Showing posts with label mantra. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mantra. Show all posts


Holiday ... bah humbug!

Happy President's Day. For those of you that get the day off I hope you enjoy it. But, can you do me a favor? Don't ask if I had the day off. Don't rub it in. Don't remind me that my next paid holiday is not until Memorial Day. Like many of the working stiffs out there, I don't have a holiday today. I didn't get MLK Jr. Day off either. And, yes, I have to work on Good Friday. I am feeling a bit snarky today. It started when I woke up late for work. I extricated myself from bed (where one great dane was laying across my legs and on husband was snoring away) , ran through the shower and rushed out the door. Oh, the dog and husband? Enjoying a week at home since DH has the week off. Me? Jealous? Not really. Just anxious. Anxiously awaiting my next paid holiday - in May! May, people! That's 3+ months away! Ah, ok, I'm done.

On a bright note, look at the fantastic mini that came in the mail on Saturday. Cindy, my Feb swap partner, made this paper pieced mini and sent along a bunch of goodies (fabric, chocolate and a gardening magazine). Doesn't it just scream Spring? It reminds me of crocus. It makes me very happy!
Just One More...trip past the office candy bowl w/o taking anything, bottle of water, set of pushups.


On the road

I am traveling this week for work so no sewing until this weekend. I hope to get a block for Project Improv done and finish cutting out fabric for my nephew's quilt.

Just One More good decision made: I avoided Starbucks in O'Hare airport! But, I did not avoid the one in Grand Rapids. That is ok b/c I ordered a small when I wanted a venti and I got a sugar free instead of full on sugar and whip cream. Also, I had tuna fish for lunch. Making positive food choices while traveling can be a challenge for me (made even harder when traveling w/ others who like to eat a lot). So far so good. Only 3 more days and 5 flights to go! Give me strength!


And so it begins....

Well, here it is, my blog. I spent many days mulling over titles for my blog - who knew it could be so hard? Am I the only one that searched for just the right phrase to accurately portray the vibe I wanted to get across in my blog? Such pressure. Will anyone read my drivel? Will I get feedback?

I don't really believe in New Year's resolutions. I figure, "Why wait for Jan 1st to start?" Instead I have a mantra for 2009: Just One More. Just One More: smile to a stranger, step taken, laugh, good deed done, 1/4 mile on the treadmill, thought before I take that next bite/buy that unneccessary item, cuddle with our dog, kiss for my husband, carrot, minute of silence, push up, call to a friend, mess cleaned up, piece of fabric cut/sewn, etc. I play it in my mind throughout each day - it pushes me when I want to quit, keeps me in a positive moment, wards off negative thoughts and helps me focus.

This year I will continue to sew more (including trying new techniques) and detox my mind, body, soul, physical environment (clutter) etc.

Jacquie and so very many others have inspired me to get back to sewing/quilting, do some swapping, try new textiles, oh the ideas are endless. My hope is that maybe you will find a small bit of inspiration here.