Showing posts with label piano piece. Show all posts
Showing posts with label piano piece. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Sneezy Sneak Rag

Song Sketch

Here is me lying in the grass defying all allergies. HA!

I know it's not very sexy or glamorous but I fear that I have allergies.  And when I have an allergy attack, I tend to sneeze.  A lot. Like four in a row.  Fortunately, I can keep my allergies at bay by incorporating local honey into my diet (it really works, guys, it just takes a couple months to work but it DOES).  But I know the agony (maybe too strong of a word) of trying to sneak into the bedroom without waking up my baby and then...  ah ah ah CHOO!  

Anyway, I wrote and recorded this little ragtime piano piece with that image in mind.  Download, enjoy and eat local honey.