Showing posts with label shih-tzu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shih-tzu. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

 Twinnies at Twinny8 Weeks! (See what I did there) lol..Clever.
Well here they are! We went and saw them last Friday and they looked great on the Ultrasound.. Baby B is up top.. she was being photogenic.. Baby A is on the bottom. she hid her face most of the time, and then at one point said "Talk to the hand".. and said no to the paparazzi, lol.. Jordan was like "yay Baby A, you show them!! lol.. They are pretty big, A is 2.13 lbs, and B is 2.14 lbs.. Everything on them looked great..

Nothing has really changed with me.. nothing worse, nothing better, so I'll take that. As long as the girls are doing good and growing, I'm happy with that.. I'm having one of my showers on Saturday. It should be fun to see everyone and eat some Lemon bars! Never in my life have I cared more about sweets than now.. I long for cakes, cookies, and pies.. and of course hot fudge sundae's from Braums.. I mean who doesn't?

Have you guys been watching "The Bible" on the History channel? Its so good! MJ & I have enjoyed it so much.. Love it because they stay pretty true to the bible, and I also love it because so many people are watching it. I'm super excited about Easter Service at Crossings.. This will be my 5th year in going there and the first time I visited there it was Easter and I thought.. Man, this is the church for me! The music was just tremendous! Mom is coming up for the Shower on Saturday and will stay and go to church on Sunday.. Brandon is bringing his kiddos along too, so it will be a fun day. I love sharing my church with other people.

The Nursery is DONE! Yes, DONE! Brandon came over and put together the changing table for us, and that was the last thing.. here's some pics..
I love my big puffed chairs.. I had to get two big arms so I could rock them both.. Love my bedding, and I love all the glitter on the walls!! Everything turned out so cute. We do have a wooden sign that we are waiting on to come in.. It looks like this..
So once that gets in, and hung, we will be good to go. I have another Dr. Appointment tomorrow wtih Goff. I don't think we will know much more than we do now, other than check their heartbeats and make sure all is well with them. He usually doesn't Ultrasound me there..
I saw where Lincoln comes out on DVD tomorrow.. I never did get to see it, so we will probably try to watch that.. I'm also pretty excited about the new GI JOE movie.. Because I love GI JOE? Hell no.. because I love THE ROCK! And then you throw in a little Channing Tatum? I ain't mad atcha.. So since we are off work on Friday, I may see if MJ can be talked into taking me.. See the cool thing about GI Joe, is it looks like a 'guys' movie.. so guys will want to go to it, and girls will want to stare at the Rock and Channing Tatum.. Its a Win/Win..
I had to go back in for a 2nd sleep study.. I hated it. I mean really.. What good can come of trying to sleep study a pregnant woman? I wake up every 3 hours to Pee..(Baby A's feet are on my bladder) I roll over constantly because I run out of air (Baby B has her feet near my lungs). I keep rolling because my legs go to sleep from being on my side. SO I'll be shocked if they got ANY information out of that little ditty.. Supposedly I don't have sleep Apnea, I have sleep Hypothia. What's that? Who the hell knows.. its something like I don't breathe deep enough.. I went in for the sleep study because I yell out in the night like a weirdo. I go to sleep really fast, and then I'll be all "AHHHHHH!" and scare the crap out of MJ and the dogs.. Its weird, I know.. I have no idea why. They said (from the 1st study) it was because I went into REM sleep so quickly and started dreaming.. So I doubt they can fix out my random yelling.. we'll see. They put a Cpap machine on me and  felt like I was suffocating, so who know.. I'll report back.
Still no names folks.. probably not happening until they come out.. I can tell you one thing, if they are anything like me or their dad, they will be hard headed.. thus the reason for no names. The Sweet dog babes are good.. although Rally is looking more and more like he came from Pet Cemetery.. I know, its awful to say, but he's 14, and he roams around like a random person living in our house.. He still seems happy, and gets around Ok, so we just try to keep him happy. Pays & Saw went to the groomer and are so cute!
 Keep us in your prayers, we want to keep baking the babies till 36 weeks.. I feel 'ok'.. I think I feel as good as can be expected at this point.. being pregnant with twins.. being giant.. peeing all the time.. and being kicked in the crotch.. That is all for now!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Sugar & Spice & Everything else I want to eat..

So here we are.. almost 26 weeks now.. which means I'm roughly 10 weeks away from my goal! Twins are full term at 36 weeks, so I want to make it at least that far, so thats what we are shooting for.. I'm hoping to do this without having to go on bed rest, and still feeling ok.

I am feeling ok... I mean, its not great.. It starts off great in the morning after I've rested all night, but then I slowly go down hill.. And bending.. Oh geez. I would rather set the things I drop ON FIRE than  bend down and pick them up.. and wouldn't you know, when you really hate dropping things you only DROP MORE.. Its so annoying! Like Ice for example.. Every night I take a glass of Ice water with me to bed.. EVERY STUPID NIGHT the ice falls out of the ice maker and onto the floor. I swear it is taunting me.. Or my makeup.. Every day something like my mascara, a makeup brush, or a bobby pin falls on the damn floor and I have to bend down to pick it up.  And no, my feet don't really help me, because lately putting on socks is also a nightmare.. My legs and feet don't want to reach up..They are all "NO.. NO, I Can't do it! I Just don't have the POWER!"..  Being pregnant makes you really appreciate your bending abilities.. lol

Other than that though, I feel pretty good.. I haven't had (yet) any of the other things that some pregnant women have.. Haven't had heartburn which is good.. Really just feeling uncomfortable and having a hard time getting around is the only thing I have going on..So I feel blessed about that.

So my puffy glider rocker came in from Stork Vision.. ITs pretty great.. It has two giant arms, for my two big babies! We also got the Changing table/dresser in as well..but MJ has not put that together yet.. I can't say I blame him, it looks like a nightmare. WE've made a deal that I won't put stuff together anymore.. Why you ask? Because I don't read the directions, and then end up hot-gluing wood, or wiring things shut.. Yeah, its not good. I'll take some more pics once we get everything up and done.. I also painted a cute little shelf lime green.. It looks good, but we may not have anymore room!

We got back to Dr. Mirabile to see the skin babes on Monday. We will see how the excess fluid around them is doing..I still feel them kicking and moving around in there.. This morning they are on two opposite sides with their own space.. Sometimes they stay close to each other, but they were spread out today. I know this because I have one of those heart-rate monitor thingies at home, and I listen to their heartbeats.

The dog babes are doing good... Payslee enjoyed a lovely roast bone last night, and Sawyer was gnawing on a lovely deer antler.. I got them a CD called "Baby Sounds for Pets" and Pays is freaked out by it.. Sawyer could care less. It plays sounds of babies crying and cooing to get them used to the sound..But I think Miss P would rather see where the sounds are coming from, because right now she just stares at the CD player like its coming after her.. We took them to Canute this weekend and I left Saw out for like 20 minutes.. I go look at him, and he's a mud dog.. He's completely covered with a giant smile on his face.. He loves farm time. I've been taking them off leash to run at their field and I love watching him.. He is so free! So is Miss Pays.. Its my favorite thing to do with them! I love letting dogs be dogs.. which includes running, sniffing, playing, and just being free. MJ has been walking them each day, and they love that too.. I can't walk that far anymore, but he's been doing a great job with them. They love going with him too.. They are so sweet.. all of them!

MJ & I are thinking of snapping a few maternity pics.. but who knows. I seem to be unable to get inspired to get dolled up to do this, and this take pictures of my giant body.. But we'll see what happens.

So tonight I'm going in for a sleep study at the sleep clinic place.. I do not really have sleep apnea, but since being pregnant I can't really breathe at night.. I also have weird sleep habits.. Like I holler out in the night. MJ thinks this is odd, and disturbing, so he thought I should have it checked out as well.. Like for example..I'll drift off to sleep and then all the sudden I'll just scream "AHHHH!".. and it scares MJ, and the dog babes.. lol.. I have no idea why I do it.. I start dreaming immediately when I go so sleep, so I guess I'm always being active in my dreams. .Speaking of dreams.. People say your dreams get weirder when you are pregnant...but mine have always been weird. A few weeks ago I dreamed that I was at a place that was giving away free rides on giant multi-colored Ostriches and Llamas.. So I went for a ride on the Ostrich, and then when I got off I looked over and Saw Jesus walking down the road.. so I start screaming "Jesus!! Lord!! Jesus!" trying to get his attention.. He looks over and gives me a head nod, and keeps walking.. lol.. How great is that! No clue what that could possibly mean.. but I think anytime you dream about The Lord, its a good day!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Well Hello Fall!

Well we have finally made it to fall.. I was seriously wondering if it was ever going to happen.

My plants are doing good..those clearance shrubs I bought from Wal-Mart for $1.50 have taken off and are doing really good... We lost one of the bradford pears..but Marcums had a sale, so we bought another one..that was way healthier than the first and just planted it in the same place.. The nice thing about Marcums is they offer a year warranty even if you buy them on sale.. TLC does not.. The Crape Myrtles are starting to kinda do their own thing, and the other Bradford Pear is doing well.. the oonly one that doesn't look that great is the Chinease Pistache in the back yard.. Hopefully it will come to life.

WE are still really enjoying our new Sunday school class at Church. Its nice to be a part of a small group, and still get to have the amazingly smart Terry Feix to teach us! We have been enjoying the Parables.. He's such a good teacher. Also so nice to be at Crossings. How I love that church!

I entered the Chesa halloween Costume Contest.. I have to compete against other 'groups' but.. If I win, I get $2000, and even if I get 6th, its $950.. so surely I will get something. My song is strong, and costume is very cool, so I feel like I have a pretty good chance to win at least SOMETHING.. And I cannot express my happiness that I work for a company that rewards amazing talent and costumes for Halloween! I'm so ready!
For those of you wondering about Payslee & Sawyer's Halloween.. Payslee will be a Butterfly, and Sawyer will be a Caterpillar.. Ridiculous? Yes, I think so.. but they will be cute. Sawyer is doing amazing, and back to 100% after surgery. He's bouncing, running, jumping and wrestling with Payslee. She's glad to have him back to wrestle with her!
I've been watching some good shows.. Enjoying all my terrible housewife shows, and then American Horror story returns next week! Tonight I'm going to tune into "Nashville" to see if its any good.. Have also loved Grey's, even though McSteamy is gone.. And still watch Private Practice.. I can't decide who I am cheering for on Dancing with the Stars.. I love to watch Gilles (I mean who doesn't) and I also enjoy Emmit, and Shawn Johnson.. Its good this year! Also watching pure BS (Blake Shelton) on The Voice. Still love that show too! Glad Fall TV is back in action!
I will be dressing up as a Traffic light..with a traffic cone on my head.. To go along with my Chesa song. I have re-done "My way" by Sinatra and changed it to "You can't go This Way".. I feel like its pretty guys know how I love to do song Parodies!!! I'll try to post a recording of it when I finish it! Happy Fall/Halloween!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Well here we go!

Sawyer resting in his new puffish bed..

We had a great time at the farm..We had the best Ribs EVER! They were so good! The Volleyball game got a little obnoxious, but I suppose thats to be expected with the crowd I hang out with.. Bill & Leslie got to come out and it was good to hang out with Bill for awhile..We definately miss laughing with each other every day so it was nice to have that back..He was on my volleyball team, and for a guy with a jacked up body, he did pretty well! lol.. We had fun.. The dog babes had a blast..but as you can tell, Sawyer played his little heart out, and was pretty sleepy by the time we got back home. He just LOVES being a farm dog!

All weekend long I helped Mom get ready to open the dog store..Spent hours doing inventory, pricing things, and making sure she had everything she needs..If you want to see the store, look over to the right..I put a "Like" button that shows the facebook account for "Woofs Gone Wild".. We don't have a regular site, other than Facebook just yet..But we'll be posting stuff under Twitter too, and here..Here's just a few things that we are going to have.. I'm so excited!

We have the cutest harnesses, treats, beds, cuddle cups, collars, toys, and some amazing things! It will be great. The Grand Opening is June 4th in Elk City, inside the Attic Door on Main Street, so if you have time, come on by..We'll be doing some specials, and some give-aways.. It will be great!

So I just had to pause from writing this blog to go to the cellar..Its a severe Weather day today in Oklahoma and its just wild..We are now out of the cellar, and everyone is okay, but I believe Piedmont got Hit, and now Noble is in its path..Scary stuff..Always is when its storm season in Oklahoma..Hope everyone is okay.

Well I was so glad John Rich won celebrity apprentice..I got to hang out with that guy last year and he's just awesome..he's fun, smart, and talented, and I always want the country star to win! Plus St. Jude is a great charity, so I'm very happy for him..He's a good guy. I do kinda hope that he and Big Kenny get back together..they were better as Big & Rich, than as solo Artists..Kinda like Brooks & Dunn..Have you all heard his new song? Bleed Red? Yeah, its not that great..He needs to go back to Kix, and be Brooks & Dunn again..

Still no word on my new job..Hopefully it will be something soon. I'd really like to get my 'life plan' back on track..being a planner, I like having a plan, and when the whole radio thing fell apart, that pretty much RUINED my plan. I honestly thought I was meant to be on the radio my whole life..I loved it, I was good at it, and I worked hard at this whole thing has been bizarre to me..I mean, how could I have got it so wrong?? Maybe I didn't.. Maybe I just am not seeing 'the big picture' right now..So every day I pray for God to let me know what I'm supposed to be doing..because I obviously don't know!!! lol..

Hey, the Dog Jog is coming up on Memorial day..We are going to be having a jog, and a contest for 'best trick' 'best dressed' and much more.. So if you have time, come on out..I believe the Jog starts at 8, tricks and treats at 10..I'll be the emcee, so bring it on down and meet the shih-tzu babes..Payslee & Sawyer will give you a kiss! Click on the link to sign up..Proceeds go to benefit my therapy dog group, "New Leash on Life".. see you there!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Birthday Weekend & Dog Show

Well this is my Birthday weekend.. My friends and I are renting a 12 passenger Van and having MJ drive us around town for funtimes.. We haven't really decided what all we are going to do, but with my crew, I know it will be fun. This is the first birthday in 13 years where I haven't given awan presents on the air! Its so freakin weird not being on the radio anymore..I find myself thinking of funny stories to tell, then remember I'm not on the air! Blargh..

Last week MJ and I went to the farm..We saw two baby calves born, and MJ got to see Steve's giant tractor since he was sewing wheat. The dog babes of course ran around like Farm dogs, and I kept calling for Sawyer but couldn't find him.. Well I found him. Trapped in a patch of Stickers, with his face saying "I'm not moving mama".. so I go over and get him, and Mom, & I spend 20 minutes getting stickers out of his fur while MJ holds him..He's such a farm dog, lol..

We went and had a steak at Portobello's, and then met my dad, Kirby, for lunch at the Italian place in Elk City..Good food.. Plus, they were having a dog show in Elk City! So Mom, MJ, & I went and watched for awhile..MJ Is wanting a German Shepherd (To offset the fact that I have 3 shih-tzu's, which are the foofiest, girliest dogs ever)..I'm trying to talk him into an Italian Spinone I like Big dogs too, I just fell in love with Shih-tzu's, and now I'll always have one..Speaking of, the show shih-tzu's were so cute with their big top knots, and cuteness.. Speaking of Cuteness.. I took Payslee on a therapy visit Thursday in her OSU Cheerleader outfit..Its so freaking cute. Doggiedudsbydeb made it for her.. Adorable! Shes such a good little therapy dog! Always smiling and loving people.

I've been taking an amazing class at Crossings.. Actually several. I've started going to Sunday school at 10:45, after I go to the regular Service at 9:30. The Sunday School class is called "Perspectives" and its taught by one of my favorite pastors, Terry Feix.. So good.. Then he is also teaching a class called "Angels & Demons" that I went to and it was AWESOME! There is nothing better than learning from someone who is so intelligent and knowledgeable about the bible! I just loved it..I start a new one that he is teaching on Wednesday night at 6:30 called "Worrying"..and its going to be excellent too, and right now, I really need the lesson of How NOT to worry..because I seem to be doing a lot of it. If you want to go with me, click on the link above and meet me there.. I think you all would love it too.

Last night MJ & I went to the Melting Pot for the first time.. I had heard my friends talk about it, but I had never been. It was SOOO GOOD! We started off with a 3 cheese Wisconsin trio and dipped Bread and apples into it.. MM MM! Then we had Ceasar Salads..then they bring out the meat and you cook it at your table..and there are like 10 dipping sauces! (MJ LOVES dipping sauces).. It was great, and then the best is the dessert! We chose the "turtle Chocolate" with nuts, caramel and milk Chocolate..they melt it all up and then you dip delicious strawberries, cheesecake, marshmellows, bananas, rice crispy treats, and more all into the melty chocolate..Ahhh! It was soo good! Its a bit pricey though, so keep that in mind..but for special occasions, its awesome! MJ also surprised me with another Brighton Bracelets! Its so pretty.. I'm going to put them all on and then take pictures..

More later, Love you all..