Showing posts with label teaspoon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label teaspoon. Show all posts

Friday, October 12, 2007

I don't know their names ...

I really don't, but I know their stories and that is more important. The rose above was a gift from my Aunty J, a frequent visitor to Australia, it was for my birthday on her last visit and she in back now meeting her great neice for the first time.
This lovely rose is a standard and it was a housewarming present from my parents when I bought this home six years ago. Gosh the time has flown.
And, this rather common (but heavenly scented) rose is the best of all. My house has only had three owners and the ones who built it planted this, and its twin, when they moved in. The poor things were not looked after by the previous owner, a bachelor rumoured never to have stepped off the footpath, and yet they survive. I look at them and smile, thinking of the first owners delight in their home. This was one of the first three houses in my town (city now) to have a tile roof - the original tiles are still there, and while I am now considered to be centrally located - it was the outskirts of town ... How much one rose can make me think.
I wonder about the teaspoons I use for these necklaces and where they have come from? This one is on etsy, and those green egg beads are delicious, I keep picking them up and running them through my fingers.
I made a couple of pairs of watsonia earrings for friends and these ones are also on etsy.
It's a beautiful spring day and I am off to enjoy it, I hope you are having a good one wherever you are.