Showing posts with label Christmas cards. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas cards. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Save The Date

I know, I know . . .  it's not even Halloween yet.  I just wanted to let you know that I will be hosting an Open Studio on December 3rd and 4th.  I'm working on getting some new items together.  I will have lots of holiday card sets and already have some available in my online store.  Packages include 10 cards and envelopes & each design has its own inside sentiment.  Most packages feature one design, however I do have a few assorted packs.  The packages are $20.  

Now, back to work.  Have a great day.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Finished and Accepted

"New Braintree Winter" - "July Geraniums" - Provincetown Path"

Lots going on in the studio these days . . .

I'm happy to announce that the three paintings I submitted to the Randy Higbee Gallery's "6 Inch Squared" show have been accepted. I'll be shipping those out today to have them framed and will have more details regarding how to purchase them in the weeks to come, so stay tuned.

I also finished up my painting, "Holiday Greetings."  It was tough to finish.  I was getting a little bored with all the final details and had to just push on.  Does that ever happen to you?  

"Holiday Greetings"
(watercolor on aquabord)
12.75" x 18"

I will be making these into Christmas cards, along with "Nantucket Christmas." They are $2 per card with envelope, so if you're interested in ordering any, email me.  There is an example of what the Nantucket card will look like below and I will be posting the finished "Holiday Greetings" card soon, along with their inside sentiments.

"Nantucket Christmas" card
finished card:  5.5" x 4.25"

I've included the work-in-progress shots for "Holiday Greetings."  

"Holiday Greetings" - wip1

"Holiday Greetings" - wip2

"Holiday Greetings" - wip3

"Holiday Greetings" - wip4

"Holiday Greetings" - wip5

"Holiday Greetings" - wip6

So that's all for now, thank you for coming by!  Have a lovely day.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Christmas Card

I had a change of plans and decided to go with my painting "Tangled" as my Christmas Card this year. I got behind in my painting,"Holiday Sparkle," and didn't know if I'd have enough time to finish, design and order my cards, so I went with a painting I did earlier this year. Actually, this was originally my plan for my card anyway.  I'm really pleased with the way it turned out. (I get my cards at There is also a little red bulb on the inside along with the interior sentiment:  "and a Happy New Year!"  -- I should have taken a picture to show you. Oh well. 

I've been racing around, trying to CLEAN (an impossible battle), decorate, shop for gifts, wrap, etc. so sporadic painting has gone on. I did photograph some future still lifes last week and messed with them in photoshop. I also did some studies, worked on a commission - but nothing really to show yet. Did I share with you, that I've been attending figure drawing sessions? (Pardon me if I already have -- my brain is mush.) Well, aside from the past 2 weeks, I've been going on Monday nights to Workshop13. It's been so much fun . . . but I'm REALLY horrible. Bah! So I went online and found a very cool site that helps me practice. I also bought a great book. I am hopeful that I'll get better. It's such amazing training -- drawing what you see. So difficult, but oh so rewarding. And the people that surround me are MASTERS! It can be both intimidating and inspiring. They are really great people, so I'm mostly inspired.  :)

So that's the scoop around here. I finished up my watercolor workshop at Workshop13 last night. Two of my students were at a concert and finished last week. But here is a photo of my remaining "kids" and their completed work. I'm so proud of them all!!  Cheers!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Fruits of their Labors

Well our first workshop finished up on Monday night and I wanted to share paintings by two of my students.  Unfortunately weather and sickness got in the way of my other two students, so we ultimately ended up with a class of two -- but had a merry ol' time anyway!  I'm very proud of them and their hard work.  Above is an example of their cards . . . below are their paintings.  If you are in the area of central Massachusetts and would like to participate in my next class, I'm anticipating running a new one at the end of January, so be sure to check back here under "Workshops." I hope to have my new description up within the next few weeks.  I think for my next class I will pick a subject and we'll all paint it . . . so stay tuned!  In the meantime, check these babies out:

"Winter Cardinal"
by Cheryl M.

"Christmas Bulb"
by Donna S.

Aren't these great!!??  Thank you Donna and Cheryl!  :)

P.S. -- the PayPal link on my "2013 Calendars" post works!  Yippee!  So if you haven't already, check out my last post and my new calendars.  And if anyone out there needs help creating their own PayPal button, just let me know, it's not that hard.

Monday, September 24, 2012


click on the image to enlarge it

I finally got my act together and have organized the small class I am offering in my studio beginning in a few weeks.  I'm limiting the class to 4 and already have two students signed up but there are two more available slots.  More information on what to expect and what supplies are needed can be found under the page "workshops" located on the navigation bar above.  I think this will be fun and I'll be sure to post how it all turns out.  Hopefully I'll have permission to show some student examples.

Unfortunately I have no painting updates to post.  I caught a cold and so I've been lying low.  It's actually working out because I have lots of computer stuff to work on and I can do that in bed with my laptop!

Thank you for stopping by.