Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Our First Family Blog

Can you believe it? I'm finally doing a blog! I have had so many people talk about the wonderful world of blogging and I have always wanted to do one, but just never sat down to start. Finally, with the help of my fabulous friend Rachel, I created mine! I think this is a great way for all distant family members and friends to see how all of our families are growing and what everyone is up to!


McGiven Family.... said...

Hey I will leave you your first comment. It is Sarah. Rach told me she was coming to help you so I looked for you on her page. Love the picture of your kids. I am excited for us to be blogging friends! Ours is mcgivenfamily.blogspot.com

Sarah Goodsell said...

Cute Pics! Welcome to the blogging worl! Glad to have another family to check up on!

Cammi said...

love your background - how did you do it?