Showing posts with label Frost. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Frost. Show all posts

Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Morning Frost

This morning I awoke to a sparkling silver blanket of frost. It cleverly disguised the mucky brown mess created by the bobcat that lies beneath. It got down to 25 degrees in Prattville last night. I thought at this point we might be done with all the really cold weather.

Yesterday I walked around our garden and began the rebuilding in my minds eye. I’m going to use this opportunity to correct past mistakes. As the garden centers start to load up more and more ideas will pop into my head. Last year I had a sense of urgency to get things done, for some reason this year I’m more relaxed about it.

Today the Electrician comes to re-wire the house and the aluminum siding guy is supposed to be here to do his work too. Hopefully all will go smoothly and there will be no discrepancies on what was included in the original estimates. I’m looking forward to a day filled with peace.







Daffodil and Ice

Daffodil and Ice

Rose Leaf

Rose Leaf

Frost on the Window

Frosty Window