's Maple Leaf Blank and created a texture with a riveting hammer.  I riveted a leaf pendant to the blank and layered a fern charm on top. (I love layering Vintaj components.)

August 28, 2010

Oaks, acorns and leaves

"The oak sleeps in the acorn, the bird waits in the egg, and in the highest vision of the soul a waking angel stirs. Dreams are the seedlings of realities.” - James Allen

 "The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower." - Albert Camus

Trees are the best monuments that a man can erect to his own memory.
They speak his praises without flattery, and they are
blessings to children yet unborn.
- Lord Orrery, 1749

It's been an autumn inspired week as I whipped up some new creations.

I would love to walk in a forest,
Feel a crisp chill in the air,
listen as leaves crunch beneath my feat...

You can find these lovely bits in my Etsy shop.
I mentioned a contest - I'm still working out the details - check back on Monday.

Happy Creating!

August 23, 2010

A few fall finds...

A few new things today:
Above is a pendant from my Bead & Button inventory, it's been sitting in a box and now it would like to travel!
There was a bead show here in SA. I'm think I'm ruined for local shows. After going to Bead & Button and seeing what is really out there one can only scoff at $3.00 dyed strands of stones and Chinese crystals. Doesn't mean I won't pick up a few, (cough, cough) but it's not as exciting or inspiring as the big guns. Cool eggs, eh?
And they would look so pretty with these: Harvest Treats Bead Set or...
(It was a 102 degrees today - you better believe I'm over here dreaming about fall!)
Oh and isn't this pretty? Silk dupioni cord that my friend Angela gifted to me. We were brainstorming Etsy ideas for her and selling silk cord could be one of them. It's luscious, earthy and elegant.