Showing posts with label photos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label photos. Show all posts

Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy Independence Day!

Happy Independence Day!
Happy 4th of July!
Happy fireworks and barbecue...

Today we celebrate our freedom...

Freedom to chase whatever dreams we have...
Freedom to worship in the manner we choose...
Freedom of speech, even if it bites us in the butt...
Freedom to do so many things we take for granted every day...

Remember freedom isn't free...
and we need to remember we live in the greatest country on Earth.
All because of people who were willing to fight for what they believed in.
Never stop dreaming.

Freedom isn't free, but salvation is.
More important than political freedom is spiritual freedom.
Our forefathers brought forth onto this continent a great nation,
but our Heavenly Father has made a place for us in His kingdom...
we just have to accept it.

We spent our morning watching the Greeley Stampede Parade...
I'd bet you don't have longhorns in your local parade...

Have a safe and happy holiday!
And don't forget...

It takes a really long time for eyebrows to grow back!

sharing here:

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

My Front Porch...and a Bloglovin' Reminder

Welcome to my front porch.
Like most places around the country, we had a late spring.
So a lot of my flowers aren't really big yet,
but they're looking gorgeous and I wanted to share.

I love my purple roses.
My big pink ones are just now starting to bloom.

Isn't this arrangement breathtaking?
I HAD to splurge and get it from the nursery.

I've had this rose forever...we actually brought it with us from our old house.

What I really wanted to talk to you about,
is a reminder that on July 1, Google Reader will be retired.

I talked about this a couple of months ago

I know there are several options out there to
receive and read your favorite blogs.
I happen to love Bloglovin' so that's where I'm directing you guys.

I get one email per day with all the posts that were published
that day from all the blogs I subscribe to.
I actually get to read more of the blogs I love.

I didn't really like Google reader anyway...maybe I just
didn't spend enough time getting to know it.
But Bloglovin' works for me and is easy to use.

Easy is good in my opinion. :)

I hope you've enjoyed this tour of my front porch.
But I REALLY hope you'll consider following me on Bloglovin'.
But if you prefer to subscribe by email or
like me on Facebook, that's okay, too. :)

Have a fabulous rest of your week!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Follow Me on Bloglovin'

Happy Sunday morning lovelies!
I bring to you a public service message:
Since Google Reader is going Bye-Bye...
I've recently discovered Bloglovin' and have
posted the link for The Moon and Me here:
It's easy and I found a great tutorial for transferring all your
Google Reader blogs from Danielle over at SewMuchCrafting.
Check it out!
GO! Now!

If the link isn't can also import from your profile page.
Go to {view profile} then {edit profile} and the
button to import is close to the bottom of that page.
Here's a bit of prettiness to ease your woe... to make the corned beef minus the cabbage. family doesn't like that part.
I don't do much for St. Patrick's Day...but I do make corned beef.
And this year I made a cute little shamrock garland.
Hopefully that will keep me from getting pinched.
Wish me luck!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Honoring Those Who Serve(d)

On this glorious Sunday morning...
just a reminder that freedom isn't free.


There are so many men and women who have
fought and still fight for our freedom.
They deserve our gratitude.

Including this guy...

and my dad...
{they were having way too much fun}

Thank you to all our troops, past, present and future.
We are forever in your debt.
{P.S. Don't tell Jon I used this picture of him. :)
I think it's hilarious and it makes me smile...
it makes him wonder why he lets me take his picture.
Besides...shouldn't we all have some JOY?}

Friday, October 19, 2012

Leaf Peeping in Poudre Canyon

A couple of weeks ago, we took a drive through
the Poudre Canyon to see some fall foliage.

We picked a crappy day to do this since it turned out to be rather overcast.

And I'm not sure everything was at peak color.

Oh was still beautiful.

And we got to enjoy each other's company. :)

And we only argued a little...about when to stop to take pictures.

This is COOOOLD water, folks.

Sleeping Elephant Mountain is one of my favorite sights on this drive.

See how fun it is?

Occasionally the clouds would part and show a little blue sky.

This is my favorite shot of the day.

Can you believe I once knew a lady who said the
mountains were only pretty with snow on them?

She must have some serious issues.

Yes...I miss the full range of fall colors in the Midwest...
but seriously, people...Colorado is a gorgeous place.

We picnicked at the Cameron Pass Summit.

Driving along I thought: The Serengeti of the High Plains.
Without the giraffes or zebras.

The one above and the next couple were taken from a moving vehicle.
Sometimes it's just not wise to stop.

This was another scene I really liked.

Here's a random bit of weirdness.
Once upon a time...long, long ago...
I told someone it was my goal to pee in every 7-Eleven in Colorado Springs.
{sadly, a goal I never reached...}

Now it's kind of a joke amongst my family...
but I had to take a picture of the one in Granby we stopped at to top off the tank
...and, use the restroom.

So, there you have it.
Some fall color in the Rockies...wish you were here?

I'm not a big John Denver fan,
but Colorado Rocky Mountain High hits the nail on the head.

Have you been out "leaf peeping" this year?
What's your favorite place to peep?

sharing here:

Friday, August 31, 2012

Trail Ridge Road ~ On Top Of The World


"How I spent my Saturday: A back to school picture essay."

As you might have guessed...this is a very picture heavy post.

We took a drive up Old Fall River Road to Trail Ridge Road through
Rocky Mountain National Park this past weekend.

You CAN take the paved road the entire way to the summit,
but how much fun would that be?
Please just sit back and enjoy this photo journey
as my witty repartee is a little lacking today. :)

I went with this guy.  :)

See this curvy ONE LANE dirt road?
It is only one way - UP.
Here it looks pretty tame.

Even this isn't bad.
But we haven't gained much altitude quite yet.

Is this gorgeous or what?

Looking back toward the valley we came out of.

We certainly weren't alone on the mountain.
Here you can see how sometimes there were huge
drops from the side of the road. :)

Here's a better picture showing the distance and depth we could see.

I swear this little guy posed for me.
He climbed right up on that rock and just WAITED for me to take his picture.
I was happy to oblige.  Especially since he's about all the wildlife we saw!

See that white stuff?
That's SNOW!

You can see the summit house in this picture...we're almost there.
If you look closely, you can see the dots on the road that are actually cars.

Some of these pictures below...I did nothing to alter the skies.
A little contrast adjustment and was just that blue.

These two pictures look similar...but this was turned facing the other direction.

Do you know what these are?



They are snow poles.
Do you see those red ribbons?
Just imagine having that much snow to deal with.
Trail ridge road is only open a few months in the summer.

It's no wonder, huh?

Okay, SO, we did see some elk. Kind of.
In the center of this picture you see a whitish dot.
That's actually two bull elk sparring.
There's another lounging nearby, I won't make you play I Spy.
I would have loved to show them to you closer...but...

...that was as far as my camera could zoom.
We were actually looking at them from this distance.
See the yellow circle?
That's the elk.
The only reason we knew they were there was that by some
miracle someone spied them through the viewfinder thingy.

Someone remarked that there needed to be little oxygen vending machines around.


It was about this time that the ugly doll that lives
in my car decided he wanted his picture taken, too.
World traveler that he is.

Definitely on top of the world.

We stopped at the picnic ground here to eat our lunch.

Then took the trail around the lake.

Oh, look...there's that guy again.
I think he's following me.


Well, after this we started down the mountain.
It was getting late and we wanted to do some walking
around the tourist town of Estes Park before heading home.
So here is a parting shot from Scrammy...he sends his love.
And wishes he weren't afraid of heights.

Did you enjoy this picture tour?
I know my photos are not all great...
if you are interested in any of them for personal use,
please email me and I will be happy to send you a non-watermarked copy.
Have a great holiday weekend!
Go find some adventure!
