Showing posts with label nantucket. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nantucket. Show all posts

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Throwback Thursday -- "Nantucket Christmas"

"Nantucket Christmas"
9.25" x 5.5"
(matted and framed watercolor on paper)
Click here to purchase.

This painting served as one of my Christmas cards last year.  This year I'm hoping that the original painting will find a good home so I can make room in the studio for some new paintings.  As a little extra gift, I will throw in a box of 10 of "Deerfield Wreath," this year's cards, with the purchase of this painting.

"Deerfield Wreath"

`Tis the season and thank you for all your kind comments and support throughout the year.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

"S" Is For Summer And Spontaneity!

Last week I had the good-fortune of taking a spontaneous trip to Nantucket for a couple days. My dear friends are vacationing there for a couple weeks and invited me to come stay with them. With my husband's blessing I hopped the ferry last Tuesday morning and came back late Wednesday night. It was a glorious break . . . beautiful, fun, artful and inspiring. Needless to say I have lots of photos and paintings planned!

I am back at work now, planning my 2018 calendar and working on paintings for Christmas cards.   

"Deerfield Door" - almost finished
14" x 11"
(watercolor on aquabord)

"Kringle Santa" - wip
12" x 12"
(watercolor on aquabord)

Have a great day!

Friday, November 6, 2015

Finished and Accepted

"New Braintree Winter" - "July Geraniums" - Provincetown Path"

Lots going on in the studio these days . . .

I'm happy to announce that the three paintings I submitted to the Randy Higbee Gallery's "6 Inch Squared" show have been accepted. I'll be shipping those out today to have them framed and will have more details regarding how to purchase them in the weeks to come, so stay tuned.

I also finished up my painting, "Holiday Greetings."  It was tough to finish.  I was getting a little bored with all the final details and had to just push on.  Does that ever happen to you?  

"Holiday Greetings"
(watercolor on aquabord)
12.75" x 18"

I will be making these into Christmas cards, along with "Nantucket Christmas." They are $2 per card with envelope, so if you're interested in ordering any, email me.  There is an example of what the Nantucket card will look like below and I will be posting the finished "Holiday Greetings" card soon, along with their inside sentiments.

"Nantucket Christmas" card
finished card:  5.5" x 4.25"

I've included the work-in-progress shots for "Holiday Greetings."  

"Holiday Greetings" - wip1

"Holiday Greetings" - wip2

"Holiday Greetings" - wip3

"Holiday Greetings" - wip4

"Holiday Greetings" - wip5

"Holiday Greetings" - wip6

So that's all for now, thank you for coming by!  Have a lovely day.

Friday, September 18, 2015


"Nantucket Christmas"
9.25" x 5.5"
(watercolor on paper)

What am I thinking?!  I can't say I'm looking forward to winter, but I am looking forward, preparing for my 2015 Christmas cards.  So this is my first design for this year.  My Thursday morning ladies inspired me . . . the "beachy" window was their idea.  I'm so lucky to have such creative students!  

I haven't yet come up with the inside sentiment, but if you'd like more information about getting a jump on the holidays and ordering cards, please email me  

2015 Christmas card - before folding
5.5" x 4.25"

(what this painting could look like when framed)

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Nantucket Window

"Nantucket Window"
8.75" x 5.5"
watercolor on paper

Click here to bid.

`Tis the season for beautiful blue hydrangea and Cape Cod!!  This is a little painting I did of a window from a home on Nantucket.  Thank you for viewing my work and have a great day!

(what this painting could look like when framed)

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

One Week, Two Week

Carol Marine's new book

I had decided to take a week off after my Backroads Tour, but that week sort of turned into two! (Although technically, I did do a lot of work on my online store, I just didn't paint or blog, so I guess I was working some.)  Anyway --  now I have a few different things to report on.

Oh boy!  Those shoes look very familiar!

Carol Marine (of fame) recently wrote a book and was kind enough to include a little blurb about me and my work in it.  My copy arrived in the mail on Monday and I've been devouring it ever since.  It's a great resource and story; very inspiring. Carol is a fantastic writer so I encourage you to head on over to Amazon and order a copy today.  (It also makes a great Christmas gift!)

"Late Afternoon"

On Monday, my friend June and I took a ride to the Cape to pick up my painting "Late Afternoon" that had been juried into the Cape Cod Art Association's "All New England" show.  The Association is located in Barnstable and is a lovely facility. You can access their website here.

Being the crazy, spontaneous chicks that we are, June suggested we take a ferry ride over to Nantucket!  What!?  So we did!  I have never been, but I assure you, I will be going back. It was a beautiful day and personally, I loved that it was off-season: easier to maneuver without crowds and shoot reference photos.  Even though not all the stores were open - plenty were and it was just magical. We also checked out some galleries which got me all juiced to paint. And this all counts as research for work -- I have a great job don't I?  Thank you for a perfect day, Junie!  :)

leaving Hyannis

two crazy chicks

beautiful street shot - is it really Autumn?

So today I am back painting and like the Pointer Sisters sing:  "I'm so excited!"  I have so many things to think about and do.  Nantucket was incredibly inspiring.  Have a great day.