Showing posts with label independent artist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label independent artist. Show all posts

Thursday, May 6, 2010

We are Living in a Digital World

I just finished submitting my songs to CD Baby and therefore iTunes so my songs will be available for download in the next week or so! A woo and a hoo! But right after posting, I had an impassioned plea from a Twitter follower to release a physical c.d. - which I'm not 100% sure I'm doing.

So, what do you all think? I've copied a paragraph I had written around a year ago when I was first planning to do the album that mentions some of the pros and cons.

The pros to digital only are pretty easy to see- more ecofriendly, less expensive, no concern about storage (the CDs from my first album are taking up prime real estate in my closet), the vast majority of my sales have been digital anyway, easier to track sales and, well, those are pretty much the pros. The cons to digital only are that I couldn't sell them at shows, there are audience members who really aren't into the whole digital music thing and I wouldn't get to have a pretty CD cover and insert. Sigh.

So, my faithful readers/listeners, what is your take? Where you stand on this polarizing issue?

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

An Interview with artist Brian Demeter and my First Giveaway!


I am so excited to be able to interview a local artist here in central Florida, Brian
Demeter! He has also agreed to do a giveaway of this 5x9 Owl print!

Details of the giveaway are at the end of his interview...

(Q): Your art has such a fantastical and whimsical style - what other artists are your inspirations?

(A): Thanks. I’m a big fan of other illustrators. I’ve always loved the work of Larry Moore, Michael Whelan (Sci-Fi book cover legend), Drew Struzan (Star Wars poster fame), and Mary Grandpre (Harry Potter covers). Jimmy Pickering, Lane Smith, Peter Brown, and Oliver Jeffers jump to mind as well.

(Q): Anything else that's been inspiring you lately?

(A) Believe it or not I’ve just gotten into comic books. Only took me 34 years. I've always been a late bloomer. I’m a fan of many different artistic interpretations of iconographic imagery and well known stories so I dig how you can find that a lot in the world of comic books and graphic novels. I'm presently loving the artwork of Frank Quitely, Tim Sale, and Phil Noto.

(Q): I know you do a lot for animal causes. Do you have a favorite animal? And why?

(A): Yes, hawks. Hard to say really. I've always been attracted to birds of prey and felt a strange connection. I once found a Red-shouldered hawk's wing feather lying right in front of the driver's side of my car, like it was just miraculously placed there. I had raptors at my wedding. When I asked a spiritual guru friend what the hawk symbolized he said: "Hawks are the link between the animal world and the human world." Instant goose bumps (check out my artwork repertoire).

(Q): How can just anyone help out animals?

(A): When helping with anything in life I'm a fan of finding your own unique way of doing so. I do a lot of charity artwork for different animal related organizations for both conservation and rehabilitation... and even education. Use what you're good at as a tool to guide you.

(Q): What is a day in the life of a freelance artist/illustrator?

(A): Every artist is different so I can only speak for myself. I now have a toddler son so each day is different but before he was born I'd usually start the day with a 3 mile walk to get the blood flowing. Then once I got home a showered I'd begin work on whatever projects were going. I can usually only paint straight for about 4 hours at a time before my eyes feel like popping out of my skull. So I'd take a break and check e-mails or work on other business related items. Sometimes run errands. Then come back and work some more. If you have a rep, like I do there's a lot of juggling a bunch of aspects, like providing new samples and designing promotional materials. Plus, there's always websites, blogs, etc to maintain. Being seen is key!

(Q): What is the process that takes place when you create a new piece of art?

(A): It all begins with my favorite part: The Challenge. Once either the client or myself come up with a concept I love the spark of adrenaline that hits me. I'm usually the most creative within the first few minutes of conception. I'll create a pencil sketch and then look it over for any logistical problems. I tend to not be an over thinker in this stage which can be a double edged sword. However I prefer to maintain the initial emotion in the final piece so I don't re-visit the sketch much. Once the sketch is good to go I transfer it to which ever support I choose to work on for that piece. Could be pre-primed board, panel, wood. Then the painting, scanning, varnishing and... finished!

(Q): What would you say to other artists/musicians/creative types that want to have their dream job and work from home?

(A): This is an extremely personal decision for each artist to make. I still consider my self a beginner student in this arena but I did learn one valuable personal lesson recently. It may not be for everyone but may help some. Before taking the leap ask yourself: "Is doing art (or any artistic venture) something I enjoy more as a hobby, one where the most amount of joy comes from personal fulfillment (and perhaps a few bucks here and there, charities, contests, etc) or do I want to turn "fun" (your soul release) into "work". Is there a gray area? Of course. Is finding it easy? Not for me.

(Q): You are an amazing supporter of other independent artists and musicians (thanks!). How can people get involved in their local creative community?

(A): Response is key. If you take time to respond to other artist's work then others will take time to respond to yours when you present it. Whether you're the most famous artist in the entire universe or a child who just made art for the first time, what you truly want is a response. Simple as that.

(Q): Describe your perfect morning/evening/day.

(A): Perfect day, as an artist: George Lucas calls me, says: "Brian, I've have you and four other artist's in mind for a personal commission to hang in my office. Please get me a sketch of your favorite character to me in two hours. Whoever wins gets to be a Jedi Knight in my next production." I frantically tell my wife. She offers to take our son with her to 711 to buy me a Arizona Energy Tea and a Zone Bar (and Fig Netwons). When she gets back she drops the goods and takes our son for a out-and-about day so I can focus. Before they leave she hands me a Papa Johns gift card (for lunch). Hugs. Kisses. I'm OFF to the drawing board. My heart is pounding. I'm searching for reference. Posing in the mirror. Singing theme songs and I have it, the image! I'm sketching. Inking, Eating pizza, Painting. Scanning, E-mailing. Finally George calls me: "Sorry Brian, I've selected another artists." No worries." I respond. "I've already won a perfect day as an artist." :)

(Q): You and your lovely wife have an adorable baby boy. Has your art changed at all since you've been a daddy?

(A): As he gets older (He's 17 months now) I can see his influence coming through more prevalently. It's subtle now though. I foresee him having a big influence as he (or we) grow.

(Q): What are some ways to find art/inspiration in everyday situations?

(A): Take wisdom from a hawk. Seek it. Wait for it. Let yourself, float, glide, and soar within creativity until you spot inspiration... then dive when the time is right.

Thank you for your answers and inspiration, Brian!

Now that you all are crazy for his art and want a print yourselves, all you have to do is click here, sign up for his monthly enewsletter and come back here and comment that you signed up. The giveaway will be open until midnight, December 17.

Good luck!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Heard it on the Radio

I had the distinct pleasure of being interviewed by the delightful Nora Manca, DJ of Sunday Standards in Chicago. She'll be playing the interview along with some of my songs on Sunday from noon to 3 p.m. CST. Have a listen at!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

If Bare Limbs You Like...

I recorded another cover, this one of another favorite songwriter, Cole Porter. I love so many of his songs, picking one was very difficult. I chose Anything Goes for three reasons:

1. One kind listener/reader in Chicago said she would like to hear my take on it. Maybe, because I chose her favorite song, she'll send me some of those fabulous Chicago chocolates...

2. I have a thing where I can't seem to write a song unless it is a love song. This song is a perfect example of a song that has really nothing to do with love and yet the final line of the song is romantic (ish). So perhaps Mr. Porter shared my weakness.

3. A friend informed me that this song is the opening sequence in the second Indiana Jones movie which kind of makes the song summery. In a blockbuster, popcorn, no school kind of way.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Photos in the Afternoon Light

I played a gig at the University Club of Winter Park a couple weeks ago and my mother (make-up artist and stylist extraordinaire) dressed me up all glamorously. Then, since the afternoon light was so beautiful in the apartment, my photographer (aka: sister - I keep it in the family!) took some photos.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Cold Coffee

I was in Winter Park doing a sound check for an upcoming show, and my camera-savvy sister took some photos of me enjoying my blueberry scone and delicious German Chocolate Cake-flavored Coffee Cooler from Barnie's (basically chocolate milk with caffeine... yum).

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Fun Piano Clip...

I find that lyrics are much more difficult to write than music so for every one complete song, I have about five tunes without words. Or with just a phrase I like. Or with most of the words but just not enough to have the song be finished.

So, some of the songs I just record as instrumentals only like this little piano clip. Enjoy!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

!Feliz Cinco de Mayo!

My most prolific fanvid creator just published another of her lovely fan videos to one of my most Latin-flavored songs!

I am in awe of the way she gets the dancing so perfect in the instrumental section.

Friday, April 24, 2009

What Are YOU Doing 10 Days After Earth Day?

On Saturday, May 2, there will be a completely marvelous Earth Day Festival in downtown Orlando around Lake Eola. They'll have vendors, speakers, food and, most of all, entertainers- myself, included- fun for everyone. The event lasts from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and I will be performing on the acoustic stage at 5 p.m.

I hope to see all local fans there!

For those who are too far away to attend, check back by in a couple weeks where hopefully I'll have pics and maybe a short video clip of the show.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Oh Dream Maker, You Heart Breaker

As I'm working laying down rough tracks to give a producer for my next c.d., I'm always looking for inspiration. This video (and song) is exactly how I want one of the songs in my next c.d. to sound; in other words, I plan to have Henry Mancini's orchestra play backup to me as I adorably and wistfully strum a guitar.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Could You Coo?

I'm performing at a very posh show in May at the Winter Park University Club and the organizer wanted me to play some old jazz standards. One of my
very favorite composers ever is Gershwin- his music always reminds me why I have to be a musician (no matter the impracticality of the job). I recorded a rough little chorus from one of my favorites of his, I've Got A Crush On You, on my GarageBand.

Tell me what you think!

Friday, April 3, 2009

I Got Rhythm, I Got Twitter...

I'm now on Twitter! You can follow my incredibly enlightened and witty sayings nonstop if you follow my screenname- @iamemmamusic.

You should also check out this youtube video made by a listener in Mexico- a little more noir than my typical lollipops and rainbows style, but very artistic!

Friday, March 20, 2009


I'm working on pre-recording some songs for the next album... I've got a pretty sweeeet setup- a Blue Snowball USB microphone, my trusty Yamaha and my Apple.
Not to mention my lucky red mug filled with Bengal Spice herb tea.

Although I guess I just did mention it.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Pomegranates in the Produce Section!

I always get excited when there are pomegranates in the produce section, pumpkin spice lattes at Starbucks and cinnamon brooms at the grocery store. It's my very favorite time of year! 
At the end of August I worked with film guru
Corey Morrison on some live music videos. I'm hoping to have the videos soon but until then, check out some behind-the-scenes pics!
I have two very, VERY exciting gigs coming up in October. Friday, October 3, I'll be playing at the
ELLA festival at 8 p.m. The festival showcases local female musical geniuses over two days so it should be a weekend to remember! It does cost a smidgen for tickets ($10 for one night, $20 for both Friday and Saturday), but if you are interested, I have some here you can buy. Just email me and let me know how many you need! 

Also, I'm playing at the
Central Florida Veg Fest on Saturday, October 25 at 11 a.m.  Although there won't be any steak served, there will be lots of entertainment and cool booths to buy tasty
vegan cupcakes. It's in Loch Haven Park, which is right next to the Orlando Museum of Art, so you can swing by the museum and make it a whole day of culture. 

I may also be playing at Virgin Megastore again in October but I don't have a date yet. So just check back on my website and I'll have the gig listed! 
Now, I'm sure that you have several copies of my cd. But there may be those out there in this world who don't have either of my cds- not even one copy! So, CD Baby has made it super easy to link to where people can buy my album. If you are so inclined, you can click
here to download a button for your blog, website, MySpace, etc. that will direct clickers to my page. I would definitely appreciate the support! 

I hope you have a marvelous October- filled with cinnamon scones and Gala apples.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Summer arrives (although, if you live in Florida, it came around two months ago)!

First off, I want to thank everyone who came out to my May shows!  They were successful, more fun than words can describe and I am duly grateful.  

AAAaaand, I have been voted as one of Axis Magazine's 20 Coolest People in Orlando.

I kid you not.


So you can read the interview of me at (I'm on page 28) or pick it up at select locations (comment if you want to know where).  

I also have several enlightening shows this month so please take a break from beaches, barbecues and TVLand reruns to come by!

Thursday, June 19, from 7 - 9 p.m., I'm playing at Urban Think for Third Thursday.  For those who may not be familiar with Third Thursday, it's a monthly celebration of art in Orlando partaken by art venues from the Orlando Museum of Art to independent galleries.  There's wine, there's witty conversation and, this Thursday at least, there's me!  

Friday, June 27, 7:30-8:30 p.m., I'm back at my favorite haunt, Infusion Tea (1600 Edgewater Dr., Orlando, FL 32803).  They have iced tea too (and air conditioning), so don't let the sultry weather dissuade you.

Saturday, June 28, 11 - 2 p.m., I'm playing at the Winter Park Chamberlin's for a Health Fair!  How fun is THAT?!

Last of all, one of my fan vids (featuring Nick and Nora) on YouTube has had over one thousand views!  So, it must be good.  Check it out at .  

I hope you have the very best June ever (so far!) and that I see you/hear from you soon.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

So many things to talk about, so little time...

I hope you're enjoying your Spring, everyone!   I have several delightful things to tell you all:

First off, I have a very talented fan who has created several fan videos on YouTube!  I'm featuring her first video on this entry: a delightful homage to Fred and Ginger with "Support for My Argument" as a soundtrack.

Also, I have two shows and April and both of them are this week:
April 17, 7 - 9 p.m. Infusion Tea at Urban Think
April 18, 7:30 p.m. Infusion Tea in College Park
I'd love to see you at one of those shows this week!

One last thing, I have a whole new series of t-shirts (designed by Sarah Wallace) available at Cafe Press so check them out here!

Friday, April 4, 2008

I've been interviewed...

You can read my recent interview at Unsigned, the Magazine's website.  Very lovely!

I'll be in Paris next week hopefully lining up shows for the summer so if you try to contact me during the next week, I won't get back to you.  But it won't be for lack of love- just lack of Internet access.

Check back in because I'll be setting up shows for the end of April.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

To Fill You In On February...

February, although quite possibly the shortest month of the year, is going to be a busy month in Emma-Music-ville!

I have a show at Jazzy Dog Cafe on January 30 at 6 p.m. I know, by the way, that January 30 isn't in February. But February is, as I said, a short month so a couple extra days will only help it out.

I have another show at Dandelion Communitea Café on February 1 at 9 p.m. First day of February! Hurrah!

Then I skip a weekend. Take time off, everyone; spend time with your families.

Then I have another show at Drunken Monkey Cafe on Friday, February 15 at 9 p.m. Forgot Valentine's Day? Take your sweetie to this hotspot and all will be forgiven.

Last but not least, I have a show at the lovely Infusion Tea in College Park on Friday, February 22 at 7:30 p.m.

So, those are the shows. I most certainly look forward to seeing you all there!

Oh, and Happy Leap Year Month!