My Entries Me You Misc

Friday, January 02, 2009
Image hosted by Tumblr-ing New Year! =)


Reading : First Among Sequels by Jasper Fforde (ANG GANDA!! Fantasy and a whole lot more! :P
Downloading :
#63 Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (nandito si RDJ!)
#64 Miracle on 34th Street
#65 Vicky Cristina Barcelona
#66 Slumdog Millionaire
#67 Charlie Bartlett
#68 The Duchess
#69 A Christmas Story (1983)
Watching :
Ugly Betty Episodes 9-10
Marie Antoinette (didn't like it much..)

Yey! I got a New Year present from Ate Yesha!! Aww ang cute niya talaga sis!! hehe Thanks ah!! *hugz*

Hey guys! EEPZ!! Sorry I had no chance to do a video blog! urgh, so sorry! I was capturing some videos on the eve of December 31st but sadly... I thought they didn't seem too nice.. lolz! haha Coz there were the booms and screams of fireworks and all that commotion, but let's see. I'll maybe upload it :p haha!

But I did get to do a Tumblr account!! I find the word tumblr to be unique and different even though the familiar tumbler would just mean... a container of some sorts. Who cares? It's such a weird word. Haha! Anyway I've converted this into a photoblog and I've joined the Project 365 c/o Ate Gel and I will post a pic EVERY DAY. That's the challenge right there! So guys if you want to see some action every day, Go follow/visit me there!

But wait... I have no cam.... BUZZ BUZZ BUZZ... haha Fortunately MOM AND DAD GOT ME ONE!! Whoot! OMG, grabe the first things that came true are the ones I thought most impossible to get.... Geeshh.. maybe I should put everything on my wish list as the IRONMAN DVD WITH SPECIAL FEATURES.... haha :p

Canon's IXUS 870.
Canox IXUS 870 IS (we got the gold one! lang)

Anyway it's a CANON IXUS 870IS!! hehe We got it for a bargain (imagine, nacut-off ung price for 9000php!!) at Quiapo at Henry's Camera (advertise advertise!). Dad decided to buy a camera when he saw our neighbors HOLDING A SLR CAMERA AND BIG-ASS LENSES! So you know, male pride kicked in and he said that we should have one too. But we're not professionals yet so there, we just got this and I DON'T REGRET it! hehe The images are amazingly clear and the video too! Love love it!! hehe. I'm gonna name it Camm-y just because... I'm a bad namer :( Or goldy...

Wow, this new year had been really different for me for these reasons:

1. Big Bro wasn't here. He was off partying in Portugal... LUCKY GUY! bwahhaa but he didn't have that much to eat as I did! bwahaha!!

2. I ATE NONSTOP FOR MORE THAN A WEEK! It started on Christmas Day and it didn't stop until Jan 1. AND NOW I'M A BIG FAT ARSE... *cries and laments*

3. We hopped to relatives' place more than usual. First it was at my mom's side. And I got to bond more with my cousins there. haha! Pls check out my multiply album for rare family pics! haha :p And then we went to dad's side amidst problems with grandpa... uh.. those are more personal things. And I got to bond more with my cousins too! :p hehe.

4. We had no fireworks. As in NADA, not even lusis, the magic wand sparkling things but I was still happy. Our neighbors never cease to amaze me with their fireworks especially those at both ends of the street. grabe! You thought that they were holding a contest or something. Haha and our next door neighbor had around 5 Sintoron ni Hudas (Judas belt, you know the really LOUD ONES). Almost became deaf again that night. Too bad I was the only one excited. Mum and Dad just wanted to stay inside. I braved the smoke and noise alone.. :((

5. We went to A LOT OF PLACES ON JAN 1~! hehe Far places pa. First we visited our soon-to-be pet parrot named Gray (coz again we have nothing better to name it...)

And then off to Cainta, Rizal to check on Queenie's bros and sis

Then to Tagaytay-Batangas to EAT OUT. Grabe si mum! hehe we almost got lost noh coz the place was SUPER SECLUDED as in it was at the dead end... lolz! haha YUMMY food though! :P

No exact pic :P hehe Kaya puro Carp nalang!

Hehe well that's it. I'll be posting again soon coz... BACK TO SCHOOL ON JAN 5 and frankly, I'm REALLY NOT READY! Really... hehe :p

Oh here's something to be amazed at...HOPE HE JOINS AI! And speaking of AI... American Idol month na nga pala!! OMG!!!

Updates when I update! :cool

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stolen @ 1:28 PM

Sunday, June 03, 2007
Image hosted by Something about long weeks and nearing the END..

PLUGS: Ate Kitty, Meredith, XYRYX

Eirene just tagged me!! Hahaa welcome back Eirene ah! Grabe inggit ako sa iyo!! hehe Belated Happy Birthday rin!! *hugz*! =)

Each player of this game starts with 6 weird things about you. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state the rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave a comment that says you are tagged in their comments and tell them to read your blog.

mine starts here:
1. I love to eat mooncake with ice cream! I think I decided one day that my mooncake was a bit dry, so I grabbed the nearest thing on the table and it was our ice cream. I ate it heartily and it tastes GREAT!!

2. One of my idiosyncrasies is my addiction to calculator typing. If I get ahold of any calculator nearby, i'll immediately press its tiny keys.... *CLICK CLICK CLICK* People actually stared at me when I did this, people meaning classmates.

3. I am afraid of walking down....................stairs..... I'm so paranoid that I think I'll fall everytime I go down. I think it's because I feel down the stairs and yep, IT WAS FRIGGING PAINFUL!

4. I pushed a teacher? hahahaa!! accidentally of course! But no one can beat what Timms did, IDOL!!

5. Instead of using explicit words, I create or use milder phrases like crap, OH SHOOT, darn, ribbit, doggone it, what the??, and others... that I forgot..

6. When I was youngER, people thought that I actually came from America. Oh come on people, I've only been there once!

Now, I tag....Ate Kitty, Earvin, Irish, Ate Jais, Danwei, Meredith, Shari, and YOU!! hahaha =)


Ugh, I thought Blogger had all the auto-saving drafts done for me so when I just closed my window... POOF goes my post! GREAT GREAT GREAT! haha That's why my title is like this, I kinda forgot the exact words but it was something like that. hahaha.

So am gonna make this post shorter than before because rewriting your earlier post is quite draining! haha. Well maybe i'll just list down the topics that I wrote a while ago:

1. I woke up to the screams of Paris' newborn puppies! Yep! Our little princess here gave birth via C-section to 4 healthy puppies! wee! They are soo adorable! Only their constant whining at night gets on my nerves......... Will post pics when they're a few weeks old nalang!

2. The past week has been long, filled with college reviews and practice for scouting graduation (which was yesterdaY! yey am officially a JL!) Am so paranoid about taking entrance exams because of one very TRAUMATIC event (involving an entrance exam). I just had a simulation exam last Friday and I got 142/200!! Which is just 71%! GRRR!! I think the Filipino part was the one that pulled me down. If it weren't for it, I would have been 84%! DARN YOU FILIPINO! Sorry, but filipino and me just don't click with each other.

3. I also attended the Judenites fieldtrip on Friday!! =) We went to ABS-CBN to see how everything works (and to catch a glimpse of the stars... too bad we didn't see a lot) We saw Kim Atienza the weatherman with his friendly bearded dragon! Seeing his pet made me remember my old pets, Rock and Spike, they were such a cute bearded dragon pair! Huhu... I haven't seen them in 7-8 years now... sniff.... I was very thankful when he let me pet them! Cute scaly friend! hehe

4. I just bought my new school shoes! They're a different style and hopefully more durable than the last pair. Those shoes were a reminder that my vacation (wait, did I even have a vacation????) is ALMOST OVER!

The new school year beckons a LOT OF CHANGES and I can only pray that these changes are for the better (I do love our newly painted and reconstructed classrooms! May whiteboard na rin kami! haha ala Ateneo ata) but I am just so scared. I'm scared of all the responsibilities, the challenges, the exams, the pressure and the expectations. My blog tells me not to worry though, coz I'll always be able to spill my guts to it. Let's all have a wonderful school year everyone! =)

Updates when I update! =) :cool

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stolen @ 8:46 PM