*****Vintage Finds for Home and Garden*****
Showing posts with label rosaries. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rosaries. Show all posts

Saturday, April 10, 2010


With being tied up with helping my daughter and her new baby and then getting another cold/flu bug--I haven't had a chance to get out to look for junk!!
I finally made it to a couple sales on Friday and take pics of some other recent finds too!
Cute as can be baby jacket~~

More rosaries and an old directory- kinda like a 1900's phone book~~

A lovely wooden jewelry box

Some nice little trinkets~~planters, buttons, cookbooks and a lovely floral print!

Enough peat pots for craft projects to last me 20 years!!! But they were DIRT cheap! (pardon the pun!)

More fun finds...garden decor and funky suitcases...check out the darling slip-covered folding chair!!!!!

I love this...and I got it so cheap I couldn't resist!!!

~~~and of course, one of my weaknesses that I also cannot resist!

A friend of mine has a stack, floor to ceiling of these that she wants to sell me-hurry up will ya???

~~~and a bunch of uniformed dudes playing instruments!!

It feels good to get out to find some stuff once and get back into Blogging again!!!

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