Showing posts with label silver. Show all posts
Showing posts with label silver. Show all posts

Sunday, May 02, 2010

A Beautiful Button

This beautiful antique steel cut button was rusty and a bit bent when I purchased it, but some sanding and a light application of the hammer left it just right for this 'enchanted night' necklace. Vintage Japanese cotton pearls and hand made hematite beads combine with a modern chandelier drop.
I am back knitting and sewing for now, so who knows what will appear next, it is nice to never be bored.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A season of giving and receiving.

It was only after I photographed this pair that I realised they were not opposites - and had to rehang the roses :)

It has been too long since I blogged so I will load as many photo's as I can tonight.

My life is truly crazy at the moment, I am acting in a promotional position at work and loving the adrenalin that comes from stretching myself, learning new skills and conquering my emotional responses to high pressure situations. I am not even minding the looooonnnnnnggg hours or the cakes I cook to bribe, er encourage, my team to attend meetings.

At home, the heater died and a water pipe burst in the back yard so I have been co-ordinating tradesmen - aaaaaaagh, how is it they are never on time? Even, when I am the first one they come to in the morning. Is it part of tradesman school; How to Annoy the Client 101. I wish they could replace it with:
Putting the toilet seat down 101
Picking up your own Rubbish 102
Wiping your feet 103
That said it is nice to have some heating again, and time will tell if I made the right choice.

It was fun to draw balls on sterling silver wire to form the basis of these earrings - gifts
for three dear friends with birthdays in the same week, and another skill from Stephanie's class practiced.
My beautiful hand sewn owl and crocheted sari silk nest were my Art-of-the-Month
gift from Jacky. I was so excited when this little fellow arrived as I had 'lusted' after him on Jacky's blog - hoping he might wing this way.
The tin covers are another Etsy purchase and brighten my desk at school, the happy puppy is also a gift from Jacky - I just love his squishy nose!
Bright vintage style ATC's received from Gaby; I so enjoy swapping with this kind
overseas artist.
Cheerful ATC's from a swap with Doreen, very beautiful the felted card too. Thanks Doreen!
I'll try and get back later in the week to add links. oxo

Sunday, August 09, 2009

Bracelet - At Last

Yes, at last I have used the bezel making skills I learnt in Stephanie Lee's wonderful class back in march. This bracelet is a gift for a special person. Can't say who yet, as she may read my blog.
I was asked to make 200 "Gratefulness" tags for a wedding - all identical - so am surrounded by a sea of lavender card and lovely sage ink, while looking forward to doing something a bit more individual very soon.

Sunday, August 02, 2009

More Steampunk Earrings

As I post these I am chuckling to myself at the contrast between the grunge metal appearance and the Dancing Ladies a few posts back. I was over-the-moon when the two pairs of Dancing Ladies I listed sold fairly quickly - just love the thought of someone on the other side of the world wearing my art.

In case you are wondering the background here is a rusty old enamel tin I have sitting on my deck. It has holes in the bottom, and until now has been of no use other than holding the odd incense stick - and yet it is a favourite of mine.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Jewellery and Rain

The rains have arrived very late here in Western Australia, but the heavens are making up for it now. We have had three freezing cold days with winds and flooding rain, days where my face feels cold each time I stick it outside and all four fur-babies jostle for places in front of the heater. Nights where I cannot turn over without disturbing at least one fur-baby snuggled as close as he can get. Normally I would whinge about the cold, and the wet, but our farmers have been so desperate and the season change so late I am joyful, grateful that we are not to have a drought.
An added bonus is the wild weather is just perfect for creating (and even doing school work). The last two junk pins sold quickly, the one above was started at the same time. I have been making earrings and hat pins too. I love hat pins, they are perfect for holding my scarves in place as I dash between classes - arms full of books, and the inevitable hot tea. I made some traditional ones with bright beads last week, and this week I have made the steam punk version below.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Stumbling Blocks and a Giveaway

I have really struggled to create since the art retreat, a combination of too many other things to do and some hang-ups. Everything I started seemed to be a copy, I was lost in technique and have not been able to get my ideas to flow. Finally this week I sat down to play and the pendants above emerged, beautiful beads with simple sterling silver joins. They had no purpose other than play so I have given them one, a give-away. Just leave a comment and one of them may be yours - I will use a random selection method and do the draw on Sunday 26th April.
These memory wire bracelets were a lot of fun to make; I have such a lot of beautiful beads that don't work with my vintage/grunge/earthy styles, and spend way too long just looking at them. The bracelets will appear on my Etsy very soon. If you are in my Etsy store you will find some fantastic sale items as I am having a clean out.

I can't seem to capture the translucent nature of the paint on this canvas or the many layers, but never mind, it was a piece I enjoyed making, a piece where I learnt a lot about product and planning ahead.
Despite the fact we have a multitude of pet baskets and comfy chairs, for Charles to rest in, he has made some interesting choices this past week; the box I was dropping work into as I marked and then the shelf. I know, I should have scooped him off and growled, but it was too cute I ran for the camera instead. Don't you love how he is pretending not to see me?

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Earrings Galore

I have quite a few projects 'on the go' at the moment but it seems the only thing I can finish is earrings. I love the teeny tiny ladies watch faces I have used for the five pairs above and the way their little hands swing lightly below. I have listed one set on Etsy, if you would like any of the others listed please let me know.
The cog and wheel trees were also fun to make and are surprisingly light weight. I wonder if the watchmakers of old would approve of the recycling that occurs with the creation of steampunk jewellery.

The bird earrings have so many 'almost too good to use' components, blue mother of pearl fetish beads, sterling silver hand made nests, and glass leaf beads.
It has been a totally relaxing weekend full of friends, sleep, creativity, sleep and did I mention I caught up on some sleep, LOL.
Enjoy the week!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

This and That.

I seem to be drifting at the moment art wise, I have some tough decisions to make with work and some personal challenges and while art is my respite I just can't seem to focus long enough to complete a large project. This week yielded a couple more pairs of earrings, I like these the contrast between the mechanics of the watch and their delicate structure. I am can make my own ear wires now so am using up the sterling silver ones I bought last year. These will be for sale on my Etsy very soon.
It was time to boost my card stash too. The top ones feature lots of 'little bits' off my desk mounted on inchies, then on backgrounds made from the skeleton leaves I collected below the lemon tree. I then coated the whole lot in my beloved shellac.
I don't remember who the little boy on the chair is by, but the other stamps here are Lost Aussie by the very talented Marie.
The wind is blowing and rain hitting two sides of the house, I can hear the trees and it all seems to mirror life at the moment -and yet I am enjoying the storm outside.

Monday, June 02, 2008

Wire Wrapping Excess

I set off to make a few pieces of jewellery for friends this weekend, and just kept going. The zips have reappeared, I have wrapped quartz, fabric, lace, glass, string, thread and more. It was so soothing matching colours then simply wrapping wire around each piece, I like the feel of all the different textures beneath my fingers combined with the supple copper as it runs through my fingers. All of the pieces here are now for sale at my Etsy store. I will show you the others when they have arrived at their new homes.
The beautiful skeleton leaves I photographed these on were collected from below the lemon tree this morning; the snails and slugs were enjoying stripping them clean just for me. I think these ones (the leaves, not the snails) will become the background for some journals.

I hope all the West Australians have enjoyed this long weekend.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Ramblings Late at Night

This is a bracelet I made for my Sister-in-Law, in fact, this is my SIL's hand. I loved this bracelet, light, bright and simple to look at - but very time consuming to make. Wrapping the wire with the constraint of the little chain loops was harder than I anticipated. None-the-less, just looking at this one makes me smile.

My life is really full at the moment. Work is going really well - but is intense, my social life is expanding and there are a few challenges more than usual to face. I am keeping my head above water and seem to be making my way safely. If I am a bit slow to post or get back to you at the moment then please forgive me. That said, I am going to use a little of this Easter weekend to update my Etsy, catch up on blogs and e-mails and find my desk within the cave.

Please take a moment to remember why we have this break; Jesus.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The Christmas Bling

Due to popular request (giggles) my Christmas ‘bling’ appears here. The sterling silver necklace features a rare filigree spoon handle; I have two different ones and have not yet found more. The heart and amythyst piece above the spoon is a silver brooch given to me decades ago – and now looks silly on its own against my large body
The wonderful large beads are hand made in Nepal and their caps are engraved sterling silver, the smaller round beads are vintage speckled glass.
Christmas Day was bliss, lovely family, huge quantities of delicious food (Which is always calorie free on public holidays), delightful gifts, bubbly and an adorable neice who got so much joy from unwrapping gifts and playing with new toys.

Archer would like me to tell you that he was a very good boy – and he was! I came home and cooked fresh fish for Charles and Phantom so all boys were spoilt too.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Bits and Pieces

The last few days I have felt very fragmented, and while I have other projects on the go, I sat down last night and made these pins. I think the reason I find them so soothing is that they join fragments, they are the jewellery version of a jig-saw, where I get to choose the picture.
Both are on Etsy.

Friday, October 12, 2007

I don't know their names ...

I really don't, but I know their stories and that is more important. The rose above was a gift from my Aunty J, a frequent visitor to Australia, it was for my birthday on her last visit and she in back now meeting her great neice for the first time.
This lovely rose is a standard and it was a housewarming present from my parents when I bought this home six years ago. Gosh the time has flown.
And, this rather common (but heavenly scented) rose is the best of all. My house has only had three owners and the ones who built it planted this, and its twin, when they moved in. The poor things were not looked after by the previous owner, a bachelor rumoured never to have stepped off the footpath, and yet they survive. I look at them and smile, thinking of the first owners delight in their home. This was one of the first three houses in my town (city now) to have a tile roof - the original tiles are still there, and while I am now considered to be centrally located - it was the outskirts of town ... How much one rose can make me think.
I wonder about the teaspoons I use for these necklaces and where they have come from? This one is on etsy, and those green egg beads are delicious, I keep picking them up and running them through my fingers.
I made a couple of pairs of watsonia earrings for friends and these ones are also on etsy.
It's a beautiful spring day and I am off to enjoy it, I hope you are having a good one wherever you are.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Bad Mummy

If you have ever wondered what a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel looks like after his Mum locks his tail in the car door, I can show you. For other breeds you will have to do your own research! Seriously, his poor little face was miserable 20minutes later and his tail was still wagging - see how it is blurred? Archer's tail wags from daylight to dusk and beyond - is that a cav' thing I wonder?
What a chaotic weekend this one has been. It was the last week of school term and my last week with my year 12 History class before their mock exams. I had quite a lot of marking to do for them and lots of last minute practice assessments.
In the 'it never rains but it pours' style of life my Uncle G and his wife were out from England for the first time, they spent a week here in Albany with us and have managed to see quite a lot of the state. We had a couple of family dinners and lovely afternoons while they were here.
When we visit England we flit from place to place and person to person and the opportunity for long cosy one-on-one chats is limited.
I had a few birthday gifts to make, including my visiting Uncles' so I made some wire bookmarks - I actually wrapped the really manly one I made for Uncle Gnbefore it got a picture taken, but these ones were given away this week too.

The junk pin is on Etsy (now sold)- there is something soothing about making these, the collection of small elements, the wire wrapping. It is all so relaxing.

I made the green/sterling silver necklace to wear to a special dinner. The rain forest jasper is just gorgeous. I can't decide whether to keep it or not, perhaps I will just wear it a couple more times, I was thinking about a friend as I made it. Who knows where it will end up.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

This Week's Jewellery

I think this black and gold pin has become my favourite. I really enjoyed putting this one together. Do you see the weird 'springy things' I have included on both? My Dad gave me them, they are the inner workings of the valves in tyre tubes - obsolete now, but a quick dip in shellac and they are sealed ready to feature in my jewellery.
My Mum loved the original teaspoon necklace so I made two and let her choose which one she wanted, fairly sure she would choose the bottom one for its symmetry - she did. I used a stainless steel spoon which went so well with the black lava beads and aged sterling silver wire. These pieces really show the contrast in my creative style - simplicity versus minute detail; not a problem just interesting.
gift for my Mum

Thursday, September 06, 2007

More of 'those' knots...

I really enjoyed making this piece which features a Turkish silver teaspoon handle; and yes, the bowl end will appear in some jewellery soon. I finally bought a jewellery saw this week and it has made cutting pieces like this so easy - amazing what a blade 1mm wide can cut.

I am enamoured with these little pieces of smoothed rock, and the way they contrast with glass and crystal. I sold the last one, but am planning on wearing this one myself.
I am not sure I will get into the creative zone this weekend - I should be doing other things, I guess the next post will tell how strong my will power is.