Showing posts with label The Baby Room. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Baby Room. Show all posts

Saturday, September 03, 2022

New Beginings and Last Hurrahs

The transitions are almost complete. Last year's little ones are settled into the "Waddler Room." I hate letting them go. They still arrive in the morning expecting to find me waiting for them. In all honesty, I feel a bit like a traitor though I haven't a say in the matter. This is how the Daycare Center works. I chanced to meet Mara and her mom coming in yesterday and was handed a card, a thank you for taking such good care of this sweet child. I wanted to cry.

Although I can't be with them all day, I will stop to say hello and wrap my arms around my girls as I can. Mara cries when she sees me. (Ugh. My heart hurts.)  She's so little. She has new teachers and loves being a big girl, but still wants Miss Martha. I could have moved up with them but along with the move would have come all the responsibilities of a full blown Toddler Room and I am not ready for that.

New Littles are filling my Infant Room. I welcomed twins on Monday. Girls. Five months old. Charlotte and Julia. On Tuesday I meet Ensley. She is eight months. Jack will come to play Wednesday and Thursday. 10 months. Leo will still come on Fridays. He just turned one. I will soon be attached to another group of little people and they will be looking for me too.

My friend Livie came for three days this past week. It didn't take long for her to cling to me when I had to leave the room. She's gone now too. She starts a new daycare center on Tuesday and her cousin Hannah will join our Waddler Room. It's hard to believe that a little less than a year ago I agreed to leave my kitchen to be in the Infant Room until "mid December" when my girls were 3, 4, 5, and 6 months old...

Oh my goodness! Where are the tissues?!

Friday, August 12, 2022

Big Kids

Last Friday afternoon, while my little ones were asleep, my boss poked her head in my Infant Room and asked if I wouldn't mind spending Monday in the "Waddler Room" with my three babies. I agreed, thinking she was simply asking Monday. In reality, she was asking for the entire week, and maybe the next couple. 

Although moving my babies to the next classroom has been expected and inevitable, my heart hasn't had time to prepare. Monday and Tuesday found me completely overwhelmed and out of sorts. I was thrown entirely off kilter. However, my babies have found the "big kid" room to be quite alluring. There are different toys, a big kid table and chairs, and they even go outside to the playground!

It's been quite the week. I am so proud of these three. M learned to wear her shoes and walk in them. She's been sitting at the table for her meals and sleeping on a cot! She hollers and squeals with delight when we go outside to play. She is going to do great as long as she can do it without me. (It hurts my heart when I have to leave and she cries...)

B has been fabulous too. She has already spent time in this class when we have had an extra baby in the Infant Rooms. She knows the drill and is very self confident.

D has been amazing! He will be 16 months old by the end of August, but he is tiny and doesn't walk just yet. In one week's time I have seem him grow by leaps and bounds. He's pulling himself up and very slowly taking steps along the furniture, occasionally sitting in a regular chair, and wanting a sippy cup instead of a bottle. Today he scooted himself all the way down the hill to the edge of the playground where he hoisted himself over the board edge and into the wood chips. He's going to be okay.

Maybe I'll be okay too...

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

To Be Honest...

It was a good day in the Baby Room. Lots of tears, because they ARE babies, and lots of hugs, snuggles, mischief and giggles. They are a sweet bunch even if they don't like taking naps. Half an hour. That's about how long they sleep. I don't know how they do it. I could easily pass out for an hour or two. Ha ha!

Monday, March 14, 2022

Child Development Associate

My days at work have fallen into a somewhat steady routine, as steady as a routine can be with four children under a year old. Arrival, playtime, breakfast, diapers, bottles, nap. More diapers, lunch, bottles, playtime, nap. Diapers, bottles, snack, playtime, departure...Today I disassembled our bulletin board and redecorated. Took down our penguins, love bugs, and cardinals along with a stack of photos, and put up something new. Footprint bunnies, carrots, butterflies and flowers, and put up a new stack of photos. I've found an outlet for my photography even if I can't share much of it here. 

I won't be making a return to kitchen duties. The kitchen will soon be turned over to a former cook and I will be a permanent fixture as an Infant Teacher. Imagine that! The CDA is progressing. It might be slow but I have almost 3 more certificates under my belt. It is a good fit for me too. "My girls" are developing wonderfully. They're all mobile in one way or another and our straggler is ahead in language skills, which isn't surprising. I am already dreading the day when they move up to toddlers.

I'm coming up on a couple days off. I bought airline tickets to Florida back in January, but Florida (formerly known as Minnesota) is coming to New York instead. (That's a story I won't get into...) My babies will wonder what has happened to me and I will be enjoying my grandchildren. Perhaps a Florida trip in the not too distant future. I'm still hoping.