Showing posts with label Swans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Swans. Show all posts

Tuesday 12 January 2016

Another trip to the lakes

On a beautiful sunny morning I went for a walk with my eldest son to Anton Lakes. My son has recently purchased a super-duper long lens and was wanting to try it out by pointing it at some birds.

I felt quite inferior with my much smaller lens but am quite pleased with some of the results I got. 

This robin sat and posed for me beautifully

Cormorants sat on the highest branches

A hybrid, mostly mallard but think he might have a bit of shoveller duck in him

Mallard (see the difference to the one above)

One of the many mute swans that frequent the lake

A goosander (managed to get better photos than the ones I took the other day)

And again, you can see his colours better on this one

So elegant, I love it when swans glide through the water like this

I love the water glistening on this swan's neck and beak

Another mallard  - what a stunning colour they are when the sun shines on them!

And last but not least a beautiful tufted duck

Let's hope this sunny weather continues. It makes so much difference when taking photos and we have had more than enough grey murky days recently.