Sunday, November 21, 2010

Tooth fairy hard at work....

We had another "first" in our house this week--Anistyn "FINALLY!" lost her first tooth! She knocked it loose with her fork eating dinner a few weeks ago, and her permanent tooth finally came in enough to make it loose enough to come out. Every night since it first became loose, I would check it to see if it's made any progress. On Monday night it was REALLY loose and I told her that with a couple little tugs, it would come right out. She said she wanted to try the string method that we had told her about, so I got a string and gave it a little tug. It didn't come all the way out, but it loosened it even more. She played with it for a few minutes and then let me give it one more little pull and.....POP! It came right out! She was so excited!!! She was hopping around the house, asking when the tooth fairy would come. I told her I had to email the tooth fairy to let her know, so it wouldn't be until the next night. (Yep--the tooth fairy uses email these days, as does Santa). So, Tuesday night, the tooth fairy snuck into her room to leave a Hello Kitty doll and her favorite gum, Bubble Tape. She woke up around 6am to check to see what was left and was thrilled! Whew! Being a tooth fairy can be exhausting. So much pressure! She already has another loose tooth, so this tooth fairy is gearing up for another drop soon.

Here she is right after the final pull:

And here she is the morning after the tooth fairy visited:
Her permanent tooth is already popping through and I wish it would hold off for awhile. I love that cute toothless grin!


Stacie said...

Yeah Annie!!!! Finally!!!!!

Nikki said...

I LOVE toothless smiles! :)