Showing posts with label Kitchen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kitchen. Show all posts

Sunday 15 February 2015

A walk, some shopping and some steam!

Another week of doing bits and pieces. On Monday afternoon once the weather had brightened we decided to go for a walk to Rooksbury Mill. Nothing very exotic was seen on this occasion - the usual swans, mallards, tufted ducks and Canada geese, but it was good to get out in the fresh air and winter sunshine.

We have decided to try and visit at least once a month and take a photo from the same spot so that at the end of the year we can look back to see the changes throughout the seasons.

Following my two work days this week we took a trip to Ikea in Southampton on Thursday to buy a few more bits and pieces for the kitchen. We decided to replace our everyday crockery as we were using a random selection of plates and bowls. I also treated myself to an apron as I am a messy cook plus a new measuring jug and a trivet.  

Friday was spent doing some baking - flapjack and rock buns this time. Think I overcooked the flapjack as it was slightly solid but tasty. Still getting used to the oven, definitely need to reduce the cooking time on everything.

Yesterday we took a trip to Basingstoke by train. My husband is a lifelong steam enthusiast and there was an engine that he hadn't seen since the 60's that was hauling an excursion train which was stopping at Basingstoke to take on water.  I don't usually get involved on these occasions but not fancying an afternoon with my own company on a wet and murky afternoon decided to go along.

It was good to see that South West Trains were getting into the spirit of Valentine's Day with the locations on their departure boards - 'When Harry met Salisbury' and 'Waterlove'.

I don't normally take photos of trains but thought it would be something different to put on my blog. Hope I haven't bored you too much!

I have also started some cross stitch embroidery this week, I used to stitch all the time but have completely lost my stitching mojo for the last year or so. I was inspired to start on a little project by another blogger - more on that story next time.  

Sunday 8 February 2015

Kitchen tah-dah!

At last! After three very long weeks we now have a fully functioning kitchen. We have lived in this house for 23 and a bit years and I have wanted a new kitchen ever since we moved in. I still cannot believe it has actually happened at last.

WARNING: photo heavy post!

This is the kitchen before and during the transformation:-

Finally on Friday evening our super fitter handed it back to us. He has done a super job and worked so hard. Unfortunately we are still awaiting the window blind and we need to leave the floor for a couple of weeks before we can wash it to allow the grout time to dry off but apart from that it is looking pretty good.

And then yesterday morning we were able to start moving everything that has been cluttering up our dining room back in and it finally looked liked a working kitchen again.

My friend Helen gave me the teapot cozy and matching oven gloves about 3 years ago in readiness for when I finally got my new kitchen. It is great to be able to put them to use at long last.

And this is something I have been wanted for a long time - a lovely Kitchen Aid - I have used it for the first time today and I love it.  The colour of it is Ice Blue although it looks green in these photos. It doesn't quite match the colour of my toaster and kettle but it will have to do and it will live at the other end of the kitchen so hopefully it won't matter too much. Perhaps I should have gone for the other accessories in cream or black but too late now.

And finally my first baking using the Kitchen Aid and my new oven - a lemon drizzle tray bake (requested by No. 1 son) and a sticky ginger cake (requested by No. 2 son). 

Despite No. 2 son saying "yuk" when I told him I was making lemon drizzle cake he then decided he liked the smell of it and has declared it delicious. No. 1 son had better get home quick if he wants to sample it as DH is also enjoying it.

The sticky ginger cake is better after it has been kept a day or two but not sure it is going to last that long either.

I now have a chicken in white wine sauce in the oven ready for our dinner. I have enjoyed my first day playing with all my new toys and hope the enthusiasm lasts.

Sorry if I have bored you with tales of my kitchen refurbishment but having waited for 23 years I am just a tad excited about it.