Here is me lying in the grass defying all allergies. HA!
I know it's not very sexy or glamorous but I fear that I have allergies. And when I have an allergy attack, I tend to sneeze. A lot. Like four in a row. Fortunately, I can keep my allergies at bay by incorporating local honey into my diet (it really works, guys, it just takes a couple months to work but it DOES). But I know the agony (maybe too strong of a word) of trying to sneak into the bedroom without waking up my baby and then... ah ah ah CHOO! Anyway, I wrote and recorded this little ragtime piano piece with that image in mind. Download, enjoy and eat local honey.
I'd read, years back, that if one eats local honey they will create a natural immunity for the local allergens and no longer have allergies. It seemed so incredible, in a world where there are so many sufferers of allergies, that the solution was that simple so I never actually did it. However, last year, when I was just pregnant, my midwife told me that if I got an asthma attack (I've had asthma since middle school) while near my delivery date, it could mean serious complications and would definitely keep me from having the natural childbirth I really wanted. Her solution: a nip or two of local honey about eight times a day.
Well, I went ahead and did it, starting in February, and continued to have the occasional issue through spring but once autumn ended, I realized that I hadn't had an allergy attack or any asthma in months. Craziness! Aaaand, I still haven't - over a year later. I feel like I have to share this amazing thing with you. Here are two websites that may help you find local honey. It did take a while to kick in, but now, after years, I'm allergy-free!