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Showing posts with label Halloween. Show all posts

October 19, 2016

10 days and counting...

It's less than two weeks until our annual family-friendly Halloween party. 

We've been busy getting things ready inside and out.

We're pushing ourselves to work on decorations when we get home from work each night (not that we really mind).

I always feel like it's always a mad scramble to get everything done, but we might "almost" be ahead of schedule.

Chris came home with 22 pumpkins from Aldi's last night.

In case you're wondering, they really do have the best prices right now at $2.29 a pumpkin.

Hard to believe how quickly this month is flying by!

Halloween hugs!

October 12, 2016

Dollar Tree Ideas for Halloween

I think it's no surprise how much I enjoy visiting Dollar Tree, especially at Halloween.

I had thrifted an orange tree skirt a few years ago at Goodwill and really wanted to jazz it up for Halloween.  So, when I saw these felt characters, I knew they'd be perfect for my plain skirt.

I'm pretty excited with how it looks, but now Josie thinks I need to include presents under our Halloween tree.

Another recent addition to this year's Dollar Tree merchandise are these glow-in-the-dark skeleton arms and inflatable eyeballs (bought separately).

We've got several of these strategically placed around our very large yard spider and I think Chris is going back for even more.

I'm also pretty smitten with these Halloween ice cube trays.  Josie and I experimented with them over the weekend using lemon/lime Faygo pop and cherry juice.  Creepy and fun!  Happy thrifting!  Happy Halloween, friends!

September 21, 2016

My 2016 Halloween Tree Reveal

It’s that time of the year when I start getting the antsy to unpack Halloween decorations.
I spent most of last weekend getting our annual full-sized tree decorated.
Handmade ornaments mixed with lots of vintage Halloween picks collected from estate sales, fill the branches.
For those of you who have followed me as long as I've been blogging, you know that our family {loves} Halloween!
NOT the icky, scary, gross-kind of Halloween, but the fun, vintage, Orange and Black Halloween! This year, marks our 25th annual Halloween party.  
I can hardly believe we've been doing this for 25 years.   

As you can see, my Halloween tree is extra full this year.  It’s definitely our favorite time of the year!! Happy "early" Halloween!

October 23, 2015

Twas one week before the Halloween party...

Twas one week before the annual Halloween party and all through the crypt 
 EVERY creature was stirring.

"Yet there's still more to do!" cackled the witch.
 So she brewed up a magical potion which set every skeleton in motion. 

 They decorated mantles,

captured spiders
hung streamers and lights,
created yummy treats

 and decorated till the wee hours of night.

"Happy early Halloween to all, and to all a creepy night!"
Our annual Halloween party takes place on October 30th and we have loads more decorations to share, but I'm linking up with A Fanciful Twist Halloween party, so be sure to visit Vanessa's blog to see other magical Halloween parties.  Halloween hugs and have a frightfully fun weekend!!


October 16, 2015

Two weeks and counting!!

Can you believe it's mid-October?
It's two weeks until our 24th annual  Halloween party.
We've been busy getting things ready inside and out. 
With every single weekend filled with cross country meets and marching band competitions, we're pushing ourselves to work on decorations when we get home from work each night.
 I always feel like it's always a mad scramble to get everything done, but we might "almost" be ahead of schedule. 
Take time and have some "fun" this weekend.

October 13, 2015

Hoot Hoot Hooray for Halloween preparations!

I have to start by thanking Leslie from Bookhollow Lane for sending me a special package.  She created two peg dolls representing Emma in her marching band uniform and Josie in her cowgirl outfit. Aren't they adorable!  Thank you, Leslie.  Blogging friends are the best.

I was  recently lucky on etsy and able to add another fabulous Magpie Ethel creation to my Halloween collection this year. I have been stalking her Instagram feed and was hoping this pair would be available when she listed them.
Don't you just love their little party hats?
Did you know that a group of owls are called a parliament?

I've got Halloween tucked everywhere.

 Even our bedroom is decorated.  

It's crazy fun around our house right now.

Stay tuned for more Halloween chaos.

October 5, 2015

A few of my favorite things...

Thanks to estate sales over the past year , I've added a few more Gurley Halloween candles to my stash this year.  

I've also added a few more Halloween masks to my collection.

Over the weekend, I managed to sneak into Homegoods and came home with a really fun Halloween mug.

Welcome October and all things Halloween!

Have a festive week, friends!