Showing posts with label PIF. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PIF. Show all posts


Pay It Forward and Sewing Room

I have 2 of the 3 participants needed for Pay It Forward. Surely there is someone out there that wants to received a handmade gift and then share the experience with 3 other people? All you need to is post your comment and I'll fill you in on the details (you can also scroll down a bit on my blog for more details). Edited to add: This round of of PIF is closed as I have 3 great ladies signed up to participate. Thanks.

This is my sewing room. It's really quite spacious (largest and coldest bedroom in the house). I am thankful that I have this room for my use. However, I want to change it. I don't know exactly how yet. I like things to be neat and orderly or atleast somewhat so and this room is driving me nuts. I have 2 pieces of furniture that were purchased specifically for sewing: the wood table I sew on came from craigslist and a cutting table I bought a number of years ago from Joanne's (which fits perfectly in the dormer). The couch was a hand-me-down from my MIL. It's a sleeper and she barely used it. It really is in great shape. The pattern does not work for me and I would really rather have a drying rack to put my WIPs on. We have a spare room for guests w/ a full size bed plus a full size, elevated aero bed. I think we are covered if we have company (we have very, very few sleepover visits). But, what do we do w/ the couch? Put it in the basement, up on wood and covered to limit dust? We really do not have any other place to put it then in my sewing room. I have not done anything to the room since we moved in 5 1/2 years ago. Any thoughts, ideas?

Just One More trip past the office candy bowl w/o taking anything and heading to the fridge for a carrot instead!


Pay It Forward

I am taking a bag sewing class tomorrow from this woman. I purchased my last 2 sewing/embroidery machines and most recent serger from her shop. Nadine is one of those people that just oozes creativity, inspiration and instills confidence in others. I'll be sure to post the finished product as soon as it's completed!

I am not a knitter. I appreciate the talent and time but that's as far as I go. I have, in the past, knit 2 items (a cable scarf and a regular old knit and pearl scarf). I just do not have the patience for knitting. I do, however, want a knit
möbius. Luckily I know a great lady who is willing to put her needles to work. I've purchased the yarn and the pattern (mine will not have the tag things hanging off of it). Now all I have to do is wait.

I am participating in 'Pay It Forward' (I stumbled across this on Caroline's blog). Here is how it works: The 1st three people to leave a comment expressing interest in participating will receive a handmade gift from me. I will send the gift out sometime within the next 365 days. Ah, the catch you ask. Yes, there is a catch. All you have to do is post PIF and the icon on your blog (if you have one), find three players of your own, make and send them each a gift thereby helping to spread the joy!