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Showing posts with label Chinese Adoptions. Show all posts

January 29, 2017

Happy Year of the Rooster!

Chinese New Year began its celebrations on January 28th.

This year we will be celebrating the Year of the Rooster and I’ll be visiting Josie’s 5th grade classroom first thing Tuesday morning to teach our annual lesson.

If you've followed me through the years, you know that we have a year-round decorative tree that receives multiple makeovers every other month (including some made-up holidays).

I've said this each year, but of all the trees that I display in the sunroom throughout the year, I think the CNY tree is my favorite.

Wishing you good health, good luck and much happiness throughout the year!

Happy New Year!

March 16, 2016

8 years!

On March 16th, it will have been 8 years since we became a family of four.  
Happy adoption anniversary, Josie!  We have two amazing daughters and I can't imagine our family any other way.

March 16, 2015

Happy 7 Years!!

On March 16, 2008, we were in Nanchang China and officially became a family of four. 

 We've been blessed beyond measure with our two daughters. 

This may seem silly, but Emma wore this pink shirt while we were in China and Josie now fits into it.  I can't believe how quickly time has passed!

 Happy 7 year forever family anniversary!

The power of adoption is a beautiful thing.

PS.  Sunday evening, we broke our backyard ice skating record.

 The girls were on our backyard ice rink at 7:40pm  March 15th.  That's two days longer than 2014.  We're officially ready for spring!

March 16, 2014

SIX years!!!!

Dear Josie,
On March 16, 2008, you became our daughter.
We want you to know that we've  been blessed beyond measure on the day that you came into our family.
You've given us the joy of a lifetime.   
You've made our family complete.   
We can't imagine our family without our two amazing daughters.
 Happy six years together!  Happy Family Annivesary!
March 16, 2008
March 16, 2014

March 15, 2013

Happy Josie Five Year Anniversary!

We are celebrating a very important anniversary on March 16th.  Five years ago, Emma, Chris and I were in China on one of the most important days of our lives.
We were finally going to meet our newest daughter!  After years of waiting, we were so ready for our family to start growing!! Little did we know all the changes that would really begin.
When Josie first came home from China she was high maintenance in every sense of the word…she had extreme night terrors, complex heart issues, food hording issues and separation anxiety that would rip your heart out.

She had to get to know us.
We had to get know her.
We had to lovingly and very slowly teach her how to trust us despite multiple surgeries, hospitalizations and unpleasant doctor appointments.

Her trust didn't happen overnight.

That first year was a mix of emotions. I hid most of our problems from my blog world but leaned on my adoptive friends, family, and work colleagues for support. You know who you are, THANK YOU!
Watching Josie grow, and having the opportunity to see her positive "super-hero" spirit with others is what keeps me smiling each and every day!
I am looking forward to seeing where life takes Emma and Josie.
I believe there are amazing things in store for both my girls.

Despite all Josie's initial health issues, God has given her an amazing spirit and I know that those talents are used for the benefit of  herself and others.
When I see my two daughters together, I am reminded that the painful journey of secondary infertility was worth every migraine and shed tear.

March 2008
Nanchang China 

March 2013

You have come so far.
You've learned so much.
You've taught US so much!

We love your positive and magical spirit.

Happy Family Anniversary!

It's been a blessed five years!

In case you would like to see Josie's Gotcha day video filmed March 16, 2008, here it is!

Have your Kleenex handy!

July 5, 2012

Families for International Children Heritage Camp 2012

The week before we went on vacation, Josie attended a four-day heritage camp sponsored by the Families for International Adoptions.   

 What a fantastic experience.

 Our rental cottage has always conflicted with the date of this particular camp, but luckily we were able to postpone our cottage by a week and Josie was able to attend.

On the last day of camp, the children were encouraged to wear clothing representative of their country for the closing ceremonies.  Over 385 children attended this year's camp.  Truly unbelievable.

Yes.  I had tears.

We love you so very much, Miss Josephine Xue!