I had some leftover butternut soup but no eggs...
I found a recipe for eggless pasta that I thought would work for ravioli here, the recipe made a lot of pasta, we got tired of making ravioli and turned the last few pieces into thin noodles, which we'll use for dinner tomorrow maybe*.
My Mister ran the pasta roller while I took the leftover butternut squash soup, which had thickened quite a bit during it's week as leftovers, and added a bunch of parmesan cheese. My 4-year old wanted to help too, so I set him up cutting the strips of pasta into little rectangles. I spooned teaspoonish amounts onto the little rectangles of pasta, wet the edges, and crimped around the edges with a fork (on both sides).
When we were about ready to eat, I boiled the ravioli for 3-4 minutes, until they looked cooked, and as my mister was setting the table and draining the ravioli, I made the best part of the dinner.
Online, the suggested sauce to serve with butternut squash ravioli is sage browned butter sauce. I don't like sage, so I looked around a bit and decided to go with a balsamic browned butter sauce instead. I figured I've made a butternut squash dish that had balsamic vinegar in it before, so how could I go wrong? (Usually, when I say that to myself it doesn't end well, but this time it worked out.)
Balsamic Browned Butter Sauce
6 TBSP unsalted butter
2 TBSP balsamic vinegar
The complete recipe can be found here, but I decided I wasn't in the mood for nuts, so I called it good. I melted the butter, and watched and stirred. Of course the second you look away, it will turn brown, so don't get distracted. As soon as it turns brown, remove from heat and stir in the vinegar- be careful it shoots little sparks of hot liquid at you when you do that.
Immediately spoon over your ravioli, add a little salt and pepper and parmesan cheese, and you're good to eat.
*The pasta turned out more like wonton wrapper than pasta. Next time I think I'll need to get the right kind of flour, or make our regular egg noodle pasta, or maybe we rolled it too thin. I'm not a pasta expert, so if anyone has any suggestions, I'm open to ideas.
Over all, it turned out really good. I've thought about what I would use for filling if I didn't have the butternut squash soup, and I think it would be fine (or even better- mine was pretty soft consistency, and I think a little texture would be nice) to just bake a squash and mash it up with some butter and salt and parmesan cheese (and brown sugar if you want it sweet). It would just be one more step that you'd have to do before you could fill the pasta. I loved the browned butter sauce- I didn't measure, and I don't think I put enough balsamic vinegar into the butter, but the flavor was wonderful. Next time I'll make sure to pre measure the vinegar so I don't miss out on the full flavor. With a better pasta recipe, this would really be an amazing make-it-yourself dinner. If you wanted to make it even easier, you could buy the ravioli and just make the sauce- it was really good.