Sunday 11 October 2009

Moving house

I am pleased to say that we now have our camera nest box fully up and running and I have it all set up to record any visitors we get. This is a sort of "part 2" to my previous posting, where I explained the new location of our camera nest box. Because of the poor light, I couldn't get a decent photo of the box to show you on my last posting. Well, I went out the next day and took this...

As you can see, the nest box is now quite high up in our apple tree at the end of the garden. It now has a metal protective plate so that predators cannot widen the hole and get at any birds inside the box. I expected this to be a much better location for our birds to nest. However, I did not expect to see such a quick response from the birds. We got our first visitor to the new box just a couple of days after we moved it.

Yep, a Blue Tit had a quick look inside our camera nest box just yesterday. I really wasn't expecting this, so I blindly starting recording the box, only to realise that I hadn't changed the settings so that it would be in colour! Annoyingly, I now have a black and white video of a Blue Tit visiting the box. I was still very happy to see it. I have decided not to upload this video, however, I did change the settings so that it would be ready for another visit.

What a surprise it was this morning to hear a tapping noise on the hole of the nest box just minutes after I had turned my computer on at 8:45 this morning. Because I can't see the nest box from the house, I had no idea what the bird would be, although I suspected it could be another Blue Tit. How wrong I was! I was thrilled to see a Great Tit pop into the box. I hit the record button, and this is what I saw...

This video is in fact in colour (although it may look like its in black and white). The reason for this is that it wasn't very light in the garden at this time, so the colour is dulled. As usual, the quality of video you will see will not be as high as the quality I will be able to view. Listen out for the Great Tit calling in the video too.

Hopefully, this will be the first of many visits to our camera nest box through the winter :) I'll be checking for any roosters tonight. Fingers crossed for that. Have a great weekend (whats left of it)!


Jayne said...

Oh Joe, that's so much fun to see!! Is your nest box wireless, or is there a wire running from it to the house? I am thinking I'd love to have one when the bluebirds begin nesting again.

Linda Yarrow said...

That's great Joe, seeing the Blue tit and the Great tit investigating your nest box:)

Midmarsh John said...

Brilliant Joe. Great to see the box being investigate so soon.

Ginnymo said...

Wow! This is awesome Joe!! I can't wait to see more. What a great thing you have there! This is better than some of those live cam sites! Was it expensive to set up??

Angie Moore said...

Well done Joe. Can't wait for your next post. Lovely.

Joe said...

Hi Jayne, Lyn, John, Ginnymo and Angie. Glad you all enjoyed this posting, thanks for your comments! :)