" Thou comest to me with a sword and a spear and a shield, but I come to thee in the name of the L-rd of Hosts, the G-d of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast humiliated..." (I Samuel, 17:45-47)
Showing posts with label Jordan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jordan. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Jordan on the brink: Muslim Brothers mobilize for King Abdullah’s overthrow

Jordan on the brink: Muslim Brothers mobilize for King Abdullah’s overthrow:

'via Blog this'

The Jewish Fist Commentary: The Hashemite Pig "Kingdom" is next. I hope a bloodbath ensues and they butcher each other until Jordanian occupied Israel is ripe for liberation. Here's to my dream of seeing Abdullah's head on a stick. May the entire populace of jordan know only death and destruction until they are no more. Let them drown in their blood.

Chag Sameach. With G-d's help, the name of The Almighty will be sanctified this year.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Our Grotesque Leadership

Israel's unrelenting march to national destruction....Bibi's craven incompetence....the sadistic Barak's love affair with smashing open Jewish skulls. The perpetual chillul Hashem of Jewish weakness as exhibited by Israel's mixed multitude.

Self-loathing and fearful. These are the defining characteristics of Israel's insane leaders, who suffer from diseases of the soul and of the brain. While Egypt pounds on the war drum and remilitarises the Sinai, Israel's moral and mental misfits continue to insist that we have peace with these Islamic fiends, even after the recent assault on the Israeli embassy in Cairo which saw a near mass lynching of Jews at the hands of a howling Egyptian mob. (See Debka report). This is Egypt's true face.

The same can be seen with Turkey, that bastion of Islamic tyranny and genocide. As if his brazen efforts to send Turks to murder Jewish commandoes wasn't enough of a declaration of war against Israel, the accursed dog, Er"dog"an, now threatens to send gunships to break the Gaza blockade. And still Bibi and Barak grovel before the public and explain it away as a mere setback in our alleged friendship. Turkey expels the Israeli ambassador, and Bibi portrays it as a lovers spat.

Evil fools. Lovers of the cruel, haters of the merciful. Haters of G-d who are not merely content to destroy the country within, but are now showing the Arab countries that they will tolerate outright acts of war against Israel. Havlaga is the official policy of the impotent Likud. Of course none of this is new. Those of us with brains and intellectual honesty constantly hammer home these points, in the same manner that we constantly remind the reader that Egypt, Jordan and Turkey are enemies of the Jewish people. Their involvement in an outright war with Israel is not a question of if, but rather when.

Our sick leadership keeps groveling in front of the Arabs, with their pathetic, grotesque insistence that we value their mythical friendship. They don't speak for those of us who truly follow the Torah and recognize the face of Amalek. Egypt, Turkey, and Jordan are synonymous with Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Syria. I await the day when all of the enemies of Israel drown in their own blood. May we see it in out times, and may we be privileged to partake of the purging and burning of this mind-numbing chillul Hashem.

Here are some older posts about the two-faced Amalekite dogs of Egypt, Jordan, and Turkey. One final point. Only a self-hating Jew would visit these hornet nests:











Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Other "Peace Partner"

The Jewish Fist Commentary: Justice Minister, Hussein Mjali is a typical Jordanian dog. Where is the outrage from Netanyahu? If he had any modicum of self-respect and dignity, he would have immediately gone on national TV and raised hell. He would have taken advantage of an excellent the opportunity to expose the Jordanians, who can easily match Egypt in terms of their Jew-hatred (and not to mention copies of  "The Protocols" circulating the country). Watch as Israel lets this latest outrage slide so as not to rock the boat with their beloved Hashemite pig king. 

And watch how the arrogant Abdullah evades the whole issue. And the leftists won't even say "boo" to him. Oh and by the way, where is the head ADL moser, Abe Foxman? Isn't the ADL supposed to combat extremism in all its forms? I can just see Foxman now, taking a confidential phone call with one of his cronies. "I've told you a hundred times Ken. Don't say anything. We have to be careful when it comes to the shvartzes, the vilda chayas in Egypt, and his majesty in Jordan. We don't want to make things worse."

Were Bibi a strong Jewish leader, he would send assassins after Mjali and the barbarian who shot these seven Jewish girls. (May The Almighty avenge their blood!) If there is any way on earth to get at this maggot in prison, a real leader would make it his mission that this vermin was dissected like his great great g.......grandfather Agag.

Israel ignores every Jordanian outrage because if this "peace-treaty" fails, the myth will shatter. But don't say that I didn't warn you. Jordan is looming on the horizon. Just like in Egypt. They are biding their time. 

Check out this disturbing video from MEMRI. These are the real Jordanians. The two legged rodent in this clip is proud that his "client" murdered Jewish girls. Death to Jordan and her entire diseased populace. Death to the pig king.

Now do you understand why Baruch Goldstien was a true Jewish hero?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Animal Day In Egypt

The "moderate"Abdullah II with Arafat.
Will the Hashemite pig be next?
Tunisia. And now Egypt. Who will be next? The Arab and Islamic world is in disarray, and this is a good thing for Israel, despite the nebbish concerns of liberal Jews. All eyes are now on Egypt, where the tyrannical despot Mubarak is finally facing a revolution from the lunatics within his country.

Rule #1: Anything that creates turmoil in the Arab/Islamic world is good for Israel. Pay no heed  to the screwballs in Israel's government (headed by Bibi) who pay one-sided lip service to the mythical peace-treaty between Egypt and Israel. Mubarak is a vicious anti-Semite, who would wage war with Israel in a heartbeat if he thought he would win. As of the early 1980's Egypt had abrogated all of the clauses of the sham treaty, short of open war, which they weren't going to do as long as the country was in economic turmoil. And don't worry about the Muslim Brotherhood coming to power. Religious or secular, they all hate Israel. The Brotherhood would be a more honest enemy, with their open calls for Israel's destruction. As a general rule, Israel never does well with enemies who wear the mask of moderation (albeit poorly fitted). Look at what happened when Sadat visited Jerusalem. Suddenly, the Hitler lover became a moderate. Same thing for the pathological King Hussein, who once called for his citizens to tear apart the Jews with their teeth and their nails. Then  he grew wiser in his old age, when he learned not to say everything that was on his mind.

Let them kill each other. I welcome blood in the streets of Cairo, explosions in Alexandria, riots, massive civil unrest. Let the Egyptian army and police slaughter the protesters by the thousands and let the deranged masses respond in kind with terror against the state. All of this is good for Israel. As long as Egypt burns, they weaken themselves. At the very least, a great many Egyptians will be killed. One never gets an honest report from the state controlled Egyptian media. So the reports of 100 protesters killed is probably entirely inaccurate. Hopefully more blood will spill on both sides. Maybe Mubarak will even get torn to pieces.

Let the tyrants of the Arab and Islamic world tremble, as their citizens rise up in revolution. Invariably they will use force against the people to retain their power. This is good. Civil wars in Arab countries are good for Israel. Don't worry about the Muslim Brotherhood. Once again, the devil that Israel knows is an easier enemy to face. The Egyptian masses want to slaughter Jews. They all support the Muslim Brotherhood. Israel needs to see the "peace-treaty" exposed for the lie that it is. The Muslim Brotherhood would offer us a great opportunity to destroy them and then take back the Sinai.

Let the enemies of Israel bleed as they caused Israel to bleed. Let the Arab/Islamic leaders cringe in terror as they ponder whether their country will be next. Hopefully, we will soon see bloodshed in Jordanian occupied Israel. The Hashemite king really needs to learn a lesson, and with G-d's help, Abdullah II will soon be swinging from a tree.

"Those who bless you will be blessed, and those who curse you will be cursed." The eternal promise of the Torah. Stop perseverating about Arab/Islamic instability and the implications that it will have for Israel, as frightened grasshoppers are wont to do.The G-d of Israel will allow us to destroy all of these Amalekite maggots if we follow the Torah. In the meantime, sit back and enjoy the show.

Friday, December 31, 2010

WikiLeaks: Good For Jews

I'm really loving this Wikileaks craze. Arutz Sheva is reporting on the latest Wikileak, which should come as no surprise to anyone, but which will surely upset liberal Jews who were nursed on the myth of "Egyptian-Israeli" peace. Mazal Tov. The Egyptian military is still training to kill Jews. Not a real revelation, but it's always good to see the murderous Egyptian liars (may their names and memories be obliterated!) exposed. I don't care what the motivations are behind the people at Wikileaks. (I'm certain that they are no lovers of Jews or Israel). In the long run this kind of free-for-all public disclosure will be good for the Jewish people, who need to discover the timeless truth, that we are alone in a sea of sharks.

The anti-Semites in the highest echelons of U.S. government are furious that there were ears carefully planted behind so many closed doors. Suddenly, we have official documents exposing the naked Jew-hatred of the Arab and Islamic world, including the alleged "moderates" of Egypt and Jordan. The weakling frauds that make up this and all previous Israeli government are getting caught with their pants down. Friendless and alone, their suicidal policies are now looking even more insane.

With G-d's help, Wikileaks will help Jews to understand that the Leftists (and virtually all Israeli politicians are leftists) are committed to weakness and national suicide. In time, it will become clear that the only solution to this perpetual nightmare is strength through Torah, trust in The Almighty, and a whole lot of G-d fearing Jews with guns.  Keep 'Em Coming Wikileaks!

Shabbat Shalom.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Bibi the Traitor (audio)

The clever Sadat in the process of fooling an old Menachem Begin.
A close-up of Sadat's curious tie.
This from a man who wrote a
fawning "letter to Hitler" in 1953.
Prior to his insane trip to the U.S. to meet with Obama and the head butcher of the PLO (may their names and memories be erased!), Benjamin Netanyahu referred to the late Anwar Sadat (a vicious anti-Semite whose hands were drenched in Jewish blood) as a man of peace. The fact that he could make such an obscene statement exposes his sheet ignorance of Sadat and the real intentions of the Camp David tragedy. Furthermore, it explains why Netanyahu has become such a willing pawn of the left.

In the following audio post, I reference Dr. Paul Eidelberg's classic work, "Sadat's Strategy", in which he dissects Sadat's clever ruse to destroy Israel with a false peace. For a synopsis of the work, read Dr. Eidleberg's comment at danielpipes.org.

MP3 File

Monday, August 23, 2010

A Nuclear Iran: An Impending Nightmare-Part II

May we see this Iranian dog and his 
Islamic ghouls slaughtered under the
sword of Jewish vengeance.
When it comes to exposing the dangers of a nuclear Iran, few men in positions of authority have been as diligent as John Bolton. (And he's been consistent in his criticism of the U.S.'s weak-kneed response to this madness. When the Bush administration passed the buck off to the impotent, socialist, Arab-loving, Barack Obama, may his name and memory be erased, Bolton didn't mince words.) Just last week, the former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. reported on Fox News that the Russians would be installing nuclear rods into Iran's Busheir reactor on August 21st. Bolton explained that he saw the 21st as a deadline for the Israelis to attack Iran, since any attack after the installation would leak radiation into the atmosphere and possibly the Persian Gulf and endanger Iranian "citizens." Bolton explained that he had no confidence that Israel would risk such an attack. 

As Bolton predicted, the Russians installed the rods on August 21st. Those of us with sanity watched with bated breath in the hope that there would be a surprise attack from Israel. No such luck. There was no Israeli military strike. If Bolton's information is accurate, this means that Israel has already accepted that Iran will soon have a nuclear bomb. Absolutely terrifying. 

Nuclear capability doesn't occur overnight. The blind and impotent leaders of the Western world sat on their hands for the past twenty years and ignored Iran. American presidents on the left and right of the political spectrum closed their eyes, while the European eunuchs twiddled their thumbs. The Russians signed lucrative contracts. And Israel waited on the sidelines, hoping that goyim in U.S. government would take care of the problem for them. They didn't. 

When Bush left office without destroying the reactors, he exposed himself as a fraud. Throughout both of his terms, his "war on terror" was a sham that exposed his ignorance about the Arabs and Muslims, and led to the kind of climate where a dangerous demagogue such as Obama could attain the highest office. And Obama's commitment to "diplomacy" has all but guaranteed the eventuality of a nuclear armed Iran. Obama will go down as this century's Neville Chamberlain. 

Despite the ramblings of leftist simpletons, Israel's nuclear weapons will deter nothing. There is no "Samson option" when dealing with Jihadist lunatics. Radiation leaks or not, Israel has no choice but to strike at Iran. Unfortunately, years of ignoring the problem has made this a very dangerous mission. This would make the attacks on Iraq and Syria's reactors look like a walk in the park. Iran is further away than Syria and Iraq, and there are no friends along the way. Furthermore, Iran's sites are scattered throughout the country and many of them are well hidden. 

Iran's calls to exterminate Israel place them squarely in the camp of Amalek, the ancient enemy of Israel, who lives and breathes to annihilate the Jewish people. The name of the game when fighting Amalek is to "kill or be killed." And it's not just Iran. The same principle applies to any Islamic and/or Arab country that actively pursues nuclear weapons. Our good "friends" (they love us to death) in Egypt and Jordan keep barking about their right to nuclear power. They would be just as dangerous as Iran, if Heaven forbid, they ever obtained such weapons. 

All we can do now is wait on the sidelines and see whether or not Netanyahu has entirely lost his mind. I'm not holding my breath, though. Netanyahu is one of the weakest men to occupy the Prime Ministers seat, in a country that has only known weak Prime Ministers. (It's not an easy task to distinguish oneself in this manner.) But as I've already mentioned, Israel no choice. The Torah's most basic doctrine of self-preservation is that "If one comes to slay you, slay him first." It's time for an Iranian barbecue.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Israel Or Chelm?- You Decide (audio post)

Reflections on some recent examples of lunacy in the Holy Land, where the "mixed multitude" is doing everything in its power to get us all killed. Rabbi Meir Kahane (may G-d avenge his blood!) often noted that Jews should stop telling Polish jokes and start telling Jewish ones. After all, we Jews are the real fools.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Those Damn Jordanians

Jordan's Queen writes children's book about tolerance and openness -- but not for Jews - Jihad Watch

Jihad Watch always does an excellent job exposing the many politically correct myths about Islam and the Arab world. Here's another example of the "Queen" of Jordan showing her true colors. She's every bit the Jew-hating pig as her fat-headed husband. Frankly, I don't know why this would surprise anyone. The worst anti-semitism comes out of Jordan in the form of television, the arts, movies, journalism, literature, and even "scholarly works", etc.

The Jordanians would slaughter every Jew in Israel if they could. The peace treaty with Abdullah's homosexual father was a grotesque abomination which displayed Israel's weakness in the face of the Arab Amalekite war with the Jewish people and The Almighty. Stupid Jews need to stop deluding themselves. There will be another war with Jordan in the future, the moment that these pathetic maggots feel brazen enough to try again. The time is long overdue to destroy this impotent country of pederasts and liberate the other side of the river.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Mixed Multitude Strikes Again!

In June 2008, Mahmoud Abu-Atawi scurried across the border from his roach-nest in Gaza into the western Negev. He didn't risk the trip from Arab-occupied Gaza due to a sudden craving for shwarma, or a desire to bargain hunt in the Bedouin shuk of Beersheba. He came to slaughter Jews, which would explain the grenade he was carrying. Upon crossing the border, he hid among the bushes, where he was eventually discovered by two Israeli soldiers who attempted to apprehend him. There were several other soldiers in the vicinity. Atawi had different plans. Characteristic to his breed of human virus who worship the blood deity (never to be confused with Hashem), Atawi uttered the standard guttural cry, pulled the pin, and hurled the grenade at them. Had the grenade done what 99.9% of other grenades do when the pin is pulled, ZAKA would have had their hands full scraping up thick puddles of Jewish blood and body parts. Miraculously, this particular grenade failed to detonate and no one was killed.

Consider for a moment what would happen to a Jew who hurled a grenade at an Arab soldier in a so-called "moderate" country like Jordan, Turkey, or Egypt? He'd be subjected to incomprehensible forms of torture in the form of maiming and mutilation, culminating in a violent death. Compare this to "the mercy of fools" of the Israeli courts. Last week a Beersheva district court handed down a prison sentence for Atawi's crime, which the kangaroo court noted was a "severe" one. (What a revelation. We needed the courts to teach us that throwing grenades at soldiers is a "severe" crime.) Of course you would never know that the court felt this way judging from the sentence. Atawi was given 12 years in prison. (It's a good thing they thought it was severe, otherwise he might have gotten away with community service.) What an abomination! Atawi should have been hacked into pieces and had his head set on a pike at the Karni crossing.

There is no justice in Israel. The leftists who pitied this beast weren't interested in the fact that only a miracle prevented a bloodbath. Ironically, the District Court Judge, Rut Avinada, paid lip service to "the miracle" (for whatever thats worth), which makes the sentence even more puzzling.) 12 years? Are they insane? These leftist lemmings of the court would make good x-tians, were it not for the fact that they don't believe in any sort of a creator, even an idolatrous man-god.

In 12 years, Atawi will be free, and if history teaches us anything, he'll be spending his time in prison plotting his next attack. Of course there's always the possibility that Netanyahu will pardon him and several hundred other Jew-killers as part of some sort of goodwill package to Abbas. The notion of ware-housing these beasts is outrageous. Instead of storing this human refuse at the taxpayer's expense, we should send a real message, and bury a personalized bullet into the skulls of these Jew-killers and would-be Jew-killers, while their eyes are propped open. Ruthlessness is the key to fighting Amalek, not imposing impotent prison terms that only embolden him and encourage future acts of terror. Furthermore, when terrorists are imprisoned, they become commodities for treasonous politicians like Bibi and Barak to swap for "assurances of peace" and the mutilated remains of murdered Israeli soldiers.

The Arab and Islamic world is not impressed with the havlagah of rubber bullets, or the leftist commitment to "compassionate justice." A policy of killing terrorists will go a long way towards resurrecting the tradition of the brutal Jewish warrior and erasing the chillul Hashem of Jewish weakness. In the meantime, let it be known that this grotesque sentence was a victory for Mahmoud Atawi, who in this lunatic country, was granted another crack at killing Jews when his sentence is up. Israeli prisons should be reserved exclusively for Jewish criminals. The only prison Atawi deserves is a pig's carcass stuffed with his bludgeoned corpse. In the absence of a pig, he should be eviscerated with a butter knife and left for the buzzards.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Head Pig Of Jordan (audio post)

I'm sick of Jewish fools who delude themselves into thinking that Israel has "peace" with Jordan and Egypt. You'll notice that only liberal Jews parrot this nonsense. The Arabs of Egypt and Jordan are honest about their Jew-hatred and what they think of Israel. Abdullah II is the same animal that his father was. It's time that Jews get it into their thick heads.

Monday, April 19, 2010

On Jewish Remembrance

What has Yom HaZikaron become? A day of remembering our fallen soldiers, but forgetting why they fell. Remembering those who paid the ultimate price, but forgetting who killed them. A day of commemorating the concept of sacrifice, but forgetting the nature of the sacrifice. A day of solemn military ceremonies, haunting songs, sirens, and of little else. Not a day of remembrance, but one of forgetting the most important lessons of all. That the Arab and Islamic savages are still trying to kill us. That they want to flood the streets of Tel Aviv with a sea of Jewish blood, as surely as they want to massacre every Jew living in Judea and Samaria.

The Siren Wails:

I knew that the siren would go off at any moment, and yet as always, its sudden onset was somewhat startling. Instinctively I jumped to my feet like a puppet and stood silently, listening to its mournful wailing which sent goosebumps across my body in a visceral response. As I stood, I reflected on the important lessons that the erev rav (mixed multitude) purposely denies the Jewish schoolchildren of Israel. Not only on this solemn day, but on every day of their education, which is really a process of Leftist brainwashing.

Judaism abhors the spectacle of meaningless ritual. If a siren of remembrance fails to jar the senses like a shofar and act as a catalyst for introspection and repentance, then as far as yahadut is concerned, it is worse than a waste of time. Without a doubt, we have a Jewish obligation to remember the dead, but that alone is insufficient. We need to remember the following Jewish lessons that "The Ministry of Indoctrination" denies our children:
  • The Land of Israel is ours. All of it. The Almighty gave it to us, and although we were punished for our sins with the destruction of the Temple and our dispersal across the world, He has returned it to us. We have no right to relinquish any part of it.
  • The Holy Land is under assault by the hordes of Ishmael and Esau. We face the battles of Purim (a genocidal enemy) and of Chanukah (a spiritual enemy) at the same time. And while our enemies rip and tear at us, the mixed multitude hunts us down and ties our hands.
  • The Arab/Islamic world is the face of Amalek. Nazis of the worst kind. To call them animals is to misunderstand what an animal is. Animals are biologically hard-wired to be creatures of instinct. There are no evil animals even among the most predatory of species. Men (and women) who shake off every semblance of humanity and don the death mask of Amalek, have nothing in common with animals. We face nothing less than an enemy who wants to exterminate us solely because we are Jews.
  • There are no moderates in the Arab/Islamic world. The so-called peace treaties with Egypt and Jordan are a twisted joke. Read what the pig of Jordan has to say about us. Much like his father, this bloodthirsty Jew-hater can barely mask his hatred. He would love nothing more than another war with an Israel that is significantly weaker than it was the last time around. The citizens of Egypt and Jordan would both relish another war with us.
  • Our leaders are sick men with diseased souls. The fat-faced Ehud Barak had the gall to defile the memory of the fallen soldiers by using the day as a stage to call for a "palestinian" (myths don't get capitalized) state. Our Minister of Defense. Bibi Netanyahu visits the grave of his martyred brother (may G-d avenge his blood). For what purpose? He continues to supply weapons to the same group of savages that murdered his brother. All in the name of "peace".
Meaningless Ceremony?

Across the country, schoolchildren attended powerful ceremonies today. They were reminded of the thousands of Jewish soldiers who fell in battle, but no mention of the enemy who killed them. Instead they brainwash the innocent with the insanity of "Peace Now" and the lie that "most Arabs (perhaps most of them) want peace." And after years of this insidious indoctrination, the State will hand them each a gun and send them off to die, as they face an enemy they will never understand. Many will actually feel empathy for the enemy, and show mercy to the merciless on the battlefield.

As I listened to the siren, I thought of wailing mothers and fathers, of brothers and sisters groaning in agonizing pain, as their loved ones are lowered into the earth prematurely. This is the lesson of the day. I thought of the animals who killed these heroes. I thought about Samson and King David, and of the principles of Jewish vengeance that we must internalize, if we are to erase every manifestation of chillul Hashem that stains the Holy Land. I thought of the burning desire a Jew must feel to avenge his slaughtered brothers and sisters.

The war against the L-rd and the Am Hanivchar (Chosen People) continues. Certainly, we must pay homage to those who sanctified The Almighty's name in the fight against Amalek. We also have an obligation to remember that they were killed not only by the fiends of Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, but also by the so-called "moderates" of Egypt and Jordan, who read Mein Kampf in the coffee houses of Cairo and Amman, the way normal people read fiction in Starbucks. Moderates who firmly believe (with the passion of a Polish man) that we drink blood and control world finance.

I call upon thoughtful Jews to return to the Torah and absorb its timeless lessons. To learn that authentic Jewish notions of "love" and "peace" have no commonality with the distorted versions going around that present themselves as Jewish. As Jews we have an obligation to hate the wicked. We are commanded to cultivate hatred and rage in our hearts against all the enemies of G-d and the children of Israel. Hatred for all our enemies, whether it be those who snatch Jewish souls in the streets of Jerusalem and Beersheva, or the Arab and Islamic hordes who wear the Mufti's death mask. A desire for blood-lust against the enemies of the Almighty is the most Jewish of ways to remember the fallen.

On the day that the sword of Jewish vengeance has fed and satiated itself on the blood of the wicked, when evil is destroyed for all eternity, on that day we will merit the coming of the Messiah. Only then may we pound our weapons into farm tools. Until that day, we have a fight on our hands. And no quarter may be given in the war with Amalek.

The siren of remembrance reverberated across the land today. When you heard it, were you driven by a desire to avenge the deaths of our fallen soldiers and sanctify The Almighty's name? Did the piercing cry of Yom HaZikaron remind you that our leaders are making deals with the same monsters who wear the mask of moderation while they grasp concealed daggers? If not, did you really hear the siren at all?

Yom Haatzmut is upon us. We need to avoid the terrible mistake of the chareidim who ignore the miracles that Hakadosh Baruch Hu performed for us (though we were and remain unworthy of them), as surely as we must avoid the idol-worship of mamlachtim who turned a sinful Hellenistic entity into the Kingdom of David. We need to be careful in our celebration, so that it remains one that is guided by the undiluted Halachic truth. Our prayers need to be for a true Jewish state to arise, one that is committed to Torah law and the sanctification of The Almighty's name. Nothing less than a genuine theocracy based upon Torah.

Chag Sameach.
Am Yisroel Chai!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Attack on Israelis in Jordan - News Briefs - Israel National News (Click on Title)

The Jewish Fist Commentary: If you're Jewish, Jordan is a place to get killed. Fortunately, these foolish functionaries of the government weren't killed by these Nazis. Risking their lives, in the sham service of fostering relations with the accursed Hashemite Kindom, may their names and memories be erased.

Jordan is a country where the citizens drip with Jew-hatred. (More than three quarters of its inhabitants are "palestinians.") A country whose religious and cultural incitement against Jews equals Egypt's, Israel's other "ally" in the Arab world. (Another moderate Arab country). A country where the blood libel is strong. During Operation Cast Lead, the masses came out like hordes of cockroaches unbelievable in support of Hamas's genocidal war with Israel. Of course they did. The Kingdom of Jordan is nursed on the poison milk of Amalek.

It's always sad when Jews visit Petra to see the pagan Nabatean "wonder of the world." Jews should have no interest in Petra, regardless of how "impressive" the sights are. Petra is a repugnant symbol of Nabatean idolatry. Furthermore, Jews shouldn't visit a country where the average Arab would lynch you in a heartbeat. They shouldn't support a society of vipers who dance in the streets like deranged puppets whenever Jews are killed in Israel. It's tragic when Jews return from Petra thinking that Jordan is a safe place to visit. Their whole perception is skewed. Petra is a tourist trap that hardly represents the real Jordan, where Jewish tourists are as welcome as a case of syphilis. Amman is the place to go for that. Of course no normal Jew visits Amman. Wear a kipah in Amman and run the risk of getting torn to pieces.

One day soon, the impotent Hashemite Kingdom will collapse under it's scrawny legs. Both sides of the Jordan will be ours. Then you can visit. Not Petra of course. In accordance with yahadut, Petra will have to disappear along with every other repugnant remnant of Nabatean idolatry. The mosques will have to go also. Perhaps Great Britain can use a few extra ones. Or we always can reciprocate the favor and use them as stables and latrines, as the Hashemites did to our synagogues before we liberated Jerusalem in '67.

In the meantime, don't be a fool. Show some self-respect and stay away from Jordan.

"Kill the Jews wherever you find them.Kill them with your hands, with your nails, and with your teeth."
- King Hussein the Moderate (Jordan) 1967

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Turkish TV: Jews As Devils

Every day we read about another form of provocation coming out of the mouths of the dogs of Turkey, whom we are told by our quisling leaders are a nation of "moderate Muslims." Just like the Hitler adoring Egyptians and Jordanians. Yesterday, Arutz Sheva reported on a popular Turkish television program entitled, "Ambush In The Valley of the Wolves". This isn't some nature documentary. This is a show about Mossad agents who steal Turkish babies. Only a thoroughly diseased society of Amalekites would watch this filth, which is reminiscent of Julius Streicher's pornographic "Der Strumer". Welcome to Turkey.

Various versions of the blood-libel thrive exist in the Arab-Muslim world, which borrowed it from the accursed European x-tians, and made it their own. Contemporary Arab-Islamic "culture" and society is replete with the motif of the blood-libel, be it literature, movies, television, or academia. Normal people read normal books, fiction or otherwise. In the Arab-Islamic world, The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion and Mein Kampf qualify as high literature.

With all the opportunities these dogs provide to expose the myth of "moderate" Arab/Islamic countries, one would think that someone in the government would have the self-respect to take advantage to expose these Nazis. Of course Israel is led by groveling lemmings who call the Fatah butcher Abbas a moderate, even as he praises the murderers of Jews as shaheeds (Islamic martyrs).

Eunuchs are a stubborn bunch. Barak and Bibi continue to insist that there is no crisis with a country whose populace is nursed on the most obscene primitive Jew-hatred. A country (with a history of its own for annihilating people) that has aligned itself with their genocidal coreligionists in Syria, Lebanon, and Iran. A country led by Prime Minister, Recep Erdogan, a vicious anti-semite, who can barely control his Jew-hatred even when on the international stage.

Here's the thing about wolves. They act like wolves in order to survive. If Israel were dealing with the enemy properly, in accordance with the laws of Halachic warfare, we could live with this image as wolves. As Rav Kahane (May G-d avenge his blood!) said, "Let them (the Arabs) think that we're monsters." Violence is the only language that these creatures understand.

Unfortunately, they don't really think that we are wolves. The wolf is merely an image to further demonize the Jew, and thus cultivate a climate where the populace wants to kill Jews. Here's to the day when we show Turkey and the rest of the Amalekite contagions of the world, the power and ferocity of the true Jewish wolf.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Turkish Dogs

It wasn't that long ago that stupid Jews were extolling the virtues of Turkey. I'm not even talking about extreme secular leftists. There are plenty of "moderate", "reasonable", religious Jews who spout such nonsense. Spineless nebs who usually subscribe to the Hellenistic indoctrination of "maada and Torah" (always in that order) that the many Rabbi Lemmings of the Daati world forced into their skulls. Even more than Jordan and Egypt (whose sham one-sided treaties with Israel granted them the status of moderates) these pea-brains saw Turkey as a Muslim country that was both reasonable and modern. Time and time again, they would cite Turkey as proof that Israel had at least one friend.

The head dog Erdogan has done a hell of a job stripping off the false face of moderation and showing the ugly beneath. Ever since the Gaza war, Erdogan has done as good a job as anyone in circulating and disseminating blood libels about Israel. Now Erdogan has publicly stated that Iran is a friend of Turkey's. I'd like to see the eunuchs in government explain away this latest statement. Surely, we can expect to hear some bumbling, babbling, Israeli minister degrading himself and country as he spins the age old story of "the many ties the countries have with each other..............

Erdogan doesn't like to wear a mask. This is good, because the most dangerous Arabs and Muslims are the ones who wear them. Liberal Jews always fall for these malevolent characters. Fortunately, Erdogan is honest about his Jew-hatred. A man needs to know who his enemies are. There are too many stupid Jews out there who need the enemy to say it outright. "I hate you and your people. I want to see your country wiped off the face of the planet."

As far as I'm concerned, any friend of Iran's deserves Iran's ultimate fate, the fate of any people that adopts the ideology of Amalek and wars with The Almighty. Turkey's allegiance is clear. They are the same primitive savages as their brothers and sisters in Iran. Naturally, they should receive the same form of justice. Death and devastation. Extermination and extinction. May we see it with our eyes.

This Erdogan cockroach really gets me riled up. Here are two older posts that I wrote about Turkey. Turkey's Jihad & More Moderate Muslims.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Islamic Barbarity and Leftist Complicity

Female Genital Mutilation, Islam and Leftist Silence – by Jamie Glazov (Frontpage Magazine)

A disturbing article about an even more disturbing practice, the barbaric form of amateur surgery known as female genital mutilation. For those who don't know, this primitive cultural/religious rite is popular in much of the Islamic world, including Jordan and Egypt. Another classic example of how leftists have a selective sense of moral outrage when it comes to dealing with Islam.

Here are some general guidelines, when trying to understand liberal hypocrisy. Liberals believe that:
  • Only white people can be racist.
  • All white people are racist.
  • Black people cannot commit hate crimes. Even if blacks lynch a Jew in the streets of Crown Heights or set a white man on fire, it isn't a hate crime.
  • Men are violent. Having testicles means you must constantly resist the urge to rape and beat women.
  • The government has an obligation to remove guns from the hands of law-abiding citizens and to leave their hands off women who want to abort fully developed babies from "their bodies".
  • Raping a child is acceptable if you're part of the decadent self-indulgent, Hollywood elite. It helps if you fled to Europe to escape persecution for your sexual beliefs.
  • Gang-bangers who slaughter families with shotguns, but later go on to write children's books in prison, should be spared the electric chair.
  • The death penalty is racist and immoral unless applied to fetuses who threaten to burden the potential mother with all sorts of responsibilities.
  • The government has an obligation to force socialist universal health care upon everyone. Dr. Kevorkian's unique form of elder-care should be available on demand (just like cable television). Infanticide. Geronticide. But no pesticides.
  • Islam is a beautiful religion. (It is racist to ask them to give examples.)
  • Slavery is bad when it is committed by whites. The slavery of the Arab/Islamic world that persists to this day is an entirely different matter, one which cannot be judged through the prism of western eyes.
  • The U.N. is a moral institution committed to blah, blah, blah.
  • A black president cannot be stupid no matter how stupid he is. Nor can a black president be racist or anti-semitic no matter how many associations he has with racists and anti-semites. If you say otherwise, you must be racist.
  • Rape and adultery are bad, unless they were committed by a pig-faced former President who for some inexplicable reason is a darling of leftists, despite eight years of negligence and incompetence.
  • Iran isn't a threat to the world. Israel is the problem.
  • Looters and rioters who want to f**ck up whitey and get some free s**t have the right to vent by whatever means they deem necessary.
  • Israel has no right to protect itself. That would accomplish nothing and might actually harm the peace process.
  • Violence is bad unless it is committed by the left. Or by "freedom fighters" who have no choice but to detonate themselves in populated malls.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Bibi the Small

The Hussein Obama administration is pleased with Bibi's recent speech and that should speak volumes to us. When President Hussein (yemach shmo vzichro) is happy with Israel, you can be certain that the Prime Minister did something wrong.

Who Rules Bibi?

Bibi hasn't disappointed his puppet master. When he was told to get rid of "outposts", he complied and began to tear down Jewish homes. And when he took the stage the other night in front of the entire world, he continued to slither like a slug. Bibi became an even smaller man when he uttered two dangerous words that had never been in his vocabulary before -"palestinian state". Two words grounded in Arab lies and years of propaganda, words that even Golda Meir (4,000 dead Jews, thanks to her leadership) wouldn't have uttered during her darkest day of menopause.

Unlike President Hussein, Bibi is a student of history. He knows that palestinians are like Lilliputians. They don't exist. He knows that any "palestinian state" would have as its mandate the destruction of Israel, and he knows that there would be no way for Israel to prevent them from having an army trained to slaughter Jews. Bibi knows that Fatah=Hamas=Hezbollah, as surely as he knows that Anwar Sadat and King Hussein died with Jew-hatred in their hearts.

Bibi also does a disservice when he cites the sham peace treaties with Egypt and Jordan as precedents of peace, because in his heart, he knows that they will be exposed as such in the not to distant future. If a referendum were taken today, the people of Jordan and Egypt would go to war with Israel in a heartbeat. The leaders are reticent to lose more land, although one can see the future already, as Abdullah and Mubarak continue to pound on the war drums.

If he knows these things, why does Bibi act like Barak?

Bibi lacks courage. Beneath the confident front stands a terribly insecure man. A man ill equipped to do what needs to be done, to do what Rav Meir Kahane would have done, tell the Americans to take their economic aid and shove it. Bibi claims that we are unaware of the numerous factors that require him to agree to such things. Let's get one thing straight. No one forced Bibi to become PM. What could possibly justify national suicide? What factors require us to arm Fatah so that they can disembowel us alive? Tell us Bibi!

Bibi does not have the courage to lead a nation. Instead of following his mandate to deal a death blow to the Oslo Accords, he is continuing the process of Israel's self-destruction. He said what President Hussein wanted him to say, and by doing so, set the stage for unprecedented U.S. pressure in the future. Bibi proved that Labor and Likud are diabolical twin sisters. Daughters of destruction who support national suicide, territorial amputation, and the creation of a PLO state.

Bibi's apologists are claiming that it was a strong speech, based on the fact that Bibi made his acceptance of a "palestinian state" contingent on numerous variables that the PLO will never accept. Tragic. This is what constitutes as leadership in the Likud today. The ability to delay and stall a nightmare (to limit the damage if you will) instead of standing up to our enemies and laying down the law. Live at peace with us at the current borders or wage war with the Almighty, and die at our hands.

Bibi's Secrets of Leadership:

Bibi masquerades as a right-wing visionary. He tricks people because he has the veneer of leadership. He speaks well, but he speaks with a forked tongue. He will say anything to gain power and sink to the lowest level to retain it. No politician in Israel can lie with such eloquence.

In the end, Bibi gave us what he has always given us. A veneer of leadership, cloaked in the garb of articulate speech. To the trained eye and ear, dangerous lies, clever stalling tactics, and testicles the size of Tzipi Livni's. And the looming threat of an Amalekite state, trained by the U.S. and armed with American weapons, waging total war within our borders.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A Few Random Thoughts

  • The Moshe Feiglin Show is a dangerous mamlachti charade. Feiglin's efforts to sanitize the Likud (in order to rehabilitate it, of course) are outrageous. The Likud is a sham. Netanyahu is the face of the Likud today, a party of lying, conniving, opportunistic frauds, who have adopted the same lies of their opponents. The Likud will dance to the grave whenever the U.S. pulls the stings.
  • Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are two lowly worms who will have the distinction of going down in Jewish history as two vicious enemies of Am Yisroel, who were actually adored by some very prominent modern-orthodox Rabbis.
  • Shas is an erev rav with beards. Instead of trembling before G-d, they tremble before gelt. As I see it, they are as treif as any of the secular "rabbit eaters" that they rail against.
  • Jews and righteous gentiles take heed. The U.S. will suffer Divine punishment as a consequence of its war with the Almighty. Every time an "outpost" is destroyed because Barak Obama demanded it, a tremendous chillul Hashem occurs. The desecration will only be wiped away with an antidote of unprecedented Kiddush Hashem that will rectify the hierarchy of things in the world.
  • Abdullah II is the same rabid dog that his father was. Beneath the "civil" veneer (the cloak of a moderate, if you will) is a genuine jackal that wants to kills Jews. Shut your mouth, little Abdullah. The day will come when we put an end to the Arab occupation of Jordan.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Hiring Arabs: An Act of Treason

I just read on Arutz Sheva that an Arab (presumably a former moderate) drove a tractor into a police car this afternoon, wounding two police officers. The latest report is that someone shot and killed the animal. The proper response for the government would be to drive a tractor over this beast's family, who without a doubt are memorializing him as a martyr.

I'm sick of this insanity, the maddening image of Arabs driving tractors, because greedy Jews would rather save the shekels and hire these barbarians. If the government doesn't have the sense to throw them out of the country, Jews should at least have the common sense not to hire them. Arabs don't hire Jews. There are no Jewish tractor drivers in Jordan, Egypt, Yemen, or Turkey. The idea would be preposterous to them. We should reciprocate in kind and not employ the enemy. Let them starve. Maybe they'll move to Kuwait where they can drive tractors.

A Jew who hires Arabs is a traitor to his people. It's that simple. Giving an Arab a tractor is like giving him a gun or a knife. Yesterday this Arab had a job. If I would have pointed him out to most Jews, they would have said that not all Arabs are terrorists. Until the day that these weasels invent a machine that can determine who will kill a Jew tomorrow, I don't want to hear from them. This new tactic of plowing into Jews with tractors is only the beginning. The Arabs are clever when it comes to killing Jews.

Here is a link from a good jew who is trying to end this insanity: http://avodahivrit.blogspot.com