Showing posts with label Ikan/Fish. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ikan/Fish. Show all posts

Monday, March 11, 2013

Mpek-Mpek Adaan

I use a half of Mpek-Mpek Kapal Selam´s recipe (see HERE) and add sliced shallots,egg,  a bit coconut milk

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Mpek Mpek Kapal Selam

One of  our family favourite food :). My entry for Indonesian Food Party arranged by Tata Bonita Rais and Monica.

Pempekmpek-mpek or empek-empek is a savoury fishcake delicacy from Palembang,Indonesia, made of fish and tapioca. Pempek is served with yellow noodles or rice vermicelly and a dark, rich sweet and sour sauce called kuah cuka or kuah cuko also ebi (ground dried shrimp) powder. Kuah cuko is produced by adding palm sugar, chili pepper, garlic, vinegar, and salt to boiling water.

Pempek dough is made from a mixture of boneless ground fish meat, most commonly tenggiri (wahoo), with water, salt and tapioca. Ikan gabus (snakehead) and Mackerel  are  also commonly made as pempek.  According to tradition, the best tasting pempek are made of belida orbelido (Chitala lopis), but due to its rarity and superior taste, pempek made from this fish are usually more expensive. (Source: Wikipedia)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Friday, January 14, 2011

Ikan Acar Kuning (2)

just to save my time, I use fish fillet ^^ .

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Sate Lilit (Balinese Minced Seafood Satay)

Sate Lilit (Balinese Minced Seafood Satay)

Ira Rodriguez, thank´s for sharing the recipe, I modified the recipe a little bit to suit my taste :)

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Herrings in Tomato Sauce

Herrings in tomato soße

I bought about 1 kg herrings from fischmarkt and tried to make homemade sardines using Herrings.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Gangan Ikan Kelik/Lele

Gangan kelik

This is my entry for " (almost)Forgotten Indonesian Culinary Heritage event" hosted by Rurie. The rest of story, I´m going to write in Bahasa Indonesia. You can see my first Gangan recipe using Mackerel Fish/Belitung style fish soup with cassava here.

Gangan Ikan ini merupakan masakan asli dari daerah Belitung, yang mengingatkanku pada masa kecil. Masih terbayang dalam ingatan, ketika nenek masih ada, beliau sering sekali mengolah Ikan untuk di Gangan. Biasanya beliau menggunakan jenis ikan Bulat, ikan Ilak, Lele (bahasa Belitungnya: Kelik) ataupun Ikan Pari. Ada lagi tambahannya yg unik: Singkong!, entah kenapa bagian ini jadi favorit.....kalau sudah jadi Gangan Ikan...paling sukaaa banget mancing singkongnya :)).
Aroma kayu bakar tempat nenek masak di dapurnya yg sangat sederhana, membuat masakannya selalu nikmat. Walaupun jaman itu, rumah nenek sudah memiliki fasilitas listrik, beliau lebih suka memanfaatkan kayu bakar yang mudah ditemukan di halamannya yg penuh dengan aneka pohon buah-buahan.
Ahh....untungnya singkong dan ikan Lele beku masih bisa didapat di toko Asia di Hamburg, akhirnya bisa juga ikutan eventnya Rurie. Btw, kenapa Lele bahasa Inggrisnya Catfish ada kumisnya kali ya :))

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Belitung style Fish Soup with Cassava: Gangan

My Grand mother and my mother used to make Gangan (Belitung style fish soup) for our family. We lived near seaside when I was a kid, no wonder I love seafood. Guess, what is the best part I love in this soup?. Cassava!! Singkong...ooohhh..singkong :)

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Homemade Fishball Soup

My grandmother´s recipe heritage has been used by three generation in our family: my grandma(nenek), my mother(ibu) and me :). This dish really bring me back to my childhood. I used to help her and my mother to make the fishballs. They made fishballs with feeling, without measurement so that I just know the basic recipe. Normally, Fishballs contain tapioca flour, white eggs to keep them firm. But she used only Ikan Tenggiri (in Indonesia, species called Tenggiri: Scomberomorus guttatus) or Spanish Mackerel (Scomberomorus commerson), coconut milk and spices.

Years a go, I tried to make it with fish paste (not spanish mackerel) that I bought in an
Asia Markt. It turned out horribly. The fishballs broken , spreading and floating everywhere in the water :(. That was my first trial and error using another kind of fish. To get the best result, the choice of fish type is important. So, Please don´t blame me if this recipe doesn´t work with other kinds of fish :). Anyway, don´t throw it away you can still make fishballs for Tekwan (see the recipe here).

Hopefully, this entry is suitable for Original recipe, Culinarty round-up arranged by Lore.

Ingredients: for Homemade Fishballs, makes about 40

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Tekwan/Fish Soup


My mother often cooks Tekwan, a fish soup made from fish paste and tapioca flour, for family and relatives. She uses always fresh Tenggiri fish/Mackerel to make Tekwan, served with vermicelli/rice noodles, shrimps, dried Lilies, dried black mushroom and Bengkuang/Jicama/ Yam Bean (Pachyrhizus erosus). I couldn´t follow exactly like her recipe because I used frozen fish and different type of mackerel fish. Bengkuang/jicama is rarely available here in Asia stores.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Pempek/Empek-Empek Lenjer

Pempek is one of my favourite food. There are many variety of Pempek, you can read more about it here and see Pempek in Bahasa Indonesia here. Lessy used to make Pempek Kapal Selam in the ratio of 8 to 1 for fish and tapioca flour. I modified the recipe a little bit by adding white egg.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Ikan Acar Kuning

I used two kinds of fish: Dorade and Tilapia Fillet (Ikan Nila). My oldest son prefer to eat fish without bones than the whole fish. Eni, Thanks for sharing the recipe.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Cobek Ikan Nila-Grilled Tilapia with Hot&Spicy coconut milk sauce

I´d like to collect and try my friends´recipes that I´ve already tasted it, of course recipes from my mother too. My dear friend, mbak Dewi Kuraesin, brought this grilled Tilapia when we had an Indonesian gathering. It´s so spicy and delicious. Today, I tried her recipe by my own. Mbak Dewi Kuraesin, thanks for sharing the recipe.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Sate Ikan/Rolled Fish and Vegetable Soup

My Mom often makes this Sate Ikan/Rolled Fish for the Family. Today, I really miss her cooking and try to make it for our early morning breakfast. Normally, we have toast bread for our breakfast. My youngest son isn´t feeling well. He got influenza, so I think a bowl of soup is good for him. He made me smile when he said:"Mama, I still want this for dinner!".

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Grilled Mackerel with Sweet Soy Sauce Sambal

Grilled mackerel is easy and quick to cook. I don´t think that you need the recipe, do you?

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Balado Ikan Belanak

Senengnya kalo ada acara ibu-ibu, bisa mencicipi masakan temen-temen dengan spesialisnya masing-masing, rasanya lebih nikmaaattt gitu loh. Kali ini yanti raffles tidak hanya berbagi resep tapi juga masakin Balado Ikan Belanak...yang enakkk, untuk dicicipi bersama-sama, mantabb banget deh (Makasih ya!). Ikannya di goreng kering, jadi lebih kriuk-kriuk. Kalo nggak inget sama berat badan nih, pengennya nambah nasi terus...he..he.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Balado Ikan

Lagi pengen makan yg pedes-pedes buat temennya sayur lodeh, bikinlah balado Ikan ini.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Gulai Tuna

Ini tuna gulai ala Finken, yang masak lagi males ngulek/blender bumbu, jadi masaknya yang cepet aja. Dibilang enak sama mbak Mutiara jadi malu nih....pake bumbu andalan..hi..hi. Di pajang aja lah yaw..wong udah terlanjur difoto.