Showing posts with label m&m's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label m&m's. Show all posts

Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Latch

"The Latch"
4.5" x 6.75"
watercolor on paper
(what this painting could look like framed)

Click here to bid.

I finally feel like I'm catching my breath this year . . . isn't summer wonderful for that!?  :)  So I've "virtually framed" a couple pieces and actually painted "The Latch" this morning before breakfast.  The image is from a door at the Hardwick Winery in Hardwick, Massachusetts. I'm still moving along on some of my other paintings . . . nantucket basket included.  Here are a couple more examples of what my recent paintings could look like framed.  Enjoy your day!

"On The Vine"
6" x 4.5"
(what this painting COULD look like when framed)
click here to bid on just the painting

"Fun Size"
5" x 5"
(what this painting COULD look like when framed)
click here to bid on just the painting

Thursday, May 30, 2013

"Fun Size"

"Fun Size"
5" x 5"
watercolor on paper
starting bid:  $60

Click here to bid

Oh boy!  It's been a long time since putting up a painting for auction. Too long.  As I'm sure you've noticed, I haven't been posting as much lately.  Mainly because I just haven't had the time -- to post OR paint. Did I share with you that I've had to take on a couple part-time jobs? Anyway . . . while there are a lot of larger paintings started, staring at me in the studio, I have lost some confidence from not painting daily and have had a tough time getting back into those larger paintings for fear of ruining them. Ugh.

I've also felt weird about working on anything but those paintings.  However today I decided I needed to just do something small that I could finish, without putting too much pressure on myself -- hence "Fun Size." Apparently it was just what I needed, because I also went back into one of my big paintings -- got into the groove -- and finished it tonight!  I will still have to take a look at it in the morning, make any adjustments or let it set for a while, but I'm just happy that I think I'm over the hump . . . at least with that painting.  :)

Thanks for stopping by.