"Where else would you go when you have an ax to grind?"

Showing posts with label responsible gun owners. Show all posts
Showing posts with label responsible gun owners. Show all posts

Friday, May 11, 2012

The vilest thing I've seen in a long time

Dear human race,
I am very, very disappointed in you.

P.S. Is it something in the water in parts of the country? Does repeated exposure to loud bangs cause some kind of subtle brain damage? Is it blood poisoning from sucking on lead bullets? Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you people?

Just knowing that someone was sick enough to make this shooting range target make me furious.

Knowing that they were sold out of them in two days makes me wonder if the Chinese communists weren't on to something with their idea of re-education camps, because until these kind of people learn the error of their ways or are sent away somewhere, Western society is completely screwed.


Sunday, April 08, 2012

What could possibly go wrong?

In the wake of the Trevyon Martin shooting, this is quite likely the last thing that needs to happen:

Neo-Nazis patrolling Florida town where Trayvon Martin was killed

Yes, that's what everyone thinks of when they think of group named after the Nazis, that they are a civil rights organization. Frankly, I almost hope some retired Jewish veteran sees these knuckle draggers waving a swastika and open fires on them, citing the stand your ground laws as justification. They would certainly have a better case for doing so than George Zimmerman did for killing Treyvon Martin.

But remember the NRA says that guns make us all safer. And by "Us" I can only assume they mean terrified bigoted cracker morons with more ammunition than brains. Especially in America's "post racial society" where shit like this keeps on happening.


Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Another casualty in the war on the poor

I'm sure the message many of the one percent will draw from this is that handguns are too inexpensive.


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The 2nd Amendment means never having to say you're sorry

I know many states have "castle" laws (as in "a man's home is his") that allow residents to shoot anyone trespassing on their property that they feel is a threat to them for any reason without facing murder or manslaughter charges, but what if you shoot someone you thought was a burglar and it turns out to be your live-in fiance?

Better safe than sorry, I guess. It could have been some junkie trying to steal his big screen TV.

Thursday, October 08, 2009

An armed society is a polite society?

Another couple of responsible gun owners killed.
I suppose we should be grateful it happened at home and not at one the kids soccer games to which Mom regularly brought a sidearm.
How long before the firearms fetishist choir declares "she'd still be alive if she'd spent more time on the range practicing her quick draw" or "if the kids had been packing too, they could have stopped Dad!"

Monday, August 24, 2009

Pop quiz!

Imagine you work as a subcontractor for a bank. The bank wants photos of a bunch of properties on which it holds mortgages to confirm the properties are being kept up and to check the condition of properties on which the mortgage is in default, so off you go in your car with your trusty camera and start snapping away. One homeowner sees you parked in front of his house taking pictures and gets a bit testy. He marches out to the car and wants to know who you are and what the hell you think you're doing taking pictures of his house. Maybe he even gets a bit irate and slaps his hand down on hood of your car. This is not your first day on the job and probably not your first irate homeowner. What do you do?

  1. Laugh at him and drive away.
  2. Show him your business card, tell him the bank sent you out to take photos of his house and tell him you'll be happy to wait while he calls your office to confirm your story.
  3. Stick your .357 magnum in his face before he scratches the paint on your Ford Escort.
Answer key
1. You are an asshole.
2. You are a professional.
3. You are a Republican

h/t to JJ at Unrepentant Old Hippie