Showing posts with label Autumn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Autumn. Show all posts

Sunday, September 2, 2012


The first song that actually inspired the c.d. - both thematically and musically - was the song, I Should Know Better.  It, like all the songs, is very, very loosely inspired by the fairy tale.  But I DO mention pumpkins in it, so... Musically, I'm playing around with different vintage amp filters (particularly British rock ones) to filter the piano and bass through. I'm also experimenting with more harmonies.

Here I am enjoying the first pumpkin latte of the season...  How many of you did too?  

-Photos by Maria Jones

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Ninth Episode of Rose-Colored Radio Show

Brought to you by pumpkin spice lattes

In which we welcome Fall with open arms, songs and more.  Featuring an interview with backyard expert, Miss Becky Lou Bright.

Vivaldi's Autumn available for download here
A Reason to Stay Up All Night from my album "A Reason to Stay Up All Night" available on iTunes.

Written by Sally Flynn and Emma Wallace

Monday, September 26, 2011

Autumn - by Vivaldi - resketched by Emma

Song Sketch

Image from here

Wednesday is my Fall-themed podcast (hurrah!) and I thought it'd be fun to have an autumnal song in the lineup.  This is my sketchy take on a classic... 

What do you think?

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Pomegranates in the Produce Section!

I always get excited when there are pomegranates in the produce section, pumpkin spice lattes at Starbucks and cinnamon brooms at the grocery store. It's my very favorite time of year! 
At the end of August I worked with film guru
Corey Morrison on some live music videos. I'm hoping to have the videos soon but until then, check out some behind-the-scenes pics!
I have two very, VERY exciting gigs coming up in October. Friday, October 3, I'll be playing at the
ELLA festival at 8 p.m. The festival showcases local female musical geniuses over two days so it should be a weekend to remember! It does cost a smidgen for tickets ($10 for one night, $20 for both Friday and Saturday), but if you are interested, I have some here you can buy. Just email me and let me know how many you need! 

Also, I'm playing at the
Central Florida Veg Fest on Saturday, October 25 at 11 a.m.  Although there won't be any steak served, there will be lots of entertainment and cool booths to buy tasty
vegan cupcakes. It's in Loch Haven Park, which is right next to the Orlando Museum of Art, so you can swing by the museum and make it a whole day of culture. 

I may also be playing at Virgin Megastore again in October but I don't have a date yet. So just check back on my website and I'll have the gig listed! 
Now, I'm sure that you have several copies of my cd. But there may be those out there in this world who don't have either of my cds- not even one copy! So, CD Baby has made it super easy to link to where people can buy my album. If you are so inclined, you can click
here to download a button for your blog, website, MySpace, etc. that will direct clickers to my page. I would definitely appreciate the support! 

I hope you have a marvelous October- filled with cinnamon scones and Gala apples.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Brand New Newsletter!

I just started working with Emma, the email marketing company (weird coincidence with the whole name thing, don't you think?), to design and send out my newsletters.  They have features like "Send to a Friend" and chic stationery.  Now you can stay updated in style! Join my list and sign up here!

I've been featured on a German podcast, Podshots ( several times.  I'm even on his banner!  So feel free to go on there, listen and write effusive comments about his splendid choice of music!  

I have two gigs coming up in the month of the Autumnal Equinox. 
1.  I'm playing at Virgin Megastore  ( on Monday, September 8 at 6 p.m.  They actually play my music throughout the store so you can listen and browse!  Then, you can take a nice, leisurely walk to Ghirardelli's.  They have the best brownie sundaes.  I am completely serious.   2.  I'll be at Infusion Tea  ( on Friday, September 18 at 7:30 p.m.  It might even be cold then, so you can truly enjoy your tea!  Even if it's not, they have scrumptious orange glazed muffins (does that rule of not shopping while hungry also apply to not writing while hungry?).

I hope to see you all at a show this month and hope, for my Floridian and coastal fans, that the coming storms leave your lawns nicely watered but no adverse affects...

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Ah... Autumn!

And along with the lovely red leaves (which we don't really get in Florida) and the blustery winds (which are probably too warm to be considered "blustery"), we (well, I, at least) have the desire to feel cozy! And what better way to feel cozy than with a toasty Scotch and soda in your hand! All ye who love late nights and potent brew, I ask to come and listen to me at the Central Station Bar (100 E Central Blvd Orlando, FL 32801) on Thursday, October 25 at 11 p.m. "11 p.m.?!" I hear you exclaim! Yes, indeed, 11 p.m. And a $5 cover. But the proceeds of both attendance and applause benefit the musician so it's a good cause.
I'd really love to see you all there!

In other news, I've been reviewed on two blogs! Both and have written very cordial reviews. So, you should all read them! And I would truly appreciate those of you who are generous enough to download my CD from iTunes to write a nice review on that as well! Truly, I would. But, remember that you can still buy my CD from or from Park Ave. CDs- the store.

I look forward to seeing you all on Thursday, October 25 at 11 p.m.! Happy Autumn!