Saturday, February 4, 2012

Disneyland, Day 2

On Day 2, we were all rested up and ready for round 2! We got there at opening and spent the whole day in Disneyland (except when we headed over to CA Adventure to get in our required Tower of Terror runs). The weather could not have been better and the crowds were very minimal. This trip we were all about the Disneyland Wait Times iPhone app. You can pull it up to check wait times on all of the rides and even check on Fast Passes. Way cool! It saved us lots of time and extra walking. I loved this time around that neither of our kids were afraid of anything--especially meeting the characters. Our last trip (years ago) Stockton was only 2 and would not go near any of the characters. This time around they were both SO excited to meet all of them and didn't mind waiting in any lines to do so. So fun!
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1 comment:

Stacie said...

What a day! Love the pics.