Showing posts with label Hardwick Winery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hardwick Winery. Show all posts

Monday, October 28, 2013

Workshop Updates

"The Group"
(and someone was celebrating a birthday with a day of watercolors and wine -- what a neat gift!)

I had a wonderful day with my class at the Hardwick Winery yesterday.  Everyone did a fantastic job.  We shared good wine, good snacks and good fellowship while hopefully learning a few things about watercolor and most importantly having fun.  If you are interested in joining me for another "Watercolors and Wine" outing -- see my workshop page on the top navigation bar.  I'll be holding another class on November 17th.  This will be my last class before the Spring. 

If a longer course is what you're looking for, consider signing up for my upcoming 5-week class at Workshop13 in Ware.  I've also listed this class under "Workshops" on my navigation bar.  

So now I'm off to paint.  Many thanks to my terrific students yesterday and thank you to you all too, for stopping by my blog.  Have a great day.  (more pics below)


adding details

a family of painters!

hard at work

ready to strike!

"Yankee Girl"
8"x 8"
(watercolor on paper)
$50 - for sale after November 17th
(for inquiries on purchasing, please email me)

Monday, June 24, 2013

Watercolors and Wine

A group photo.  Hey I recognize that red door!

I've attached some photos from yesterday's "Watercolors and Wine" workshop at the Hardwick Winery.  It was a beautiful day for sipping sangria and painting.  I think everyone did a fantastic job!  And this was pretty much the first time these folks ever painted with watercolor, (barring some limited high school experience.)  I don't know about you, but I was impressed.  :)

Hard at work . . . but don't dip your brush into your sangria, Donna!  :)


I was helping myself to cheese and crackers when this photo was taken.
"Get `em working then eat" -- that's my motto!

Decisions, decisions . . . what color to choose next?

Working on raised paneling . . . 

ooooh . . . and there it is!

A welcoming red door.

And a welcoming barn door!
Thank you for stopping by and taking a peek.  Have a painterly day!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Latch

"The Latch"
4.5" x 6.75"
watercolor on paper
(what this painting could look like framed)

Click here to bid.

I finally feel like I'm catching my breath this year . . . isn't summer wonderful for that!?  :)  So I've "virtually framed" a couple pieces and actually painted "The Latch" this morning before breakfast.  The image is from a door at the Hardwick Winery in Hardwick, Massachusetts. I'm still moving along on some of my other paintings . . . nantucket basket included.  Here are a couple more examples of what my recent paintings could look like framed.  Enjoy your day!

"On The Vine"
6" x 4.5"
(what this painting COULD look like when framed)
click here to bid on just the painting

"Fun Size"
5" x 5"
(what this painting COULD look like when framed)
click here to bid on just the painting

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Winery Class and What's In The Works

On Sunday, I had my second class at the Hardwick Winery. And a big thank you to Carolyn (fourth from left, front) for letting me use her camera!  :) She's quite an artist herself -- you can check out her website here. The day started out sunny, but by the time class rolled around, the clouds were rolling in as well -- along with a cold front! Youch! But we kept our hearts warm and everyone did a spectacular job creating their little masterpieces in watercolor. I want to thank them again for joining me.  :)

I'm also sharing the paintings I've been sporadically working on and NEED to finish. I can't remember if I've posted them before and if I have, I don't know that they're much different from their last posting. I feel like a snail working on these, and need to really pick up the pace. I have so many others in my head and drawn out, that I must get moving on. Oh and don't mind their somewhat skewed appearance. I took quick photos and didn't spend much time editing the lens curves out . . . but you get the idea. Have a lovely day!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Lots O' News!

HALLOOOOO!!  Ever since my "hiatus" I have found myself almost getting self-conscious about posting something new -- hence the sporadic postings. Has that ever happened to you? I was feeling "blog-shy." Isn't that weird? So it's taken me some time to actually write this post. I think also, because I've been running around so much, I haven't had the time to photograph the new things I've painting and/or the progress I've made on my older paintings and because I always like to post an image with my text, I've been "afraid" to post. How dumb is that?

Well anyway . . . I decided to bite the bullet, grabbed this photo of the Hardwick Winery . . . and just . . . well . . . started writing. I'll be teaching this Sunday, May 19th, at the Winery -- you can get more information here or just email me if you're in the Massachusetts area and feel like a little Watercolor & Wine. Last month we had a LOVELY time!  You can read about it in my previous post, if you haven't already.

Also . . . I'd like to mention the wonderful time I had judging an art show at the Parish Center for the Arts in Westford, MA. Oh my goodness!! What a lovely group of people who hosted me - and what a beautiful show. I can't say enough good things about their art community . . . not to mention all their kindness and generosity . . . and food!!  :) (I was lucky enough to stay for lunch AND dinner -- so DELICIOUS!  Thank you Betty and Dick!) And many thanks to Laurie for inviting me. In case you listen to AHA (Artists Helping Artists) you will recognize the Laurie I'm referring to as Laurie G. Miller, a frequent guest hostess with Leslie Saeta. Laurie does beautiful paintings, mainly in oil. You can visit her blog here . . . (she has a great post of the show with beautiful photos) and I will be adding her to my list of inspiring artists.

Oh and one last bit of news . . . Tuesday night is the night WCVB Boston's Chronicle will be airing the  feature they shot in my hometown -- with a little snippet of me in my studio. So if you are in the New England area and can tune in . . . be sure to watch!  (I'm a little nervous!)  :)

Thanks for checking in . . . and for being so patient regarding my sporadic postings.  Think Paint!  :)

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Winery Class

This post comes to you a little late as I was battling some serious stomach issues this week stemming from what was supposed to be a lovely date night with my husband. Oy!  Luckily the problems developed long after conducting the watercolor and wine tasting class at the Hardwick Winery. (And I assure you were unrelated -- "stomach issues" is not code for "helluva hangover!")   :)

It was our first event of this nature and we had a beautiful day!  My talented ladies enjoyed their wine, cheese and fruit all while working on their small paintings of one of the Winery's side doors.  Here are a couple pictures from the sunny day spent painting on the deck in our beautiful New England surroundings.  My next class is May 19th and I'm already counting down the days.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Watercolors and Wine

"Side Door Simplicity"
6" x 6"

Hi All!  I will be holding a watercolor class at the Hardwick Winery on Sunday, April 28th at 1:00 pm.  The class will run for 3 hours. There will be a free wine tasting along with a cheese and fruit platter for snacking.  We'll be painting the above painting, "Side Door Simplicity" -- a scene from the grounds. For more information go to the Hardwick Winery's "Watercolor and Wine" events page on Facebook. Registration information is there, or you can email me at I hope you can join us!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Winery 1

"Winery I" - wip
6" x 8"
(watercolor on Fabriano cold-pressed paper)

"Cupcake Commission"
5" x 5"
(watercolor on aquabord)

I just thought I'd share with you what I worked on yesterday.  I finished up the cupcake (although I may put one more wash over that background to even it out and clean up those dots a little) and started this new painting.  I wanted to fool around with some colors and textures.  I learned a lot with this painting.  The photograph of it isn't great -- I had a white light glaring on it, washing out some of the shadows - but I think I still may go for the drama and darken the shadows.  I don't really have much to lose with this one as it was intended for just practice.  Although a happy little painting may result.  :)

Thank you for coming to see what's new today.  Have a lovely day.  :)

Monday, March 4, 2013

Holy Cannoli! -- wip

"Holy Cannoli!"  -- wip
5" x 5"

I was hoping to get this work-in-progress up over the weekend but didn't.  So here it is so far.  I'm continuing with this dessert theme (for now) -- apparently my sweet tooth is hungry.  In person, the painting isn't as washed out, especially the plate.  Hopefully my final image will reflect the painting more accurately.  

In other news, I took some great photos for future paintings, at The Hardwick Winery where I will be teaching a "wine and watercolor" class in April.  The winery is BEAUTIFUL and if you are ever looking for a nice outing, please check them out -- they have lots of events scheduled, beginning with their Maple Breakfast on Saturdays in March and lots of varieties of lovely wines.  I'm looking forward to beginning some of the paintings I'm planning from that photoshoot.  So that's the scoop here in Massachusetts.  Thanks for stopping by and have a good week.  :)