Showing posts with label get healthy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label get healthy. Show all posts

14 November 2014


I've been dabbling in essential oils for about 9 months. We were super sick last winter and while looking for ways to help my family stay healthy, I stumbled into the strangely large world of essential oils.

Essential oils aren't that complicated. Basically, they are highly concentrated compounds distilled from a variety of plants.

It gets complicated, however, when you start to talk about various brands and companies that sell essential oils. Two large companies market them through direct-sale methods - folks not only buy oils, but they typically sign on as consultants (I did at first to get a discount on the products) and then can start to sell and market the oils and build their "business."

This is where things got strange for me. The cost, schemes, requirements, and business models of a few companies rubbed me the wrong way -- I wanted to use more oils in my house, but I just couldn't get around these things.

I have recently found a brand that I love - I'm loving the oils and the company itself! And it's been so fun learning new ways to use these powerful tools in new, beneficial ways.

I see myself writing more about the ways I use oils every day, and hope to share my experiences (in a fairly brand-neutral kind of way).

Do you use you essential oils? I'd love to hear how!

03 July 2014

Run, Run, Run

I used to hate runners. I know that "hate" is a strong feeling, but I really did feel quite passionate about my dislike of the whole concept of running. Most of my friends have always been runners and they would talk about it and I would roll my eyes.

But I will tell you, I think they were on to something.

I completed day 2 of Couch to 5k last night, and I know it's not much, but really, it's more than I've ever done.

I've tried running on a treadmill before and it was a disaster - I am not made to run inside. Running outside has been amazing. The breeze, the birds, selling hello to neighbors, watching the changing scenery. It's inspiring, really. I try to spend some time while I'm walking (because I can barely breath when I'm running) to pray. I've been asking God for strength because I don't think I would be on this journey without Him. I ask him for confidence in trying new things. I ask Him to help me see myself the way He sees me - as a work of beauty, not perfect, but intentionally designed in His image.

I've been following along with the Made to Crave bible plan through the YouVersion app. It's been life-giving! It speaks directly to my dependence on food and has helped me see what dependence on Christ can look like instead of turning to food.

I went to a weight-lifting class last week (and am still so sore, but a good sore). One of the instructors, while we were struggling with the last few reps said to not give up, because this is where the change happens. So true. Change happens now, not in a few months or when you get around to it or after this or that. Change happens in the small choices we make every single day.

What is one small change that you can make today?

30 June 2014

What are you drinking?

A huge part of my new mission has been to increase my water throughout the day. At first it was super hard (because it was a lot of water than I was used to and I spent a lot of time in the potty). But after a while it becomes a more natural part of your routine.

So, what am I drinking?

In the morning I usually have 1-2 cups of coffee. Typically it's just the usual cheap stuff out of the pot at work, but I recently made cold brew coffee and love it. I followed the Pioneer Woman's recipe (and cut it in half because it seriously makes a ton of coffee). I fill a mason jar with ice, then fill half with the coffee concentrate and top it with unsweetened almond milk. Have you tried almond milk? And coffee totally counts toward your water requirements. Just saying.

I've been getting a little tired of plain water, so I've added decaf green tea into the mix. The night before, I pour hot water in that jar and let it steep overnight in the fridge with two teabags. I take it to work in the morning and stick it in the fridge. I don't sweeten it (not a very sweet girl I guess). Fun fact, there are tons of benefits to drinking green tea each day.

Obviously. During my work day, I try to drink two Nalgenes worth of water (about 64 ounces). I like really cold water, so I fill it up when I get to work and pop it in the fridge. I try to have the first one done by around 3pm. I fill up again and take the rest on my drive home to finish in the car or with dinner. In addition to my trusty water bottle, I drink a full glass of water in the morning, usually one at dinner, and then water throughout and after my walk/run in the evening.

And what's been happening?

Like a race horse to be specific. I would say the first two weeks of being more intentional with my water I spent a lot of time in the potty, but my pee time has dropped a bit now that it's become a normal part of my day. Interested to know what your pee says about your health? I thought this was pretty interesting.

Ewww? More like awww! I 100% believe that drinking more water has been the ticket to improving my IBS symptoms (along with adding more yogurt, veggies, and flax to my diet). Healthy potty habits makes such a big difference (take it from me, I know!). When you're regular, your tummy feels better, your whole body feels better, and frankly, you're just happier!

I can tell a difference in the health of my skin now that I've upped the H20. It's healthier, glowier. My eczema flares haven't been as dramatic lately, either.

Here are a few more benefits of drinking water.

What am I limiting/not drinking?

I'm trying so hard to just let it go. It's gross and we don't need it.

I love juice, but the cheap stuff is full of yucky artificial crap and the good stuff is pricey and then I drink it all in one sitting.

I'm trying to limit alcohol to the weekends. I know that sounds funny, but during the week I really want to focus on working out and maintaining my energy levels. On the weekend I have a bit more time to relax and enjoy a glass of wine on the porch.

So, what can you do?

- Buy a water bottle you love and take it everywhere.
- Set water goals throughout the day.
- Limit other beverages like soda, juice, and alcohol and see them as treats, not the norm.
- If you love juice like me, put just a splash in a glass of ice water for a little flavor but not all the sugar.
- Set a reminder on your phone.
- Keep track in your planner.
- And sometimes, if I find it's getting into the evening and I haven't had much water, I just chug-a-lug and down a big glass or two.

Any advice on getting your 8 glasses a day?

26 June 2014

An Update

I feel like eating clean and whole foods is like a little secret - you don't realize just how amazing you will feel until you do it.

We all know that eating real food is good and processed food is bad, but for so long, it didn't matter. I knew it but I wasn't ready to admit it.

Well I've stumbled upon this life-changing secret, and I can tell you that a few weeks after I declared my mission to get healthy, I've honestly never felt better.

I think about food differently.
For so long I ate because I was bored, or emotional, stressed, or lonely. I rarely thought about the connection between what I ate and how I felt. Subconsciously I knew that my eating habits were zapping my energy, but I didn't know where to start making changes.

But then a switch flipped, and I started making one healthy choice per meal, and slowly I started to feel (and see) real differences.

Feeling better, feeling lighter, feeling more awake and energized, has been such good motivation to keep it up!

I think about food less often.
I thought about food all the time. At work, sitting in front of the computer, I thought about what I wanted to eat, talked myself in and out of grabbing something from the food court. I ran to Starbucks for a muffin because I didn't plan my lunch well.

I feel like all I thought about was food. What I wanted to eat, what I should eat, convincing myself I deserve a treat, convincing myself to restrain.

Surprisingly, now that I've cut out so much processed food and crap from my diet (and eating to sustain my energy and health, instead of emotional eating), I've now started to crave veggies at lunch, smoothies in the morning, good stuff. I don't feel like I'm denying myself anything.

I eat more food.
It is amazing how much food you eat when you start eating real food.

I used to bring such horrible lunches - I never knew what to pack, and my measly lunch left me hungry (and running to the vending machine or food court) a few hours later.

I've seen a great shift in my eating now that I take a few minutes to plan our my food for the day. I have a smoothie in the morning (or make oatmeal at work if I'm in a rush). Today for lunch I packed a slice of lean turkey and a slice of cheese, celery and peanut butter, and a tomato and cucumber salad for lunch, I had grapes for a mid-morning snack, and I'll have an apple around 3:30. If I spread my lunch out over the course of the day, I am so much more inclined to eat healthy and not crave junk come 4pm.

I feel stronger.
I feel so good. Truly. I feel stronger and lighter. Things fit better. I've been sleeping better (although I still hate waking up). I've had more energy. And, my favorite part, I think I've been happier. I sometimes struggle with finding joy throughout the day, but as I've been treating myself better, I think my perspective and attitude has shifted for the better.

I have a happy stomach.
Ok, seriously, this is so amazing. I have had major tummy troubles in the past - like not being able to leave the house for fear of being too far from a bathroom. My insides were constantly shifting between being so very sick to being so very stopped-up. This may seem gross to some, but to those who struggle with stomach issues, it can be debilitating.

Since shifting my diet, my stomach has been amazing. No more fear of eating away from home. No more sluggish stomach aches.

Next up...running.
Last night I did the first day of Couch to 5k. It was amazing. I ran through our neighborhood (so much better than on a treadmill) and loved being outside that I hardly noticed the time passing. I woke up actually looking forward to running today.

Wow, ok, so much good stuff happening. I haven't been this proud of myself in quite a while. I've been thinking a lot lately how I really do control the healthy habits of my family (organizing time exercising, grocery shopping, planning meals), and it's vital that I do the very best I can. This has been such an important realization for me as I walk this journey to a happier, healthier life.

05 June 2014

On a Mission

You know when you've done something for so long and it's left you feeling bad? Not necessarily an every day, all day, conscious kind of bad. More of a numb feeling, like you're stuck and can't figure out the first steps to get your self out?

That's where I found myself a little over a month ago with food. I had just finished my second ice cream sundae contemplating even more. Why not? My pants were already feeling tight. My stomach wasn't feeling great, but it hadn't been for so long. I've had a long day/it's going to be a long night/Sam's been a stinker/I just deserve it.

I have always had very little self control when it came to food, but I was finding myself at rock bottom.

I'm not really sure what shook me out of it, but one day I found myself ordering a salad. The next I ate my hamburger without a bun. I started making a green smoothie every morning. I added tons of raw veggies to our fridge (with homemade greek yogurt dip). My savory pinterest board started to look a little different. I cut out pasta and bread. I started drinking lots more water. I made spaghetti squash and loved it. I lost a few pounds. Hell, I bought a bikini.

But most importantly, I have never felt better.

I've always had stomach issues, and it's taken a lot to start healing my tummy, but I think I'm absolutely on the right track. Since I started eating drastically different than my normal, I can tell when something triggers a stomach ache. I can set better limits. And when I have one weekend where I eat anything I want and get super duper sick, well, I'm even more motivated to continue eating simple, clean food.

Have you had any success with changing your perspective on food? Any tips or tricks? I'd love to hear your thoughts as I start this new journey.

I've always been one to roll my eyes at people when I see that their trying to eat healthy. Or laugh out loud at the millions of my friends who run marathons each week. But you know what, I signed up for Race for the Cure in September, and I'm going to actually try to run it. Watch out world, it's amazing what I can do when I put my mind to it!

This is a girl on a mission.

Well, really this is a terrible selfie in the bathroom where I work. But also, a girl on a mission.