Showing posts with label portrait. Show all posts
Showing posts with label portrait. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Christmas Paintings

"Deerfield Christmas"
14" x 11"
(watercolor on aquabord)

Bricks, bricks and more bricks!  I can't tell you how long these took . . . it was crazy-making.  I don't know why I labor so long, but I do. For a while, the pushing around of pigment is fun . . . almost meditative . . . but then it becomes so tedious and boring I can barely force myself to finish. 

"A Jolly Old Elf"
12" x 12"
(watercolor on aquabord)

Santa came together pretty quickly, but as I got closer to finishing, I did lots of work on details and bringing out the pigments of his skin.

I'm planning on having cards made up of both of these prints for Christmas cards.  I'll be sure to share those with you when they come in.  :)

Thank you for stopping by.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

"S" Is For Summer And Spontaneity!

Last week I had the good-fortune of taking a spontaneous trip to Nantucket for a couple days. My dear friends are vacationing there for a couple weeks and invited me to come stay with them. With my husband's blessing I hopped the ferry last Tuesday morning and came back late Wednesday night. It was a glorious break . . . beautiful, fun, artful and inspiring. Needless to say I have lots of photos and paintings planned!

I am back at work now, planning my 2018 calendar and working on paintings for Christmas cards.   

"Deerfield Door" - almost finished
14" x 11"
(watercolor on aquabord)

"Kringle Santa" - wip
12" x 12"
(watercolor on aquabord)

Have a great day!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

From February

I decided to put up this portrait I started in February because for the last two days I've painted with pretty much nothing but disastrous results. I never intended to post these pics before the portrait was finished because my friends whose daughter this is, (isn't she adorable?  and she's the sweetest!) have no idea I'm painting her. You see, the photo I took of her was just too precious not to try to paint, but I didn't want to show them (or any of you for that matter) in case I failed miserably. But finding myself without anything to post, I decided to just bite the bullet and share this. So this is my work in progress.  It's slow going (as you know, I jump from painting to painting A LOT.) And I definitely have to get back to this one. I think I'm getting a decent likeness, and am actually a little further along than these photos indicate, however I had stopped to ponder the "twinkle" and soul that I felt I wasn't capturing. I think I may have finally figured it out, so will start back at it shortly. I could still mess up terribly, but I know you'll all be kind if I do.  :)

With regards to my last two days:  I worked on two little daffodil paintings that I was hoping I could post as DPW auctions, but they're hideous. I may email my friend Arena (who paints amazing florals) and ask her advice as to how to proceed . . . although I fear they are too far gone for any kind of saving. In the meantime -- I'm tired and am headed to bed.  But I'll be back at it tomorrow -- hopefully with better results. I'm due, right?   -- Have a good night!

Monday, December 31, 2012

Done, Thank You, & Happy New Year!

8"x 8"
(watercolor on aquabord)

Well, "Meaghan" is complete. This is my second portrait and my first on aquabord. I'm very excited to give this to my friend. I'll be sealing it today and framing it.  I can't wait to give it to her.  :)  I had a lot of fun . . . all that hair . . . so exciting for an obsessive compulsive personality like mine.  Ha!  

I also must thank you all who visit my blog. Blogging has completely changed my life:  the way I paint . . . and truth be told, the fact that I paint. I originally began this blog as a way to stay disciplined.  I know myself and I can very easily fall into unproductive periods that linger but blogging has kept me on track. I began it to remain focused.  I thought that even if no one followed me, I could imagine that someone might, and just that little bit of pressure would keep me moving in the right direction. But this has turned into so much more. I have met so many wonderful people -- artists, collectors and art enthusiasts who have been so kind and generous to me. Your encouragement and assistance have helped me meet goals I had never even considered when I first started this journey. Blogging has given me so much more than what I ever could have imagined or repay and I have you all to thank. So when you're toasting in the New Year tonight, be sure to raise your glass and toast yourselves on my behalf. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.


Sunday, December 30, 2012

Working on Hair

"Meaghan" - wip
8" x 8"
watercolor on aquabord

Well, I made some more progress on this yesterday.  I'm fiddling now with her hair.  I paint a little and then stand back and look, I paint a little more, then stand back and look a little more.  It's a slow process, but fun.  I keep assessing the relationships between the shapes, colors and values and I think it's coming together.  I'll do some more work today and hopefully wrap her up.  This has been a fun departure for me.  

Thanks for stopping by and visiting.  Have a great day!