Showing posts with label Rocks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rocks. Show all posts

Monday, November 5, 2007

My Rock Collection

Some time ago I started a small rock collection of sorts. When friends would go on vacation they would always ask, "What do you want me to get you?" Well anyone that has been on vacation can tell you how expensive it gets when you start buying souvenirs for your friends. I started telling people to bring me back a nice rock. First they look at you like you're crazy then they realize you are one less person they have to spend their money on so they say okay. So far I have rocks from Seattle, Turkey, the Hollywood sign, the Golden Gate Bridge, Puerto Rico and Sarasota. I don't know why I've developed such a interest in them, but I really like them. I decided to carry on my affection for rocks in the garden. To begin with Jamie was certain I had lost my mind. A couple of months, a couple of tons and a few hundred miles later he changed his mind. Here are some of the rocks I use as points of interest in the garden.

Gray Slate from Corridor X

This is a rock my friend Meredith brought me back from her parents house in Seattle, Washington.

Seattle Blue Granite

I found this one on a trip to see my In-Laws in Cordova, I was having a fit to get it but it was just to big for us to get at the time. Jamie and I had already put at least 800 pounds in the trunk of his Taurus. I at least had enough sense to know this one would be better left behind. We eventualy were able to load it up and bring it home. It was back breaking to move this thing. I'm certain it weighs over two hundred pounds. I used it as a driveway marker after my friend Carol made the suggestion.

Brown Slate

My friend Jimmy got these from a creek bed at a construction site. I just love the color of them.

Red Creek Rock

This one was also a gift from Jimmy. It may have to be moved to a new home next year. It all depends on how large the Banana Plant gets.

Red Rock and Yarrow

This one is one of my favorites. It always seems to catch my eye when I walk thru the back gate. I took this shot from a little further away so you get a better idea how it sits in the landscape. I really love this rock. I'm not really certain why this particular one grabs my intrest so much, I love them all.

My Favorite of the Red Creek Rocks

I really like the way irises look growing in the rock so you'll see where I have planted them in several similar ways.

Blue Limestone

More slate from Jamie's hometown, once again with Irises planted around them. Jamie loves the fact that he has part of his home at our home.

Slate and Iris

I think this is and odd combination of shapes. It makes a pretty group to me. It's all so different.

Odd Shaped Stones

This is a much larger rock than it appears. It's found a resting place under the Crepe Myrtle in the front yard. I wasn't certain if I liked this one where it is, but it eventually grew on me. Now it looks as if it belongs there to me.

Blue Slate and Crepe Myrtle

Well, that's it for the rock collection. I know some of you are saying, uuumm, they're rocks... okay... and that's alright :-) Others of you are saying Wow! That's so cool. It takes a special person to love a rock. After all were set into place Jamie was inspired to write a beautiful poem about them I want to share it with you.

O' Aged Rock

O' Aged rock!
Carved by sand and time,
Scarred by weather and colored by lime,
How strong you stand,
Moved only by the hand of man.

Inward, outward, onward and so,
With each new day your beauty grows.
Changed, charged and filled by light,
Mysterious colors so glowing bright.

O' aged rock!
Made by time, made by sand.
Wondrously created, never outdated,
You stand the testament of ages,
Not bending, but breaking as life turns its pages.

Lend me your secrets, lend me your tears,
Your life, firm it stands.
Teach me your ways so that I can,
Can too, stand strong in the face of man.

~ James Preston Lawson