Showing posts with label Lion Rampant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lion Rampant. Show all posts

Friday, 2 January 2015

Lion Rampant Group Shot

Well,  pretty much as described:

Two, twenty-four point retinues with civpop for gaming the War of the Roses!

Friday, 21 November 2014

Mostly Medieval - More news on the Perry HYW Plastics

Hot off the press from the Twins: '...first shots of the Men at Arms for the English Army( Agincourt to Orleans) frame back from Renedra.'

Another batch of revolting peasants from me this week, as well as a random Death Guard Apothecary!

Thursday, 13 November 2014

Good news for medieval fans!

I've still enough unpainted metal versions to keep me going for a while yet, but this can only help those looking to build a new and quality medieval army at a competitive price. Then there are all the conversion opportunities :-)

Monday, 10 November 2014


A unit of light horse for my growing Wars of the Roses forces for Lion Rampant. These are metals by the twins and were a joy to paint (I actually finished them last week and they've seen some action now, but life got in the way of taking photos!)

The lack a livery badge as yet, but the red coats make them suitable for either Devon or Warwick :-)

Saturday, 11 October 2014

More Men-at-Arms

Some reinforcements for the houses of Northumberland and Somerset for an upcoming Wars of the Roses game with the new Lion Rampant rules.

Bog standard Perry metals: