" Thou comest to me with a sword and a spear and a shield, but I come to thee in the name of the L-rd of Hosts, the G-d of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast humiliated..." (I Samuel, 17:45-47)
Showing posts with label Chillul Hashem. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chillul Hashem. Show all posts

Thursday, November 22, 2012

The Rocket's Red Glare (audio)

I recorded this angry polemic while driving home this evening. Foolish me. The truce was already signed. The skies seemed to indicate otherwise. Four rockets flashed in the sky one after the other. Perhaps the false god of the left, "Iron Dome" intercepted them. Perhaps not. The smell of chemical destruction and burning permeated the atmosphere. Hamas was still trying to kill us. And our leaders were allowing it.

As I predicted, Netanyahu (and his impotent henchmen) betrayed the country again. Making deals with the devil. Groveling before the anti-semites of the Obama administration. And so, the denizens of the south will continue to live with the daily hell of trauma and terror.

The rockets continue to fall this night. Evidently, no one informed the rockets that Hamas signed a truce earlier this evening.

Would you send your children to school tomorrow?

MP3 File

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

"Fry, Fry Palestine"

Nice shot. If he had done this to a Jew instead of a grotesque Jew-hating goy, Bibi, Barak, and Peres would have promoted him. Truly the lunatics are running the asylum. No arab leader would have ever apologized in this situation. Another grotesque chillul Hashem from the mixed multitude.

Next time business end up.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Return Of Gilad (audio)

I recorded this audio last night prior to Gilad's release. Although the sound quality is wanting at times, (I recorded it outdoors),  the anger and indignation at Israel's insane leaders (i.e. Bibi) is very real and unrehearsed. Make no mistake about it. Jews will be killed by these 900 freed Arab beasts, courtesy of this insane act of treason.

Despite my strong opposition to the exchange,  I would like to send a warm welcome to Gilad.

Welcome home, soldier of Israel. May The Almighty guide and protect you.  

After an unimaginable hellish ordeal at the hands of his Amalekite captors, Gilad will need a complete refuah of the body, mind, and soul. Keep him in mind in your tefillot.

Gilad is back in Israel but 900 rabid Arab beasts are now free to kill again. (Including the human demon who painted his hands with the blood  of two Jewish soldiers he helped tear apart with a larger Arab mob. ) May we live to partake in the total destruction of the accursed Arabs. I await the day.

MP3 File

Past posts on Gilad:




Monday, September 12, 2011

The Dangerous Uman Cult (audio)

As Rosh Hashanah draws near, thousands of Breslover chasidim will once again abandon their families and head to Uman to worship their dead Rebbe. Is this Judaism? I think not. My reflections on this lunacy.

MP3 File

See also:  http://jewishfist.blogspot.com/2008/09/next-year-in-uman.html

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Our Grotesque Leadership

Israel's unrelenting march to national destruction....Bibi's craven incompetence....the sadistic Barak's love affair with smashing open Jewish skulls. The perpetual chillul Hashem of Jewish weakness as exhibited by Israel's mixed multitude.

Self-loathing and fearful. These are the defining characteristics of Israel's insane leaders, who suffer from diseases of the soul and of the brain. While Egypt pounds on the war drum and remilitarises the Sinai, Israel's moral and mental misfits continue to insist that we have peace with these Islamic fiends, even after the recent assault on the Israeli embassy in Cairo which saw a near mass lynching of Jews at the hands of a howling Egyptian mob. (See Debka report). This is Egypt's true face.

The same can be seen with Turkey, that bastion of Islamic tyranny and genocide. As if his brazen efforts to send Turks to murder Jewish commandoes wasn't enough of a declaration of war against Israel, the accursed dog, Er"dog"an, now threatens to send gunships to break the Gaza blockade. And still Bibi and Barak grovel before the public and explain it away as a mere setback in our alleged friendship. Turkey expels the Israeli ambassador, and Bibi portrays it as a lovers spat.

Evil fools. Lovers of the cruel, haters of the merciful. Haters of G-d who are not merely content to destroy the country within, but are now showing the Arab countries that they will tolerate outright acts of war against Israel. Havlaga is the official policy of the impotent Likud. Of course none of this is new. Those of us with brains and intellectual honesty constantly hammer home these points, in the same manner that we constantly remind the reader that Egypt, Jordan and Turkey are enemies of the Jewish people. Their involvement in an outright war with Israel is not a question of if, but rather when.

Our sick leadership keeps groveling in front of the Arabs, with their pathetic, grotesque insistence that we value their mythical friendship. They don't speak for those of us who truly follow the Torah and recognize the face of Amalek. Egypt, Turkey, and Jordan are synonymous with Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Syria. I await the day when all of the enemies of Israel drown in their own blood. May we see it in out times, and may we be privileged to partake of the purging and burning of this mind-numbing chillul Hashem.

Here are some older posts about the two-faced Amalekite dogs of Egypt, Jordan, and Turkey. One final point. Only a self-hating Jew would visit these hornet nests:











Thursday, June 16, 2011

Jewish Sickness

I found this video footage on JPost, which was probably taken by Arabs and/or leftist Jews. Ignore the biased title and captions. Just enjoy the video where this grotesque Jewish virus gets beaten. For once, the police got it right when they manhandled this effeminate self-hating creature. They should have beaten him into mulch. Of course, the Arab beasts screaming "Allahu Akbar" received no such treatment. (If he was an Israeli leftist they would have left him alone.)

Outrageous. A kipah, keffiyah, and the PLO flag. With all these young religious Jews sitting around and singing while this chillul Hashem transpired, how was this guy not beaten into a pulp? I'll tell you one thing. He's lucky I wasn't around. I would have shoved that PLO scarf down his throat.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Independence On My Mind

This is the banner we should be waving.
Israel's "Independence Day" is a sham. The evidence paints a more sobering picture. We have no independence in Israel. We are enslaved to the "mixed multitude" who continues to feed the Jewish nation to the Arab vampires. Our lunatic leaders are chopping up the holy soil and handing it over to the PLO. The decrepit Shimon Peres, (whose every waking breath is dedicated to perpetuating chillul Hashem), is now on a new campaign to sanitize Hamas for public consumption. He wants to get the Oslo time-bomb going again. As he sees it, if he could shake Arafat's bloody hands, why not Hamas? And he's right, albeit for the wrong reasons. There is not one damn of a difference between the two. 

We are slaves to evil men. 

The northern border was just breached by Arab mobs, who caught the IDF with its pants down. Another demoralizing exhibit of naked confusion, fright, and weakness. And yet somehow, Ehud Barak still retains his job as Minister of Defense, despite a career of disgraces and outrages against the Jewish people. (Hell of a "right-wing" government.) Who is this pig-faced capo really defending? The Arabs!  The only troops he sends out with clear and direct orders are his Yassamnikim Storm Troopers, and the end result is always barbarism against good Jews. The PLO murderers of Ben Yosef Livnat are still free. Abbas's fat little-evil head is still perched on his neck. 

Jewish blood calls for Jewish vengeance. 

The Likud die-hards are trying to convince themselves that "Likud: The Next Generation", as headed by MK, Danny Danon will be an improvement. Consider this curious fact. Danon recently rebuked the mosrim of the ADL for their criticism of Mike Huckabee. Lest one think that Danon likes evangelicals but hates Jewish informers, the MK qualified his words by noting that he respects the ADL's past work. So there you have it. A curious man, indeed. Danon is friends with both evangelical x-tians and the same Jewish mosrim (Halachic informers) of the ADL who helped create Oslo. This is the muddled face of Likud's future.

As Jews we have an obligation to thank G-d for the many undeserved miracles He performed (and continues to perform) on our behalf, when the Arabs rose up to annihilate us. We are required to thank him despite the fact that Jewish heathens willfully spit at the heavens. But I'll celebrate Independence Day with a little more fervor when the Jewish people returns to the Torah. I'll rejoice when the brutal laws of biblical warfare are resurrected in the war with the Arabs ( may we see them destroyed in total). 

Havlagah be damned!
The contemporary celebration of Yom Ha'atzma'ut is a spectacle of fireworks, party favors, and hellenistic nationalism that blinds the eyes. Don't just blame the secular. Wearing a kipah doesn't make one impervious to the sin of desecrating G-d's name. On the contrary. The deluded and misguided mamlachtim are often content to sanctify the profane without actually sanctifying the profane. (They have their high priests to thank for that.) They are the flip-side of the chareidim who glorify the shtetl and deny the overt miracles of our times. 

The Leftists are a carnival of lunatics who dance to the tune of national suicide. There is no independence in Israel. We are still at war with the Arabs. We need to recognize this and take the following steps:

  1. Elect Torah leaders who will throw the Arabs out. This is the Halachah. 
  2. A moral government will make it a priority to wipe out all terrorists groups and execute anyone who has even the slightest drop of Jewish blood on his hands.  Abbas will hang from a flagpole in Ramallah. 
  3. Remove the two abominations that sit atop the Temple Mount. Unearth the grotesque husks of dead Arabs that litter the mount, and send them to the local landfill. Use the gravestones to build latrines. 
Here's to the day when we see true Jewish fireworks, and merit to experience the true independence of the Messiah, may we see him in our times. Am Yisroel Chai. 

Shabbat Shalom.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

How Many Ways Can You Spell Chillul Hashem? (audio)

On Pesach, the Arabs killed another Jew. His killers were armed by Israel (courtesy of Bibi) and trained by the U.S. military. Ben Yosef Livnat (may G-d avenge his blood) was murdered by PLO "policemen" at the site of Joseph's tomb in Sh'chem. He came to pray and he went home in a body bag. Bibi chirped his impotent calls for "severe repercussions", an astounding thing indeed , whenever you ask a murderous band of Jew-killers to arrest themselves. And so, the blood of our brother is unavenged. His killers roam free in Fatahland. Abbas and the rest of the PLO butchers are still standing upright, with their lungs and skulls intact. And the chillul Hashem continues.

And then of course we have numerous examples of the Bedouin war with the Jewish state. One of the more unknown and insidious practices which occurred again last week, involves Bedouins who deliberately allow their camels to roam the rural highways, in the hopes of causing fatal car crashes. A Jew is fighting for his life today, because another Bedouin set his camel free in the Negev.

(Another Bedouin practice is to place "fallen" boulders, tires, or rusted machinery in the middle of the road. All done with deliberation, and the cunning serpentine knowledge that such things can never be proven in court.) 

These are my reflections on the Arab war with the Jewish people, and the enduring chillul Hashem of Jewish weakness. Pray for the r'fuah sh'leimah of Yoav Ben Tzipporah. And pray for Torah leadership to arise, so we can exterminate every manifestation of Arab terror, and throw the rest of these animals out of the country.

MP3 File

Friday, March 18, 2011

Amalek In The Flesh- Part II : A Call For Vengeance

The Massacre of a Jewish Family (INN) - Warning! Graphic photos of the martyred Fogel family, may THE ALMIGHTY avenge their blood! Click the link and burn these terrible images of Arab savagery into your brain. Please make sure that all children and pregnant women are out of the room first!

Last Friday, Arabs butchered this  beautiful Jewish boy along 
with his parents, an older brother, and his 3 month old sister. 
May G-d avenge their blood and give comfort to the surviving children.
Last Friday night as we enjoyed our Shabbat dinner, Arabs perpetrated another atrocity against Am YisroelThey entered a Jewish home in the town of Itamar, and slaughtered five members of a family, including a three month old infant and two children. Sane minds and souls cannot fathom the existence of such barbarism. In their frenzied blood-lust, the Arabs stabbed a four year old in the heart, and slashed open the throat of the three month old baby. This is why we are commanded to exterminate Amalek. There is an evil in the world that transcends the possibility of repentance or rehabilitation. The lesson of Amalek is kill him, otherwise he will feed 6 million of your people to ovens and crematoria. 

The surviving children include a 2 year old boy, and they are now without an Aba or Emathanks to Bibi, Barak, and the rest of the "mixed multitude" who continue to arm the PLO and twiddle their thumbs in accordance with the impotent doctrine of "havlagah." May we see total and complete vengeance against the Arabs, and may they shriek over their dead (many millions dead, please G-d) as they have caused so many Jews to do!

The Slaughtered
Aba: Udi Fogel, age 36 -murdered by Arabs
Ema: Ruth Fogel, age 35- murdered by Arabs
Yoav Fogel, age 11-murdered by Arabs
Elad Fogel, age 4-murdered by Arabs
Hadas Fogel, 3 months old-murdered by Arabs

The "Survivors"
Tamar Fogel, age 12
Roi Fogel, age 8
Yishai Fogel, age 2

Purim Festivities? 
The public school down the block was having their annual Purim carnival this past Sunday morning. The raucous sounds of melody and mirth were particularly disturbing in the wake of the mind-numbing slaughter of the Fogel family. Another massacre of a Jewish family by Arabs, and the callous fools who run the school probably never even considered toning down the festivities. In all likelihood, they didn't even mention the slaughter to their students, which of course would be contrary to the culture of "peace" that they are  brainwashing the schoolchildren with. The Ministry of Mis-education want to portray Arabs as ordinary people who want to live in peace in Jews, not as soulless bi-pedaled beasts who are capable of the most incomprehensible atrocities. Concurrently, the insidious brainwashing process requires "the settlers" (as they call them) to be portrayed as violent extremists, not victims of Arab terror. 

The family was correct to release the nauseating pictures of the slaughter, and online news sources such as Arutz Sheva should be commended for posting themGraphic pictures are a tiny window into the nightmare of Arab barbarism.  Other than (G-d forbid) experiencing such savagery firsthand, photos convey the animalistic nature of Arabs that the government and media tries to suppress with their portrait of the mythical "moderate Arab". Naturally, the leftists are in hysterics, since pictures of Arab atrocities are the last things they want circulating about. Let them choke on their own bile. They brought the slaughter upon us. Jews need to see images of the Fogel family sprawled in pools of their own blood, their bodies punctured with holes like sieves, courtesy of multiple stab wounds.

The hell with the hasbarah (PR) nonsense about how we have to educate goyim about Arabs. The few righteous gentiles that are out there already know what Arabs are, the others hate Jews anyway. The truth of the matter is that the photos are for Jews. For secular leftists who klop al cheit every time a Jew builds a new tool-shed in Hebron. For mamlachim who believe that an erev rav government that arms terrorists still retains the status of malchut. For modern-orthodox eunuchs who are told by their roshei yeshiva that it constitutes a chillul Hashem when a Jew torches a mosque. For chareidim who refuse to fight the Arabs with the same gusto that they do (correctly so) when the homosexual parade comes to the Old City. The photos are for the apathetic and for the confused. Finally, the photos are also for Jews with proper deot.We all need a refresher course on Amalek.

Purim is upon us. This year, try not to miss the crucial lessons of Purim that often get lost in a haze of intoxication and silly "Purim Torahs". Learn the lesson of Amalek's persistence, and how they arise in every generation with plans to annihilate us.  Internalize the lesson of Jewish vengeance and violence, and of the Halachic requirement to eventually exterminate all manifestations of our oldest and most barbaric foe. (Yeshivat Har Etzion may be uncomfortable with it, but the Torah demands total annihilation of the demonic Am Lak, who spits at the heavens and laps up Jewish blood.)

Amalek: Who Is Amalek?
  • Lesson #1- Their is no "ethnic" Amalekite nation today: Thanks to King Saul, Amalek isn't one particular nation anymore. Now Amalek is every nation and any nation that wages war against Hakadosh Baruch Hu and the Am Hanivchar. The potential resides within every committed Jew-hater. Those that fully articulate their Jew hatred become Amalek. Sometimes Amalek wears a cross, other times he goose-steps around in a brownshirt. Today, he wears a kaffiyah and eats hallal. And he breaks into Jewish homes and slices the throats of sleeping infants.
  • Lesson #2- Blood Worship: Killing Jews is Amalek's lone priority. Nothing else matters. 
  • Lesson #3- Cruelty Epitomized: Amalek is a savage. The German Amalekites annihilated 6 and a half million Jews with bullets and bayonets, gas chambers, crematoria, and "scientific" human experimentation. The children of the Mufti are trying to finish the job with hatchets and bombs strapped to their chests. Amalek has a propensity for mind numbing cruelty and torture. To call him an animal is an insult to animals. Amalek chooses its insidious path. The Arab Amalekite deliberately targets and slaughters women and children, including babies at the teat. When an unfortunate Jew makes a wrong turn and stumbles into his lair, the Arab mobs tear him limb from limb in front of the television cameras while dipping their claws into the gaping wounds, like demented ghouls. The Arab Amalekite distributes candy in the streets of Gaza and Ramallah whenever some soulless demon "martyrs" himself. 
In every generation, Amalek wars with Am Yisroel. Today's current manifestation of Amalek may be a monotheist, but he worships a pagan blood deity. Heaven forbid that anyone should confuse "allah" with Hakadosh Baruch Hu.

Amalek, the day of retribution is coming!
One day, a Torah leader will arise and pull Israel out of the mire of exile, degradation, and death. He will call out to committed Jews to help assist him with the Arab problem. I await the day. May G-d avenge the blood of the Fogel family and may we live to see the Arab/Islamic enemy exterminated in our time. Let a raging fire of Kiddush Hashem burn out the evil in our midst. Timcheh Et Zecher Amalek Mitachat Hashamayiom. 

Baruch Hagever & Chag Sameach.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Leftist Hypocrisy- Batons For Me, Head Fractures For Thee

Bibi's "Real World
"People do not understand where they live. If you do not live in the real world, it is possible to disregard everything, and I suggest that they start being wary in order to protect the existing construction. What is at stake is the new and existing construction,” referring  to major Jewish population centers in Judea and Samaria."- Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu 
Let me get this straight. Bibi can send an army of faceless, nameless, thugs in riot gear, to shoot plastic and rubber bullets at Jews (including the elderly). He can send the same sadistic gestapo forces that in the past have committed the following outrages against religious Jews:
  • bashing skulls in with truncheons, be they man, woman, or child
  • smashing Jewish faces in with illegal brass knuckles
  • molesting Jewish women, by putting their filthy hands on the most private parts of their bodies
  • tear gassing Jews indiscriminately
  • throwing people off of roofs
  • stomping on them with combat boots
  • trampling them with horses
  • head butting them with their helmets.
  • tearing and burning down Jewish homes.
  • threatening to shoot Jews with live fire
  • preventing medics from assisting victims of police brutality and taking them to the hospital
  • riding with the victims of violence in the ambulance to terrorize them on route to the hospital
This was the most recent state sponsored pogrom against Jews in the liberated areas. The "mixed multitude" regularly incites IDF policemen to use violence against Jews without any repercussions. Why aren't Bibi and Barak being charged with incitement? These tyrants have the gall to speak about the rule of law, as they continue to trample upon the most basic human rights. What law? Israel is lawless.

A word of advice to the heroes of Gilad Farm. The next time they even get a whiff that something is awry, they need to inform like-minded Jews across the country that they could use reinforcements. Many of us who would gladly assist them the next time the capos pound on their doors. 

The violent right? Read the talkbacks on the websites of the Israeli rags. Replete with obscene comments from secular leftists which praise the barbarism against "settlers"  as these diseased fools refer to them, and call for even stronger measures next time. "The Hunting Season" is upon us. 
Now the leftists are whining about "extremist settlers" who are finally venting their frustration with their own Jewish "Days of Rage." May these brave Maccabees be blessed and strengthened! The Left needs to learn that they are the ones who are inciting a revolution. As Rabbi Kahane (may G-d avenge his blood) wrote in his final work, "Revolution or Referendum", no one should be surprised when the brutal suppression of the former leads to the latter. Current MK Michael Ben Ari echoed this sentiment when he noted:
"Whoever backs officers who open fire at settlers should take into account that he is causing rage and despair."
The violent and hypocritical left thinks that they can pound on our skulls indefinitely. Let them think again. In the meantime, Netanyahu, Barak, and Internal Security Minister Yitzhak Aharonovitch should be arrested for their multiple crimes against the Jewish people, including this latest sin. As I've stated before, plastic/rubber bullets can easily kill a person. Sending police to shoot at Jews with such weapons (out of fear of Obama, y'mach sh'mo v'zichro) means that they have raised the ante. Anyone with eyes can clearly see where this is heading. One day soon, they will send their brown-shirts with orders to shoot Jews. And their nameless, faceless, army of Yassamnikim thugs will gladly comply.

Revolution or Referendum. The words of Rav Kahane had better be heeded. When evil leaders oppress their citizens, a basic, moral, survival instinct sometimes arises. The heroes of Liberated Israel are not Arabs, and they are loath to start a civil war. But everyone has a breaking point.

Monday, February 28, 2011

The Hunting Season Returns

'15 injured in Havat Gilad'  (Ynet)

The Jewish Fist Commentary: The dream of Zion? To be shot at by Israeli policemen? Jews need to understand what transpired at Havat Gilad today. Netanyahu and Barak sent their sadistic, violent henchmen to shoot at Jews with rubber bullets. A little clarification, for those who may have some skewed notions about these projectiles. Rubber bullets aren't toys. A close range shot with a rubber bullet to the head, throat, or neck region can easily kill a person. How well does a trachea stand up to a direct shot? It would crush like an empty Pepsi can. And the left has the gall to whine about right-wing violence? 

And who exactly were these henchmen? Israeli "police special forces." This is just a euphemism for the savages and sadists that these units are comprised of. Violent, stupid, beasts such as these join such units for the sole purpose of beating up Jews. Many of them aren't even Jewish. They hardly need to be incited or "pumped up" to get going. And on the day that the order is given to lock and load with real bullets, (and that day may not be far off) these upright animals without name-tags will gladly shoot to kill. 

Netanyahu and Barak should be tried for treason. This is a return to the days of "The Hunting Season". (Netanyahu should ask his father for a history lesson about those dark days, and then in the spirit of consistency spit in his face.) Treasonous leaders should answer for their crimes. And the punishment should fit the crime. Without a doubt, these two quislings will pay for their many sins in the afterlife. It remains to be seen whether we merit to see justice in this world. 

At the end of the day, only a truly Halachic court with the power to actually administer punishments could ever even begin to rectify the chillul Hashem of Israeli politicians who arm the PLO, destroy Jewish homes and freeze Jewish growth, and then brutalize the few Jews who actually resist their insane crimes.
(In the interest of continuing Jewish education, The Jewish Fist is proud to present a new feature entitled "Points To Ponder", which will occasionally follow certain posts. I hope that my readers will use the exercises in this section as a means of discussing critical issues with their friends and family.)
  • Points to Ponder: What Halachic category should the Torah assign to those who send homicidal policemen to break open the skulls of good Jews with truncheons, physically molest religious girls, trample people with horses, tear gas them, and shoot bullets (rubber or otherwise)? Should Rabbis and learned laypeople be denied the Halachic right to intellectually debate such matters (from a Halachic perspective, of course) without being charged with incitement? 

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

"Attempted Murder?" Of a Terrorist?

Man Charged for Trying to Kill Terrorist who Stabbed his Wife

by Maayana Miskin (Arutz Sheva)

Just over a year ago David Mizrachi's wife Tamar was brutally stabbed at her workplace near Kiryat Arba. David, who raced to the scene in his car, found Tamar's would-be killer, a young Palestinian Authority terrorist, in custody outside. In a rage, he ran over the man.
Now Mizrachi, 56, is facing charges of attempted murder. He was indicted Sunday in the Jerusalem District Court......More Israel news

The Jewish Fist Disclaimer: As a rule, I don't like posting articles from Arutz Sheva. As far as I'm concerned , there are too many questionable things going on over there. For one, they are soft (and worse) when it comes to dealing with the issue of missionaries in Israel.  This should come as no surprise when one consider the mounting evidence which suggests that they are in the pockets of American x-tians. A7 is also parve and ineffectual, and absolutely terrified of taking a true Torah stand on the important issues. They can call themselves "right-wing", but that means nothing as far as yahadut is concerned. They are a haven of "mamlachtiism" , if you will, where one finds all sorts of ideological nonsense masquerading as Judaism in their editorials and op-eds, and in the many advertisements that litter their site (40 Days Of tehilim at the kotel. That kind of pagan garbage). Of course, this is a general statement regarding A7, and it should not be taken as an attack on the author of this article, who I am sure is a fine person.

The Jewish Commentary: Attempted murder? Outrageous. David Mizrachi should be given a medal, and then another opportunity to finish off the job. Were I in charge of this madhouse, he would be given free reign to slaughter the pig who tried to murder his wife. In any manner that suited him. Personally, I would suggest a cruel and inefficient death, in accordance with the Torah's view of justice, that you show no mercy towards the merciless. 

The spiritually diseased leftists who are trying to punish David Mizrachi will ultimately face Divine retribution for harassing this poor man. Hasn't the Mizrachi family suffered enough at the hands of Arabs? Several years ago an Arab driver plowed into their son's car with his vehicle and killed him. Incidentally, they also recently lost a daughter to apparently unknown causes. (Without knowing anything about the case involving their son, I wouldn't be surprised if the Arab murderer is still burning rubber on Israel's roads. Perhaps some leftist Jewish lawyer used the "my client's foot cramped up" defense. Surely it wasn't religiously motivated?

Death to the terrorist, Masawa, may his name and memory be obliterated from the face of the earth. I don't know if he's still in prison, or if Bibi freed him with a few hundred other vipers as part of some Ramadan good-will gesture to Abbas. One day soon, Jewish justice will return to Israel. Men of morality will take the reigns and declare "open season" on all terrorists. And savages such as Masawa will be hunted down and exterminated, like rats carrying the plague. No leg shots. No warnings. 

Only a lunatic society would charge a Jew with the "attempted murder" of the Arab terrorist who almost killed his wife. This is the insanity we are dealing with today in Medinat Yisroel. A nation run by quislings and cowards who have the wisdom of Chelm and the morality of Sodom. May The Almighty protect David Mizrachi and his family from both the Arabs and the "erev rav" (mixed multitude). 
Written in a dying Jew's blood. 

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Why Did The Feminist Chicken Cross The Road?

"Rabba" Hurwitz with Avi Weiss. 
Q: Why did the feminist chicken cross the road?

A: To daven for the amud at The Hebrew Institute of Riverdale.

It's been a while since I wrote about Avi Weiss, who heads the Hebrew Institute in Riverdale, NY, and whose list of radical innovations in a supposedly "orthodox" synagogue include the recent ordination of a women, Sara Hurwitz, as a "Rabba."  When I last visited this issue, I castigated the Rabbinical Council of America for a weak-kneed response and their failure to throw Weiss out of the organization.The following link contains the RCA's official statement.  Essentially, the RCA told him not to do it again, and he agreed. It's important to note what the RCA did not require of him. They did not demand that Weiss remove the title Rabba from Sara Hurwitz, or remove her from her post. They neglected to deal with the dangerous precedent that even one Rabba represents to Torah Judaism. This concession was a major victory for Weiss and the other ortho-feminists out there. At the end of the day, the Hebrew Institute has a female Rabba. (For more on this subject, read my post, The RCA Is Dead.) As seen by this screen shot from the HIR website, Sara Hurwitz still retains her title.

I wasn't even aware of Weiss's latest outrage, until I stumbled upon an online article from The Jewish Week entitled, "Weiss Moves Beyond Rabba."  The title was appropriate, for indeed Weiss had moved beyond the issue, by allowing a female congregant to lead the Kabbalat Shabbat prayer service one Friday night. 

I don't feel like regurgitating the article. Read it yourself and consider the following points that jumped right off the screen at me:
  • Just how smug and brazen is Avi Weiss, to take this next descent into the abyss right after a public clash with the RCA? He's making an absolute laughingstock of the RCA, and they have neither the courage nor the intellectual honesty to remove him.
  • Consider the contempt he has for many of his former and present congregants, some of whom have already left his congregation, and others who may now reconsider it, after being put off by this latest incident. Avi Weiss does what he wants and the congregation can come along for the ride or leave. Of course there are many sheep in his congregation who will adapt to the innovations of their esteemed rabbi and mentor. In time they may even learn to enjoy it. And then they will hail him as an even greater innovator of "open orthodoxy."
  • Surprisingly, Rabbi Shafran of the Agudath Israel of America had mild words about the incident. While obviously opposing these innovations as contrary to yahadut, his response was parve. This is what I got out of Rabbi Shafran's words. "Rabbi Weiss's move saddens me." Really earth-shaking sentiments. I would have expected the condemnation to have some bite. It did not. And for that the Agudah should be ashamed of itself. Of course, in the grander scheme of things,  the Agudah is irrelevant to Avi Weiss. We're talking about two different planets.
  • Ironically, Rabbi Shmuel Goldin of the RCA had stronger words on the matter, as seen in the following segment of the article. This makes the RCA's subsequent failure to address the issue even more inexplicable:
Rabbi Shmuel Goldin of Englewood, N.J., a vice president of the Rabbinical Council of America, said RCA leadership is critical of Rabbi Weiss’ action, but has not yet decided on any action it may take.
“A woman serving as shaliachat tzibbur [the cantor] for any portion of synagogue services is unacceptable,” Rabbi Goldin said. “If such a thing occurred, it would obviously be wrong and not in keeping with Orthodox tradition.”
The recent RCA agreement with Rabbi Weiss, in which he agreed not to ordain women, did not foresee and “did not address” a woman leading services, Rabbi Goldin said, so Rabbi Weiss’ action is not in technical violation of the agreement. “The question is, is it a violation of Jewish tradition, and we believe it is.”
Does Rabbi Weiss face disciplining by, or suspension from, the RCA?
“It is premature for us to comment on any particular action that we will be taking,” Rabbi Goldin said, “but all actions are on the table.” 
This article was from August 4, 2010 (one day short of a mere five months after the RCA's "Rabbah statement"). From the tone of Rabbi Goldin's words, it sounded like Weiss was in trouble with the RCA.  I've checked the RCA website. I've clicked on every link and searched the site repeatedly. I don't even see a reference to the incident, let alone a statement reflecting any discipline. I don't know about you, but I find this this very disturbing. (I suspect that one or more philanthropists who support  Weiss and the RCA may have put a damper on any plans to oust him.) The RCA purports to represent "Torah true" Judaism. Yet time and time again, they fail to stand up for the Torah. Exactly how far can Avi Weiss push the envelope before they throw him out? Perhaps when a lesbian "Rabba" blows the shofar following neilah.Then again, maybe not.

Where is the public outrage from Torah leaders? There are striking similarities between orthodoxy's collective  failure to address the menace of Lubavitch messianism that arose after the Rebbe's (of blessed memory) death, and this very different but no less dangerous infection that endangers many segments of the "modern-orthodox" world.

"Separate but equal." An obscenity when it comes to dividing people based on skin color, or absurd notions of race. But in yahadutseparate but equal is essential to the perpetuation of the mesorah (tradition). One could surely argue that the role of the woman is even more essential than the man's. In many aspects I believe this to be true. The Torah requires a separation in roles, both for halachic and hashkafic (idealogical) reasons. And both are critical for the Torah observant Jew. Gender confusion, role reversal, these will prove to be the spiritual death of the Jewish family. Jews will leave the fold in even greater numbers if the fundamentals of our tradition become warped, skewed, and finally abandoned. (When Jonathan's Ema starts behaving like a second Aba, something is bound to go wrong.)

Women are as good as men. And Jewish women are as essential to Judaism as men are. But they are not men, and men are not women. Let women find fulfillment as Jewish women in accordance with the Halachah. And let them not be led astray by the false shepherds, who would sacrifice the flock to the wolves, to satisfy a feminist agenda.