Own Your Trips

Showing posts with label korea travel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label korea travel. Show all posts

Sunday, 3 June 2018

Kimfad Travel Joined Tour 2018

This year will be the 4th year of operation for my humble company, Kimfad Travel.
I'd like to thank all the guests who have traveled with us so far. Some readers who found my blog, emailed me asking whether I'm still doing this service, the answer is YES. And we're striving to open few other routes too!

#JoinedTourKimfad 2018

17 - 21 August (RM2100/pax) in SEOUL
21 - 25 August (RM2300/pax) in JEJU ISLAND

Special activities for summer: Outdoor movie watching, farm cooking & dining with locals at Jeju Island. 
As for the trip in Seoul, we will bring our guests to enjoy Paju city where you can visit the local artistic village and the last village before North Korea!

 2 - 6 October (RM2500/pax) in JEJU ISLAND
2 - 6 November (RM2100/pax) in SEOUL

Special peak autumn trip to Busan, Korea & Fukuoka, Japan for 8D7N:
RM6800/adult (FULLBOARD inc flight ticket)

Autumn this year, we'll bring you to experience so many activities with the local such as fruit picking & a special 2D1N trip to local village just like the Korean variety TV show, 2 days 1 night. We're also the FIRST travel agency organising a trip to Busan & Fukuoka. Definitely a trip you should join for you to learn about 2 cultures in 2 different cities of 2 different countries.

All our packages are lead by a local Malaysian who has stayed in Korea/Japan for years. They know the city inside out and eager to show you how these cities are unique in its own way. 

You can email: kimfadtravelmate@gmail.com for more info!

**for winter, we'll release the dates and rate soon through our FB page : Ke Korea Kimfad / IG : @kimfadtourguide

Friday, 3 June 2016

Life in Korea: First Impression & Adapting Process (Part 1)

Assalamualaikum and hi! ^^

Even though I have set a goal to blog once a week this month, I just can't.. Totally busy with the spring trip (10 days in Seoul) and of course.. assignments, exams, projects etc etc. *excuse excuse* >.<

Since I've been travelling back and forth KL-Seoul, I thought it's time for me to reflect on the journey I had previously- living in Seoul for a year.

As some of you might have known, Korea has a homogeneous society. I wasn't aware of that until I arrived for the first time...

1) Muka se-pattern

Malaysian yang pernah datang Korea maybe akan rasa benda yang sama. Muka orang Korea ni nampak samaaaaa je semua. Tak macam kat Malaysia, ada bermacam rupa, warna dan bentuk haha.

So, mula-mula sampai memang rasa macam pelik gila. Tapi bukan I sorang je pelik tengok orang Korea ni. Orang Korea mestilah lagi pelik tengok I. (Oh. I'm trying to change from pronoun, "aku" to "I" for the sake of adik-adik dan akak-akak yang membaca blog ku ini hehe). Sebab apa tau? Masih ramai orang Korea yang tak pernah nampak orang berhijab. Lagi-lagi kalau balik kampung kat Daejon tu, mesti ramai orang pandang dua kali. Kalau jalan pegang tangan dengan Kim, lagilaaaa lol.

Lepastu ramai akan tanya, "Indonesia?" hahaha. Bila tanya Kim kenapa dorang asyik tanya Indonesia je tak tanya Malaysia pun? Dia jawab, sama lah macam kita tak boleh bezakan orang putih tu dari Amarika ke UK ke Australia ke. Ok apa-apa je la. So, that's my first impression.

2) Bersih


Memang tak dinafikan, walaupun tong sampah susah nak jumpa, tempat dorang memang bersih even yang berniaga gerai-gerai kecil tu. Then I found out that their cleaning engineers clean up the street and take the rubbish at midnight or dawn. Masa orang lain sibuk tidur, datanglah lori kutip sampah ni bersihkan jalan, ambil sampah-sampah yang orang kedai dah asingkan semua siap-siap letak tepi jalan.

3) Koreans are efficient

Separation of waste dekat rumah adik ipar. >.<

This is a culture I learn by heart throughout my stay. And of course lah sepanjang kahwin orang Korea ni memang banyak kali kena tarbiyah dengan Kim suruh jadi efisyen sikit. Contohnya macam cara buang sampah kat sana. Punyalah payah! Kotak, botol, plastik kena masuk recycle. Sisa buangan makanan plastik khas. Tisu, kertas yang dah tak boleh recycle masuk sampah waste biasa. Know what am sayengh? Pening kan?

Rasanya first 2 months duduk sana memang berkelahi dengan Kim pasal cara buang sampah je. Kalau kat Malaysia kita ada 3 kategori recycle je kan? Tapi kalau kat Korea, memang tak sama. Kalau tisu dah guna dengan a4 paper kita pakai buang dekat bahagian kertas pun boleh kan kalau kat Malaysia ni? Tapi kat Korea tak boleh. Kotak biskut katakan, Kim akan buka kotak tu, flat kan dia untuk buang tempat recycle. Kalau minum susu pisang tu kan penutup dia macam foil aluminium kan? Yang tu asingkan ke waste, bekas plastik susu je masuk ke recycle. Sama macam makan maggie cup kari tu, penutup atas plastik sampah biasa, bekas maggie tu cuci-cuci sikit baru buang kat plastik recycle. Haaa fenin fenin...

Tanyalah Kim, kenapa lah nak susah-susah macam ni? Kertas, plastik, botol kaca kalau buat style Malaysia tu je kan mudah. Dia kata eh taaaak. Lebih efisyen macam ni. Dah asing semua nak recycle apa semua lagi mudah kerja orang lain. Yes, itu fahaman dia, kalau kita sama-sama memudahkan orang lain, the whole system will be efficient. Bukan "kalau-kita-tak-buang-merata-orang-kerja-angkat-sampah-takde-kerja" mindset. Even kalau pergi cinema kan, Kim and some other people taking out their own garbage buang kat luar. Geddit?

4) The must-be-a-beauty culture

Our skincare. kkkk

Ok. So you know plastic surgeries are very common among Koreans but NOT ALL of them did that. Ada yang kata surgery kat Korea murah sebab tu ramai orang dari luar negara datang buat kat sana tapi hakikatnya, untuk orang Korea macam Kim, cost tu masih mahal.

Yang penting sekali, diorang sangat menitikberatkan penampilan. Bila pakai cantik-cantik, bagi diorang kemas. Jangan terkejut bila datang Korea even atuk-atuk pakai suit siap kot dengan topi yang Bruno Mars biasa pakai tu bagai sebab dah memang culture diorang. Neat is the all-time fashion.

Masa mula-mula sampai I memang jenis tak pakai makeup, so keluar pergi mana-mana barefaced je (skincare pakai lah sampai sunblock). Tapi lama-lama memang rasa oblige to put on some make up kalau tak rasa tak confident tengok dorang semua cantik-cantik and kemas je. Kim siap cakap nanti tak makeup takde siapa nak kawan haha. At last, pandai belajar pakai makeup lepas balik Korea. Tapi of course lah sikit-sikit je. Takdelah makeup macam orang Korea dah macam kuih lapis segala. Kihkih.

Pernah Kim pakai suit untuk satu conference yang dia pergi kat Singapore. Habis balik rumah lecturer dia hantar, I sampai lambat sikit. Sesampai je tengok dia mencangkung kat depan pagar. Padahal tepi pagar tu ada je tembok boleh duduk. Sebabnya? Tembok berhabuk nanti kotor baju dah tak kemas. Hmmmm dah balik dah pun boleh je cuci nanti. 

Lagi satu cerita. Masa di Korea, kitorang ni duduk macam villa like small apartment gitu. Dekat area situ adalah CU (convenience store) about 2 minutes walking distance je from ours. Tiap kali kalau Kim nak keluar beli something, dia akan pakai bingkai spectacles besar gedabak (you know Koreans and their big spectacles berpisah tiada jua) yang takde cermin tu. Padahal keluar tak lama pun. Baru nampak well-presented kata dia. Adoiiiii... Macam-macam hal. Tapi itulah definisi cantik. Sampai kesudah mesti kena "cantik".

5) Makan

Dah pandai makan seafood and veggies ^^

Ok. Kalau cerita bab makan ni boleh emo. Sebab I kalau kat Malaysia hari-hari mesti makan ayam. Memang jenis tak makan seafood lah daging lah, NAK AYAM. Sebulan pertama di Korea tak dapat makan ayam sebab masa tu takde duit, dua2 study, scholarship, part-time job semua belum buat lagi. Daging ayam halal pulak sangatlah mahal, so makanan hari-hari yang mana ada je. At last, on one Friday prayer in Itaewon, Kim kata jomlah kita makan nasi beriyani ayam sebab isteri dia dah asyik telan air liur tengok & bau ayam sepanjang laluan balik dari masjid. So kitorang pun berhenti dekat salah satu restoran halal order lah satu ayam beriyani (10,000won) share berdua. Masa ni 10,000won tu sangatlah berharga okay. Sebab kalau makan kat Korean restaurant boleh kenyang makan 2 dishes. 

Bila ingat balik memang rasa bersyukur sangat we went through those hardships together, just the two of us. Tak cerita dekat family masing-masing. Tak mintak duit family masing. Just us. Lama-lama alhamdulillah, I learnt how to eat and survive dekat negara orang, apa yang boleh makan, apa yang tak boleh. Ikut guidelines and fiqh-fiqh Islam yang kawan-kawan yang dah lama duduk Korea bagi tunjuk ajar. Mudah je Islam rupanya. :')
And yeayyy I can know enjoy all sorts of foods, not being too choosy, not anymore. 

I guess that's all for now. Will update more about life in Korea if more people wanna know about it. :D 

Tuesday, 12 January 2016

2016 Resolutions: How I plan to achieve it.

Assalamualaikum and hi!

Finally!!! I'm free from exam and studies (for a month!) so here I am trying to declare my 2016 resolutions. I've been wondering how what is the best way to set aims and ways to achieve it. This year, I'm gonna do it seriously. I swear. X'D 

Therefore, this year, I'm going to strive for:

1. Complete TESL degree with flying colors (if possible, first class).
2. Expand KimFad Travel empire.
3. Blog at least once a month.
4. Be organised.
5. Cook well for my jagi (plus, learn more Korean recipes).
6. Buy iPhone 6s+ (I can't believe my hub agreed to get me this :'D Gumawo sayang!)
7. Save money to bring ibu & ayah to umrah in 2017.
8. Travel to Disneyland.
9. Learn Korean until I'm fluent (well, fluent enough to nag at my hub lol).
10. Take TOPIK.

To achieve all those, I need a plan. A plan means PLANNERSSSS! HAHA *pontianak laugh*

Now, I have few planners (don't be shocked. I'm still normal compared to other PAMians) to manage my life but I always carry around Ardium planner, a brand from Korea, for a bujo (bullet journal). I jot down things I need to do, events, purchase, meals I had, the day's goal, gratitude log and notes every day. 

Besides, I keep myself another cute journal from Korea as well, given by sister-in-law. I journal 3-4 times a week depending on my mood and things that happen that I think need to be kept in my memory (Dr.M kata Melayu mudah lupa. I'm Malay at heart. See?). 

I also have MAMBI planner, my dream as my everything-I-need-to-put-nicely planner. So, Ardium is basically my planner I don't really decorate well because it was dated 2015 monthly but since I like the bullets page, I decided to use it anyway for my everyday use. Yang janji tulis dan tak lupa buat. MAMBI tak boleh! Because I love MAMBI and it has to be perfect (visually). Whatever I wrote in the Ardium and journal, I'll write it again in MAMBI. <3

Now, I need 2 more planners, my work planner and my studies planner. LOL
I've been thinking of getting the Paperdorable planner but will survey more in Korea soon to compare. Let's see about that.

Besides those planners, I divided my goals into 2 (like having 2 semesters in a year). I write every month's goals towards achieving the major 10 goals. And divide the goals into 4 themes: studies, finance, personal and career. 

I actually have more to achieve but these are my main goals. My hub and I need to save money for walimatulurus in Malaysia (we haven't done it properly yet, and in Korea- which will cost a fortune T_T so I decided that saving my parents' umrah trip will be the priority for now, may Allah ease).

After all, I plan but I won't forget that Allah is the best planner of all. Let's hope it's my rezeki after I (of course with my hub too) work for them, insyaAllah.
Pray for me? Thank you! ^^

Friday, 8 January 2016

January in Seoul & To-do List

Salam and hello!

I can't wait for my trip to Seoul (again) next week. Despite the fact that I'm still in my final exam week, I thought I really need to list some of the things I wanna do during this trip. It's another special trip with joined group for my tour package:

p/s: If you're interested to join those trips, kindly pm me directly at facebook page Ke Korea Kimfad ok! ^^

But, I will be going earlier and spend a week of leisure with my youngest sister, Aishah and a good friend of mine, Iz. It is their first winter trip so I am excited to bring them around too!

To-do list in Seoul during winter:

  • Eat red bean fish bread (a must winter snack! of course other winter snacks too)
  • Play ski (or if I have more budget, overnight at the ski resort)
  • Go ice-fishing
  • Everland theme park! (it will be freezing though kkk)
  • Play with snow (if it's not snowing in Seoul, I'll go find some outskirt of Seoul)
  • Build a snowman with Aishah (she always use this emoticon last year as a sign to bring her to Seoul during winter lol)
  • Play outdoor ice-skating

I hope we would manage to do additional those winter activities even though we only have a week. I need to bring them to the mainstream places of attractions anyway. 

Will update more. Gotta go for study. LOL XD

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

#KimFadtourguide backpacker packages

Salam and hello.

If you're looking for tour guide in Seoul, we can help you finding one under these packages:

You can choose your own dates and will be travelling within your group ONLY.

BACKPACKERS 4 Days 3 Nights

2-3 pax : RM1850 
Children : RM950 (3-6y/o) RM1450 (7-12y/o)

4-5 pax : RM1400 
Children : RM750 (3-6y/o) RM1050 (7-12y/o)

6-10 pax : RM1200 
Children : RM550 (3-6y/o) // RM 750 (7-12y/o)


Day 1:
-          International Incheon Airport, Seoul (pick-up service)
-          Namsan Tower
-          Myeongdong

Day 2:
-          Namdaemun market
-          Gyeongbukgung Palace
-          Insadong

Day 3:
Nami island
-        Day 4:
-          Flight back to Incheon Airport (airport bus)

BACKPACKERS 5 Days 4 Nights

2-3 pax : RM2200 
Children : RM1150 (3-6y/o) RM1150 (7-12y/o)

4-5 pax : RM1650 
Children : RM850 (3-6y/o) RM1250 (7-12y/o)

6-10 pax : RM1400
Children : RM750 (3-6y/o) // RM 1050 (7-12y/o)

Day 1:
-          International Incheon Airport, Seoul (pick-up service, airport bus)
-          Namsan Tower (Namsan cable car)
-          Myeongdong 

Day 2:
-          Cheonggyecheon Stream/Insadong
-          Gwanghwamun Square
-          Gyeongbukgung Palace

Day 3:
-          Namdaemun market
-          Dongdaemun Design Plaza
-          Ewha Women’s University

Day 4:
-          Nami island

Day 5:
-          Flight back to Incheon Airport (airport bus)

BACKPACKERS 6 Days 5 Nights

2-3 pax : RM2650
Children : RM1250 (3-6y/o) RM1950 (7-12y/o)

4-5 pax : RM1850 
Children : RM1050 (3-6y/o) RM1450 (7-12y/o)

6-10 pax : RM1650
Children : RM950 (3-6y/o) // RM 1250 (7-12y/o)

Day 1:
-          International Incheon Airport, Seoul (pick-up service)
-          Namsan Tower
-          Myeongdong

Day 2:
-          Cheonggyecheon Stream
-          Gwanghwamun Square
-          Gyeongbukgung Palace
-          Insadong

Day 3:
-          Namdaemun market
-          Dongdaemun Design Plaza
-          Ewha Women’s University

Day 4:
-          Hanok village
-          Itaewon Mosque
-          Itaewon Street

Day 5:
Nami island

Day 6:
-          Flight back to Incheon Airport (airport bus)

BACKPACKERS 7 Days 6 Nights

2-3 pax : RM2950
Children : RM1250 (3-6y/o) RM1950 (7-12y/o)

4-5 pax : RM2200
Children : RM1050 (3-6y/o) RM1600 (7-12y/o)

6-10 pax : RM2050
Children : RM950 (3-6y/o) // RM 1500 (7-12y/o)

Day 1:
-          International Incheon Airport, Seoul (pick-up service)
-          Namsan Tower
-          Myeongdong

Day 2:
-          Cheonggyecheon Stream
-          Gwanghwamun Square
-          Gyeongbukgung Palace
-          Insadong

Day 3:
-          Namdaemun market
-          Dongdaemun Design Plaza
-          Ewha Women’s University

Day 4:
-          Hanok village
-          Itaewon Mosque
-          Itaewon Street

Day 5:
Nami island

Day 6:
-          Free & easy (t-money card will be given. Lunch & dinner aren't provided. Guide will let you know where you can eat halal meals).

Day 7:
-          Flight back to Incheon Airport (airport bus)


*price PER 1 PERSON
*kids under 3 years old are free-of-charge (FOC)
*price could be changed depending on the KRW-MYR conversion rate at the moment of travel dates

Price includes:

-          Meals (breakfast - at guesthouse, lunch & dinner – Korean foods at Muslim-friendly restaurant)
-          PUBLIC transport
-          Airport transfer (airport bus)
-          Entrance fee to places in itinerary
-          Accommodation (guesthouse)
-          Malay-Korean speaking tour guide (9am-7pm)

Price excludes:

-          Flight tickets + insurance
-          Optional Tour
-          Personal expenses (taxis, shopping, drinks at café, souvenirs, laundry)

1.       The nature of backpacking trip in Seoul is WALK. Please wear comfortable shoes.
2.       Amendment on itinerary could be changed based on your flight itinerary. Additional visiting place will be on your expenses.
3.       Foods of your choice will be on your expenses.
4.       Guided tour normally ends around 7pm. After that time, clients will have their own free & easy time.
5.       T-money card has to be returned at the end of the trip.
6.       Please expect to pray under stairs, in the fitting room etc. since Korea isn’t a Muslim country.


- Deposit RM100/pax is needed to book your slot with us (choose your own dates & group). 
- Deposit RM300/pax is needed for JOINED trip (dates have been decided, mixed with other group).

If you wish to use our service, please PM us directly on our FB page:

Really appreciate your inquiry to follow these format:

1. Flight itinerary:
2. No. of traveler(s):
3. Package chosen:
4. Additional request(s):

Thank you very much! ^^

P/S: For the time being, other Malaysian students in Seoul will be the guide under our packages. 

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Raya Dengan Kami


Pejam celik pejam celik dah masuk fasa 10 Ramadhan terakhir. Sobs sobs. Ingatkan raya je sedih tak dapat balik kampung, bulan puasa tak balik lagi sakit woo. *nyanyi lagu sakitnya tuh disini* XD
Alang-alang tak dapat balik tu, KimFad nak bagitau yang KimFad bukak trip untuk sesiapa nak beraya kat Seoul. 

Mai lah join kami. :D

Raya 2014.

Tarikh free sekarang ~ 22hb Julai.

We're free until 22nd July! So if you wanna celebrate Eid here in Seoul, Korea, just contact us through email : kimfadtravelmate@yahoo.com

Also, if you wanna join these JOINED TRIPS 2015, please contact the number in this picture.

Selain daripada inquiry ni, jangan marah haaa kalau takde yang balas.

Tarikh selain yang ini pun boleh kalau tak kisah bukan kami yang guide. Segala ground & arrangements akan dibuat oleh KimFad. Hanya guide saja kenalan Fad yang dah belajar di Seoul lebih kurang 4 tahun. Yang penting, hanya untuk tahun 2015 sahaja. 

Tahun 2016 tunggu Fad announce lagi ok!
Thank you!! ^_^