Showing posts with label KC Shepherd. Show all posts
Showing posts with label KC Shepherd. Show all posts

Monday, June 10, 2013

How the girls FINALLY got their names

So Most of you who have followed this blog know that MJ and I have had a SERIOUS problem coming up with names for the girls..  I had my list of names, he had his.. I hated his, he hated mine, and we were seriously worried that we were not going to come up with anything.. Ironically we didn't until the birth certificate lady kept on us every day and every hour on the last day to come up with something. Yes, they WILL let you leave without naming them, but then you don't have all the documents you need..

So here's what we did.. On day one we decided to call them certain names. I believe on Day 1 it was Piper & Scout.. didn't work. MJ said that baby B was too pretty to be called Scout.. I agreed.. Day 2 it was Reese and Rowan.. But that didn't stick either.. However on Day 2, I came up with Crosslee.. It came to me from our Church, Crossings.. Because that place has been such a HUGE blessing to us. I gave MJ options to see what he liked better.. Crossland, Crosslee, or Crosslynn. He liked Crosslee the best, so we started calling her that on Day 2, and it stuck..

On Day 3 still nothing for baby B.. We went back to our lists.. The lists had like 40 names on it by now, both his and mine.. We came back across London.. We already had their middle names, Crosslee Shelton (Shelton is Jordan's grandpa's name) and ___________ Lucille..We had Lucille already because she is named after my grandma Leona Sheperd. I lost her in 1999 to Pancreatic cancer,and I still miss her so much every day. She was a big important factor in my life, and I know she will always be smiling at the girls from heaven.

 We both had always thought double L's would be cute. So we decided we wanted a different spelling, and went with Londyn Lucille.. Everyone we told the name loved it, and it fit her because it is pretty, and she is pretty.. So that is how we FINALLY arrived at the names.. Man it took forever, and I was honestly thinking it wasn't going to happen for awhile..

So this next week will be a test.. A test I have not studied for, and I'm quite sure I'm not prepared for.. My mom will go home and MJ and I will be sitting here with our babies for the first time by ourselves. We are going to try and see a movie and get Mama E's before she goes back as our "Last Supper"..

Speaking of Supper.. Have  I told you how much I love our Sunday School Class?? They have been bringing us supper for the last 2 weeks so we haven't had to cook.. We are so proud to have them around us, and even more excited to bring up our girls in an amazing church with an amazing church family.. This whole journey has truly been a God thing.. so when I'm in doubt these next few weeks because I haven't gotten any sleep and I'm wondering what I have done, Im' just going to try to be Still for a moment and know that he is God..and he will get us all through this.. because seriously, I can promise you its going to take all of us.. lol..

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Here's how you know you're cool..

Well here we are 30 weeks now.. Saw my Dr. last week.. Next goal is 32, then he wants me to go 36. I have no idea how I'm going to get to 36. Right now it hurts to walk, turn over, and basically live day to day, lol.. I think its much worse on ME, because (thankfully) I have been exceptionally healthy my whole life.. I'm not a whiner, and I have a high tolerance for pain.. but this is by FAR the hardest thing I've done ever.. I'm Pretty sure they will be worth it.. I hope they are, because I can tell you I'm NOT doing it again.. He measured my belly for fun.. At 29 weeks I measured 35 weeks.. (Which is what my belly would be like if I was having just ONE).. so awesome.. lol..

We had a great weekend and week this week. I had my shower on Saturday at the Jubilee Market, and it turned out Great! We got some amazing stuff, had amazing food, and an awesome time visiting and hanging out. I was so grateful for all my great friends and great gifts for the girls. I loved it, because I honestly have the most random group of friends ever, and I LOVE it. You just never know what is going to happen with those folks, and its always funny, and always entertaining.

On Sunday we all got up and went to Easter Service at Crossings and it was awesome. I can't tell you how great the music is there.. Yes, I love Marty, and his preaching, but the music is just amazing. Love it.

On Monday we my Sunday School class had a shower for me. It was diapers and wipes, and MUCH appreciated! My friend Cat put together the cutest video of MJ.. It was kinda like the Newlywed game in which she asks him questions about the girls, and pregnancy, and i see if I can guess his answers.. We actually did pretty well! It was so sweet and it will be something I will show the girls later on.. so Cool. They also got me a diaper cake, and I loved that. I'm so blessed to have such an awesome Church Family.

Mom is having her "Glam-ma" shower on Saturday, so that will be fun. All of her friends will be there to celebrate her having her first grandkids.. and me being awesome and having two at a time, because that how I roll. It will be in Elk City, so it will be nice to see everyone.

Well, the truth is with this pregnancy I just keep getting sexier and sexier.. What? No. I'm not serious. I had to go to a 'sleep study' a few weeks ago because apparently I yell out random things in the night and flail my legs.. Which is cool.. Unless you are MJ or the dogs, in which you think I'm psychotic.. So I go do this sleep study, and it sucks. Why? Because I pee every 3 hours, and when I try to roll over I'm hooked to 732 probes that make it a huge pain.. But I power through, and as it turns out, I need a Cpap machine.. Ooo yay! Sign me up! Now not only do I have a huge ugly grandma gown at night and a big belly, I have a sweet ass machine on my face that makes me look like a fighter pilot! Know whats cooler? MJ has one too! Yes, we are truly a sexy couple..

Well I've had the Cpap machine (I named her Cpapia) for 2 days now, and I really kinda hate her. I mean I sortof love/hate her. The first night she was ok, and I do think she made me sleep better.. But last night she and I got into a huge fight in which she tried to choke me out in the night and I flung her off my face! I have to have the full face mask (because another awesome thing in pregnancy is that your nasal passages swell at night and you can't breathe out your nose) so when I have her on, it makes my throat and mouth super dry because she is blowing air into it.. So I wake up and try to get a drink with that thing on my face, and start hacking and choking. That was about 4am, so I just rolled the dice and slept without it the rest of the night. I'll try again tonight, but its just weird. MJ doesn't have this problem because he has the kind that just goes up his nose.. Mine is more confining and like a hannibal lector mask by the time you get it all strapped to your head. We'll see what happens with this.

 I've been resting as much as I can.. Just when I thought I couldn't get any lamer, I've realized I'm lamer. MJ and I went to see "GI JOE" because as previously mentioned, I love the Rock. We watched it in 3D and it was really good.. Although the babies did not like the loud-ness of it, and began kicking me. Or maybe they just loved the Rock too and were high-fiving me? Either way..

The rain was awesome this week.. What a blessing.. I hope it helped Lake Hefner a bit.. Oh, another ridiculous story I should tell you... The morning after I finished the Sleep study, I woke up and took my pills..(I have two pills that I'm supposed to take before Breakfast).. So I take them and wait for them to discharge me.. Well when I walk out of the clinic, I'm feeling all weird.. but I haven't slept much, so I'm thinking thats normal.. Well I decide to walk into Panera Bread, and I remember feeling like my legs were like trunks and heavy. I walk up to the counter and say, "I want some Cinnamon".. and she says "What kind" and I say "What do you like".. lol.. I have no idea.. Then I get into my car, and Call MJ. I tell him "I think there is someone riding beside me in the car, and all the traffic lights look like Christmas'. He of course finds this odd, but we boh are just thinking its because I haven't slept much.. Well after I get home, I realize why I'm being so bizarre.. Instead of taking my thyroid medicine, I took an AMBIEN instead!! OMG.. When I was telling Dr. Goff this story "He said the person riding beside you was your guardian Angel!".. lol.. So thankfully I made it through that little ditty.. they are both tiny, yellow pills, so I guess I put the wrong one in the pouch. I'm taking so many vitamins these days, its easy to do! And.. I do have really great Guardian Angels!!! XXOO

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

 Twinnies at Twinny8 Weeks! (See what I did there) lol..Clever.
Well here they are! We went and saw them last Friday and they looked great on the Ultrasound.. Baby B is up top.. she was being photogenic.. Baby A is on the bottom. she hid her face most of the time, and then at one point said "Talk to the hand".. and said no to the paparazzi, lol.. Jordan was like "yay Baby A, you show them!! lol.. They are pretty big, A is 2.13 lbs, and B is 2.14 lbs.. Everything on them looked great..

Nothing has really changed with me.. nothing worse, nothing better, so I'll take that. As long as the girls are doing good and growing, I'm happy with that.. I'm having one of my showers on Saturday. It should be fun to see everyone and eat some Lemon bars! Never in my life have I cared more about sweets than now.. I long for cakes, cookies, and pies.. and of course hot fudge sundae's from Braums.. I mean who doesn't?

Have you guys been watching "The Bible" on the History channel? Its so good! MJ & I have enjoyed it so much.. Love it because they stay pretty true to the bible, and I also love it because so many people are watching it. I'm super excited about Easter Service at Crossings.. This will be my 5th year in going there and the first time I visited there it was Easter and I thought.. Man, this is the church for me! The music was just tremendous! Mom is coming up for the Shower on Saturday and will stay and go to church on Sunday.. Brandon is bringing his kiddos along too, so it will be a fun day. I love sharing my church with other people.

The Nursery is DONE! Yes, DONE! Brandon came over and put together the changing table for us, and that was the last thing.. here's some pics..
I love my big puffed chairs.. I had to get two big arms so I could rock them both.. Love my bedding, and I love all the glitter on the walls!! Everything turned out so cute. We do have a wooden sign that we are waiting on to come in.. It looks like this..
So once that gets in, and hung, we will be good to go. I have another Dr. Appointment tomorrow wtih Goff. I don't think we will know much more than we do now, other than check their heartbeats and make sure all is well with them. He usually doesn't Ultrasound me there..
I saw where Lincoln comes out on DVD tomorrow.. I never did get to see it, so we will probably try to watch that.. I'm also pretty excited about the new GI JOE movie.. Because I love GI JOE? Hell no.. because I love THE ROCK! And then you throw in a little Channing Tatum? I ain't mad atcha.. So since we are off work on Friday, I may see if MJ can be talked into taking me.. See the cool thing about GI Joe, is it looks like a 'guys' movie.. so guys will want to go to it, and girls will want to stare at the Rock and Channing Tatum.. Its a Win/Win..
I had to go back in for a 2nd sleep study.. I hated it. I mean really.. What good can come of trying to sleep study a pregnant woman? I wake up every 3 hours to Pee..(Baby A's feet are on my bladder) I roll over constantly because I run out of air (Baby B has her feet near my lungs). I keep rolling because my legs go to sleep from being on my side. SO I'll be shocked if they got ANY information out of that little ditty.. Supposedly I don't have sleep Apnea, I have sleep Hypothia. What's that? Who the hell knows.. its something like I don't breathe deep enough.. I went in for the sleep study because I yell out in the night like a weirdo. I go to sleep really fast, and then I'll be all "AHHHHHH!" and scare the crap out of MJ and the dogs.. Its weird, I know.. I have no idea why. They said (from the 1st study) it was because I went into REM sleep so quickly and started dreaming.. So I doubt they can fix out my random yelling.. we'll see. They put a Cpap machine on me and  felt like I was suffocating, so who know.. I'll report back.
Still no names folks.. probably not happening until they come out.. I can tell you one thing, if they are anything like me or their dad, they will be hard headed.. thus the reason for no names. The Sweet dog babes are good.. although Rally is looking more and more like he came from Pet Cemetery.. I know, its awful to say, but he's 14, and he roams around like a random person living in our house.. He still seems happy, and gets around Ok, so we just try to keep him happy. Pays & Saw went to the groomer and are so cute!
 Keep us in your prayers, we want to keep baking the babies till 36 weeks.. I feel 'ok'.. I think I feel as good as can be expected at this point.. being pregnant with twins.. being giant.. peeing all the time.. and being kicked in the crotch.. That is all for now!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Poor Sweet Sawyer boy

Well for those of you who follow me on Facebook you have heard about this, but for those of you who don't, I shall tell the story.. 

My Sweet Sawyer started acting funny last Tuesday.. so I took him in on Wed morning before work (Neel is open 24 hours, and emergency hours are over at 6am) So we went in at 7.. they worked him over.. felt of him, stretched him, etc. Nothing.. So we went home... Well I went back home at lunch, he was shaking, and crying, so I rushed him back..This time my regular Vet was there, and he did xrays.. It didn't show much, but did show a little abnormality in his back between his vertebrae, so he sent us home with Pain meds.. I gave them to him for a few days, but he never really got a ton better..

On Sunday when we left for church he was resting and then when we came home he had lost control of his back legs..he was sliding across the floor, so I just burst into tears and emailed my vet (He wasn't working that day, but I have his phone number and email, lol) So he calls Neel and Dr. Jeff, and tells me to go back up there.. They admit him, and start an IV steroid drip and muscle relaxers.. Well at that point I knew we were in for more than we had thought.. I started to research it, and found he had a form of disc disease. (any time a dog has a bulging disc, slipped disc, etc, it has to be called disc disease) So Dr. Logan called me and told me he was a good candidate for surgery.. Being that Sawyer is in good health, and very active, and young, he would be able to make a full recovery, and not have to worry about re-injury.. So he called the surgeon and we were able to get in last night.. 

The Surgery center is over there behind Sams Club off Memorial and Penn. The surgeon was Dr. Streeter, and she was awesome.. she watched him walk and knew that he had a bulging disc.. So he goes to get a Cat scan where they can see exactly where its at.. and sure enough, HUGE bulging disc in his back... So she just takes it out (Dogs have the ability to fuse their bones back together with no problem, unlike people) So now it will be fixed for good. No worries about re-injuring it being that they took out the problem area, and the chance for re-injury is less than 1%..If we had just done the medical route (which he also could have done, and would have improved) He might have re-injured it again, and could have possibly ended up paralyzed.. Well knowing that Sawyer is a happy, running, jumping boy, I just didn't want to take the chance.. Also his 6 pound sister loves to pounce on him and chase him, so I knew we did the best thing for our tzu family.. So..what did all this set me back? You don't even want to know.. Seriously.. 

But I guess in the long rung, cheaper than taking him back to the vet every 6 months with a new injury.. But man, that sucks..and put a big dent in our savings account.. but he's worth it..He's only 3, and my pride and joy so ya gotta do what ya gotta do! So beans and rice for me for the next year, but I love my dog!! lol..  And I know he brings so much joy to  the patients he visits every Thursday, and those who can't move in their beds, when he sits patiently with them while they look at him for love. 

Some have said, "you fool.. why didn't you have pet insurance".. Well I did.. for 2 years.. I never used it. So I was spending $60/month for a once a year vet visit, and I wasn't even breaking even! So we just put some money back each month for times like this.. Also, for those of you curious about pet insurance.. I went with PETFIRST, and they are great.. but they do not cover ANY pre-existing conditions, or degenerative diseases.. So It wouldn't have really helped me in the long-run.. but It is something to think about possibly for Payslee again later.. Its basically something that will pay your vet bill if your dog gets hit by a car, or run over.. Mainly for 'accidental' stuff.. So something to consider.. Sawyer was born with bad discs.. so for those of you who have had the same thing happen, its not something 'you' did.. He jumps, runs, wrestles, and does all those things, and yes, I could try to stop him, but dogs that have bad discs can also be hurt from walking across the room.. So don't blame yourself if your babe ever gets it.. I'm just happy that it can be remedied, and I get my sweet guy back soon! Miss Pays has been missing him!! Thank you all for keeping him in your thoughts! He will be home soon!


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Who has negative Metabolism??

So I've been working out fiercely for 2 months..and when I say fiercely, for me, I mean 5 days a week for an hour.. I get there at 6am, and workout till 7, 5 days a week, which I think is pretty good.. I do 30-45 minutes of cardio, and then I either go lift weights, or do some sort of strengthening exercises..

So I'm going along and a month in, NO weight loss, Not feeling any differnt..I got nuthin.. I of course find this very irritating.. So I decide to ask one of the trainer what the heck is going on, because why would you work out every day if you are seeing ZERO benefits from it?? So he puts me on a circuit training program along with my cardio, but also suggests I get a test done for my resting metabolic rate.. so I signed up. Well you go into this room and lay flat for 15 minutes while you are breathing into a tube..your nose is pinched, so you can only breathe into that tube.. So I sit there, and after 15 minutes she comes back and goes over my printout.. and I find out my Resting Metabolic rate is NEGATIVE 36%!!! What the hell is that about! So basically to put that into perspective.. If I worked out, and hour a day, like I have been, I could still only consume 1000 calories if I ever wanted to lose weight! Heck you could do HCG eat 700 calories and NOT work out and lose weight! So as you see, this was quite defeating to me..

But all is not lost.. My benefits kick in on November 1st..which means I can take me results to the Dr. on campus and he can tell me what is up with that... It is something that has to be fixed with medication..probably thyroid, or something.. So not much longer.. In the meanwhile I continue to work out every day like I have been.. Because I get to listen to Kidd Kraddick in the morning, and that motivates me.. I had forgotten what it was like to listen to a good morning show, so I was glad to find them again. I listen to them on my I heart Radio app on my phone..which is an awesome app by the way.. You can listen to radio stations all over town and its so clear! Its a fun show and it makes the workout go by fast, so that has been enjoyable..

As you know, Halloween is upon us.. My costume this year is amazing, but its only going to be funny to IT people, and people who work at Chesapeake.. I can't talk about it yet, because we are going to enter the Costume Contest skit..I could win some awesome stuff like a CNG Car, Ipads, Cameras, Vacations, TV's, etc.. Its like the most amazing Halloween party and I'm so freakin excited to be going to it!! So I'll post pics of the costume after we win! boom! The Pic of me above is when I was Marie Antoinette.. One of my fav costumes.

Pays and Saw's costumes came in and theya re so cute.. Payslee is a bee fairy and Sawyer is a bumble bee.. I'll post pics of them in a bit.. I was going to do it this weekend when we went to the farm..but they rolled in dead carcass and smelled like it, so I had to give them baths! They had a great time being dogs though!! We've got some awesome club-calves at the farm and they are by the Pays & Saw went to visit them..until the calves looked at them..then they would run off scared! It always makes me laugh..


Sunday, August 14, 2011

The Help and The Change Up

Well I saw Two pretty great Movies.. completely opposites, but great. Last night Jordan & I had a double date with a new couple and we had a blast! We are trying to make new friends that we can go on double dates with since neither of us have any friends that are 'couples'.. I met this fun girl at Work, so we all decided to meet up at the Warren in Moore and watch "The Change up".. for those of you who haven't seen the previews, its about two guys (Jason Bateman & Ryan Reynolds) who end up wishing for each others lives, and it happens..One has a family, one is a single guy..Not a real original story, but the two actors made it hilarious..It was pretty crude, and lots of nudity, so not one for the kiddo's, but its FUNNY. We all loved it. Got to the Warren exactly on time, and danged if the thing wasn't FULL, so we all ended up on the 4th row from the front..but for those of you who have never been to the Warren, its really not bad to sit on the front Row even..Good Movie, Good Theatre, great popcorn!

Then today I went and watched "The Help".. I had read the book this week..started on Sunday and had read over 8000 pages of the book by Friday! Great Book! I wanted the movie to be as good, and it was! They had to take some stuff from the book out, but yeah, I would think so with an 8000 page book! But its a GREAT movie, so if you have time to see it, see it..

Tomorrow Payslee has been asked to appear in a video.. Yup, its official. She's a Celebridog! haha! Not really..well kinda..My Therapy Dog organization "New Leash on Life" is shooting a video over our therapy dogs and what we do, and who we visit..and Payslee was asked to be one of the Stars! She will be showing what she does when we go to visit the residents in the hospitals, assisted living, and nursing home facilities. The pics above are from her visits..I always like to Pose she and Sawyer before they go inside because they are all dolled up and looking cute! As you can tell they both still smile Huge when the camera is out..just like their mama! I'm so proud of them.

Everything is going well in my thankful for my family, dogs, and amazing boyfriend..And man, was I thankful for the rain! We needed it so bad, and they even got some in Canute, so hopefully it will grow a little grass for the cows..its been an awful year for the farmers..Always make sure you include them in your prayers..Remember without the farmers you have no meat, and you have no veggies..speaking of.. I still have not been able to pick a dang good Watermelon this season! Jordan even brought me one from a guy on the side of the road who told him how to pick them..but nope..still not done.. blargh.. I do love me some Watermelon!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

When one door closes..

Well Hi..First off, I want to say thank you to the people that read this blog. Last night I performed at the Rodeo Opry in Cowtown and I heard from so many people about how they read my blog, and thats how they knew I was on the show. That made me so happy, because sometimes when I'm writing these things, I really have no idea whether anyone reads them or not. I heard from several people who used to listen to me on the air and truly appreciate them saying how much they missed me, and appreciated even more them saying I was truly good at my job. My response is always the same, and I think it will always be the same: "You don't miss me as much as I miss being on the air." Even though I have gone on to do something else, I will always miss being on the radio.

The Opry was a great time. I sang "Sweet Dreams" "If you've got Leavin on your mind' and "Your Cheatin' Heart"..all Patsy Cline tunes, and the crowd (and my mama of course) seemed to enjoy it. Jordan came along, and even though he hatest country music, he had a good time. I liked seeing his sweet face in the audience too.. I think that mom bought a CD of the show, so if she did, I'll try to upload some audio from it. There were a lot of great performers on the show last night, including one of my former students from my Radio class that I taught at Southwestern, who did a GREAT job, Steven Jeffrey..So good to see him, and so glad to see that he chose a profession OTHER than radio! See..that class does work! lol. Owen Pickard also hosted and did a great job..Thank you to everyone who came out, it was a really good time!

I think the hardest thing to come to terms with is that people (and myself) thought I was actually really good at my job. I thought that too, and I still think that..But how many other people who are good at their jobs and go there every single day doing a good job, still get let go from their position? A LOT. I've talked to so many people this past year that have lost their jobs, by no fault of their own. Either the company was down-sizing, the company closed, or the company just couldn't afford to pay them anymore. Its a sad time for our country right now, because if you were brought up the way I was, people like Us don't lose their jobs. People like Us always do their best, work hard, do more than their fair share, act like team players and do what needs to be done for the good of the company. Yet a lot of people like "US" are out of work. I think I was a good radio talent, but thats not the only thing I did for the company. I knew that there would always be a need for other things, like websites, social media networks, photoshopping, video editing, I taught MYSELF how to do all that so I would be that more valuable to the company I worked for..But in the end that didnt' help me keep my job.

So I guess what I'm saying to you, is if you are good at your job, but you still lost it..don't give up. This past year has been such a learning time for me..Because of all the things I taught myself to do, I've realized now that I need to teach myself more. Chesapeake is an amazing place to learn new things. If the saying goes "Once you stop learning your brain will die" then let me tell you, My brain is pretty much busting at the seams! I learn something new everyday, and it makes me happy to know that there are OTHER things in life that I can do well..

Will I always want to be on the radio? Yes. I think its like other jobs in the entertainment field..Singers, Musicians, Comedians, etc..We all love the spotlight, and we love attention, so when that is taken away from its, its very hard to just fall into a regular job..But there are so many other blessings that have come out of NOT being on the radio..I get to spend more time with my friends and family, Jordan & I have grown stronger in our relationship, I have more opportunities to meet new friends and people, etc.. You just have to be willing to find the silver lining. There's no point in dwelling on the negative..And while I've forgiven those people who have wronged me, I certainly have not forgotten, and have realized that they were never really my friends to begin with, and certainly not the kind of people I should spend my whole life what a blessing to find that out and be able to move on to bigger and better people!

So if you have had a similar situation this year..whether it be through your job, or maybe a relationship..try to find the positive. Did you really want to be around those toxic people in your life? No..Did you really want to be taken advantage of, and not appreciated? No. Remember that you get what you ask for, and 6 months before I got let go at KKNG I had been praying "Lord, if this is not what I'm supposed to be doing, send me in another direction"..then when it happened I was like "Really Lord? REALLY!!"..but thats the way it works. We don't always see what the best thing for us is when we are in the moment..but he does. He's got a bigger plan and I'm sure its a much better my job now is to be patient and let it all play out to his will..Ask and ye shall recieve!!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

The story of MJ

Well I successfully stayed up to midnight last night.. Shocker. I was really surprised. MJ, Lauren, Brandon, and I all went to McNellies pub and had some drinks and watched OSU get beat by Gonzaga..Then we decided to go Cosmic bowling..The place we went was less than fancy, but hey..balls are balls..and bowling is So with that going on we managed to stay up till midnight! I was happy to bring in the new year with good friends, and my love..

2010 Was an odd year for me.. We had that bizarre snow-storm throughout Christmas..but I was on vacation at the farm, so I enjoyed being warm with my family.. I brought in the New Year with friends, and a date..It was an odd date that went NO WHERE, and that was the end of that.. but I wasn't discouraged because for some reason I just felt that this was the year that I was going to meet the man that was brave enough to put up with me.. So for those of you who don't know the story of MJ, here ya go..

MJ stands for Magical Jordan..His name is Jordan.. He was a friend of a friend, that being Brandon & Amy, who I had gotten very close to although I had never met MJ at that point..In Early January I was having a "Wii" party with my new Wii that Santa had brought me..AT that time I was dating a Cop that I had met, and he had come over for our 2nd date. I really wasn't that into him, but I had not been dating for a year, so I was trying to be optimistic..The dogs didn't try to bite him, so I didn't think he could be all that bad.. Well as the night went on, Brandon & Amy inform me that they have invited MJ over, but he has stranger danger and hates talking to new people.. Little did I know that they had invited him over to meet ME, and not told HIM that I was on a date with another guy! Great right?

So when he gets there, I run outside to 'save' him from my crazy neighbor who has been hollering at people parking in the street all night.. I run outside and say hello and invite him in..but remember I don't think he is there to meet me, I think he's just there to see Brandon & Amy.. So he comes inside and we all start to play wii.. I begin to lose at Wii, so I begin to cuss in a big way..As you know I'm very competitive, and I hate losing.. So I'm slurring some pretty good cuss words together.. Oh, and did I mention all the wine? Yeah..lots of wine.. Anyway.. So throughout the night Amy & Brandon are texting Jordan and I saying "What do you think" "Do you like him" "Go make your move"..etc, and I"m thinking "I'm on a date with another guy!".. but I have realized at this point that whether I end up dating Jordan or not, I do NOT want to be dating the Cop.. However, The Cop has decided that we SHOULD be dating, and I should not be talking to anyone else at my party and begins to act like a D-bag..

So by the end of the night the Cop is mad, Jordan is confused, I'm confused, and Amy & Brandon are claiming 'innocent'.. :) Well after all that mess, Amy & Brandon ask us if we want to go on a double date that we agree.. We ended up talking on the phone a few nights, and it was great..We had a lot in common.

Not to be sappy, but our first date was awesome, and I loved him from that moment on.. We went to the Mont in Norman and had 'swirls'..and I'm not sure if it was the swirls, or his pretty blue eyes, but it was a done deal for me.. lol.. He was such a gentleman, and so sweet..and Miss Payslee loved him too.. I think it took him like a week before he liked me as much, but we have been inseparable since that time..On the 23rd we will have been together for a year! And I still love the guy...and thankfully he loves me back! So yeah, while the job front pretty much sucked ass in 2010, I'll still be thankful that I found my Magical Jordan! This has been the easiest, most effortless relationship, and now I know that "God does bless the broken road, that leads you straight to your love!".. Thanks Rascal Flatts.. Okay..thats enough sap for now..I'm even making myself ill.. Happy New Year!