Showing posts with label Love and Memory. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Love and Memory. Show all posts

Friday, April 23, 2021

Rizkaland #4 Title Reveal!


So ... um, hello! I've not fallen off the face of the earth this blog tour! (I just feel like I have). This book's release has been CRAZY. Hands down, no questions. But it's here now, guys. All shiny, exciting, and ready for all of you to read. 

So, um, go read it.

And now it's time to reveal something that you guys have surely been anticipating forever. Book #4!

That's right,  The Isle of Talking Beasts. Yes, I decided to name it after the setting, but, guys, a LOT goes down in this book. 

So, first off, you can add it to your Goodreads TBR here, and all check out its inspiration board on Pinterest

Yes, I've got it marked for 2025 for the release date. It's pretty up in the air when I'll actually get to write it, but I have the next two years of releases booked (cough), and I know I need to get The Cost of a Queen and The Song of a Dragon both out before this one. I would love to move it up sooner, but it's still very nebulous as a story, so I really don't know. (Though, I'm hoping, after this one, the rest of the series will follow quickly enough).

Some things that will go down:

The POV characters are Eden (whose name was very recently changed from Edna, who you'll see on the board and if you'll remember I called her by that name in Lady Dragon, Tela Du), Alex, Louise, and Quinton. And possibly Wyn. (The possibility is whether or not she'll be a POV. She's in the book)

If you've read the end of Love and Memory, you'll have heard a few allusions to this book. As I said, things go down, and Wyn is carrying a biiiiit of trauma from it.

It's about a year after LaM's epilogue, and it does feature a few weddings.

Eden is obsessed with fairy tales, Alex is into video games, and the book will feature a bit of a wake-up for both of them. Louise is deaf, and I really look forward to working with that. Quinton is based on my cousin. Um ... I don't know what more to say about that for him. 

Eden is, by the way, the blonde.

So ... yeah. This is going to be a ton of fun, and I can't wait to share it with you in another half of a decade!

Blog Tour Stops 'cause I missed the last couple days:

April 21st – Wednesday
Madi’s Musings: Interview – Kendra
Live. Love. Read: Review
Safe Return Doubtful: Portal Fantasy and the Doorkeeper

April 22nd – Thursday *Release Date*
Lands Uncharted: Interview – Kendra
Fantastical Notions: Review
Rachel Rossano’s Words: Motherhood in Fiction

April 23rd – Friday
Dreams & Dragons: Interview – Kendra
A. R. Silverberry: Interview – Andrew
Light & Shadows: Review

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Love and Memory - Chapter 1


So ... I've been holding out on posting this as I wait for Amazon to declare Love and Memory published, but it's late and it still hasn't happened. Hopefully, come tomorrow morning, but ... anywho. 

I just realized that I've never shared the first chapter of the book to this blog. So I'm going to do it now. Because I don't have time to type about the PoV's, and I like having first chapters posted so I can link them on my website. 

*wanders away for a moment to glare at Amazon again*

Oh, and feel free to check out today's other stops on the tour:
Madi’s Musings: Interview – Petra
Katherine A. Massengill: Review

Now for the chapter (by the way, it does contain spoilers for the previous books, but not as badly as the second book, so there's that...):

Chapter 1 


I can do this.”.

At least, that’s what Clara tried to tell herself as she climbed the ladder to the diving board.

“I can do this.”

There was no reason why she couldn’t, why she shouldn’t just march to the end of the board and execute a perfect backflip into the water below.

And yet she didn’t.

She just stood there, staring at the end of the board, her mind playing in loop the last dive she’d made into the pool below. A memory of but a month before … that was also twenty-five years old.

“Clara, the end of the diving board is just down there. Did you get lost? Again?”

“Rhodes, hush!”

Clara twisted around to see her best friends – former best friends? – standing on the ground below her. Rhoda was scowling, and Kath was trying to balance that with a grin too big for her face.

Neither was helping.

“I can do this.”

All she had to do was run down the board and plunge hands-first into the water below. She’d done this a thousand times.

Twenty-five years before.

A month ago.

She’d promised herself last night that she would get on this board. She’d succeeded. She could turn away now and be fully satisfied with herself.


“I can do this.”

She knew that she could. She would.

The promise had merely been for taking the first step. If Clara didn’t take the second one now, she never would.

That’s just what she did.

“I can do this.”

She didn’t let herself wait another moment. She ran, raising her hands over her head, sucking in a lung-full of oxygen. Then she was at the end of the board, her body taking over as she leaped into the air and curled downward into the water below. It was a perfect dive, if she could believe the cheers of her observers, just before she submerged.

She’d done it. Now all that was left was to swim upwards and…

Swim upwards and…

Swim upwards…

Her lungs burned, screaming for her to return to the world above.

The world she didn’t belong in anymore.

She balled her left hand into a fist, glaring at the sapphire ring that she wore on her third finger. A ring that she’d worn for the last month.

The last twenty-five years.

She was the Water Princess. She should have control of this situation.

But that had been Rizkaland. Here, it seemed, water had command of her.

Hands closed around her arms. Kath was on her one side, Rhoda on the other, both hauling her upwards. Clara didn’t fight them, even as they pulled her head into the air again. Her lungs were too grateful for the oxygen.

“Clara!” Rhoda was shouting. “Clara! What was that? Are you trying to drown yourself? Clara!”

“Hush, Rhoda,” Kath shoved Rhoda away, putting herself straight into Clara’s line of sight. “Clara, deep breaths. Are you okay? Clara, you did it!”

Neither was helping.

Clara pushed away from both of her friends, swimming to the side of the pool.

She’d not done it.

She’d taken the first step and the second, but she’d failed the third.

And the third had been the most important.

“That was good, Clara. I’m proud of you.”

She looked up to see Mrs. Gimmons, Rhoda’s mom, standing over her as she reached the side of the pool.

“What do you mean, ‘that was good,’ Mom?” Rhoda protested before Clara could answer herself. “That was the most basic dive ever, and then Kath and I had to go rescue her. We’re used to better than that from her. Clara, what has gotten into you?”

“Leave her alone, Rhodes!” Kath again sprang to Clara’s defense. “Don’t you remember how I was last year?”

You were recovering from a head injury,” Rhoda returned. “And also not acting like this.”

“Hush, both of you, you’re not helping,” Mrs. Gimmons chided. She crouched down and held out a hand to Clara. “Would you like to come with me and talk about it?”

Clara accepted the offered hand but didn’t say anything. Did she want to talk about it? She didn’t even know.

“Come with me to my office,” Mrs. Gimmons instructed. “Rhoda, you’re in charge until I get back. Be helpful.”

Clara remained mute as she followed the woman into her office. Her gaze dropped to her ring again.

“Don’t let Rhoda get to you – she doesn’t understand,” Mrs. Gimmons stated, as she shut the door behind them. “And, frankly, I don’t think that Kath does, either. I’m proud of you.”

“I couldn’t come back up,” Clara finally stated, her voice barely above a whisper.

“But you got on the board and dove. That’s progress.”

“I couldn’t come back up,” Clara repeated. “I stared up at the surface of the water, and all I could think of was that the last time I did that, I … I left everything behind.”

“Of course.” There was no judgment in Mrs. Gimmons’ voice. “The last time you dove into that pool, you went to Rizkaland.”

“And I left through that pool,” Clara exclaimed. “I spent twenty-five years in Rizkaland, and then, one day, I was told that it was time for me to leave, so what did I do? I left. Walked right back through the waterfall. Leaving behind my own children! Staring up at the surface of the water, it was like I was leaving them all over again – and this time, I just couldn’t do it.”

Mrs. Gimmons put a hand on Clara’s shoulder. “I wish I could say that it gets easier…”

“I don’t want it to get easier!” Clara protested, turning away. “I want … I want to go back. But I can’t. And diving into that pool is just a slap-in-the-face to remind me of that fact.”

“Yet you did it,” Mrs. Gimmons pointed out.

Clara swung her head to meet the woman’s eyes – green eyes that filled her with another wave of longing. Her mouth fell open, but no sound emerged.

“I can’t say that it gets easier,” Mrs. Gimmons continued. “You’re going to go your whole life, longing for what you left behind in Rizkaland, just as you left so much here. That was why you were able to leave. Right now, your ties to Rizkaland feel stronger because they’re fresh…”

“I left my children,” Clara cut in.

Mrs. Gimmons glanced down, fingering the locket around her neck. “We all did – except Kath and Rich.”

Clara swallowed. “Timothea was only eight. No child should lose their mother that young – and I just left her standing on the edge of the Ri! I should’ve … why did I leave? Why couldn’t I have brought her back with me?”

“Clara…” Mrs. Gimmons took a deep breath. “I know that it’s hard. I can tell you, standing here, after twenty years, you still ask those questions every day. But what you did today was the first step. You confronted those questions.”

“I couldn’t make it to the surface. I would have drowned myself!”

“I was watching and didn’t let it happen.”

Clara hugged herself. “Thanks. I guess.”

“Clara, it doesn’t get easier, but as you find more reasons to anchor yourself here, it does get less hard.” The woman stood and retrieved Clara’s cell phone from her bag. “I’ve got to get back to class, but why don’t you reward yourself for your progress today?”

With that, she was gone.


“Would you look at this? Kevin, your cousin just got engaged!”

Andrew looked up from his laptop at Mrs. Eaglechaser’s remark.

“Really?” Kevin answered from his side of the room. “Petra’s finally caved and said yes?”

A grin curled the corner of his mother’s mouth. “Oh, no, they’re still in the air. Summer and Tyler are the happy couple.”

Summer and…” Kevin repeated, taken aback. Andrew didn’t really blame him. “You’re kidding, right?”

But Mrs. Eaglechaser just shook her head. “It seems that he had meant to merely ask her out on a date, but it came out as a marriage proposal, and she just decided to go along with it.”

Andrew frowned, knowing that this could only be half of the story – if that. However, this wasn’t the time or place for the full story. He’d have to ask Mrs. Eaglechaser later, one-on-one.

“That does sound like just the sort of thing that Tyler would do,” Kevin admitted. “But … Summer playing along with it? I do hope she’s not doing it to break his heart. It’d be just like her, and he doesn’t deserve that.”

“Oh, hush,” inserted Tina, Kevin’s younger sister. “It’s romantic.”

“I’m going to call Summer,” Kevin declared, standing up. “I need to hear this from her.”

With that, he left the room in search of a telephone.

Andrew met Mrs. Eaglechaser’s eye. “They’re going to be just fine, aren’t they?”

Mrs. Eaglechaser nodded, turning back to the computer again. “Everyone has to sort themselves out in their own way, and if this is the step that they feel that they have to take, then I wish them all the best.”

Andrew frowned, a question dangling at the tip of his tongue, but he couldn’t ask it, thanks to their audience. Kevin might have gone, but Tina and Andrew’s own younger brothers were still in the room, and they…

They didn’t know about Rizkaland.

Andrew’s cell phone interrupted his trail of thoughts.

“Is that Clara?” Mrs. Eaglechaser asked. “You’d better answer.”

It was. Andrew flipped the phone open as he retreated to the hallway.

“Hey there,” he said. “Long time, no talk. How are you?”

He frowned as he considered what she’d told him last night of her plans for today.

“Oh, Andrew.” Her voice came out in a breathy rush. “I miss you so much.”

Andrew swallowed before answering, knowing from the pitch in her voice that if he didn’t keep himself calm, she might break entirely. It always amazed him how she could be so strong and yet so fragile all at the same time.

Like a diamond.

“Hey, at least we have phones to call each other with. We didn’t have that … before.” In Rizkaland.

“Our separations never felt pointless before,” she answered, her words a forced hiss.

“So, um, you said that you were doing a class with my Aunt Leah today,” he prompted, not quite sure that he wanted to poke the beast – so to speak – but suspecting that this was the reason for her call. There was no use beating around the bush, and he knew that she was trying to do just that.

She gave a heavy sigh, and Andrew could almost hear the shuffle of her feet as she tried to evade the question. He knew her too well.

“Yeah,” she finally admitted.

“And?” he prompted.

She hesitated again, no doubt with more foot-shuffling.

“It’s over.”

“Ah,” he said when it was clear that that was all she would offer. “So, how did it go?”

Her answer hesitated a third time, and he might have wondered why she’d called at all if he hadn’t known her so well.

“It’s not fair,” she finally blurted. “You went through to Rizkaland at a campsite that you won’t have to visit ever again. I went through that stupid pool that I have to look at every single horrid day!”

Andrew had to pull the phone a few inches away from his ear to keep her outburst from blowing out his eardrum. He still heard her clearly, despite the distance.

“I agree, it stinks,” he finally said, once he was confident that she’d finished. “But you faced it today. Didn’t you?”

“I tried.” Her voice dropped to a growl. “I dove into that horrid pool and nearly drowned myself because I couldn’t come back up. Kath and your cousin had to come rescue me.”

“You … nearly drowned?” Andrew’s heart constricted at the thought. Sure, he’d come close to losing her before, but in a pool that she used to swim in every day? When he was so far away?

“It was all in my head, psychological.” Her growl cut back into his thoughts. “I somehow thought that if … if I didn’t come up, I might go back. Completely bonkers. I know better, but it didn’t stop me from staring up at the surface of the pool and feeling that leaving would be leaving … all that, all over again.”

The last few words came out in a jumbled torrent that threatened tears. Tears that he heard her swallow down with shaky breaths as she tried to regain control of herself. He ached to be there at her side, to gather her into his arms, to tell her to let go, and then to kiss away the tears when she was done.

But there were miles and miles between them. Three days by car.

“You’re amazing, Alice,” he told her instead. It was all that he could do. But words felt hollow and empty when sent across that much distance. Why couldn’t he do more for her?

But, somehow, those words were enough, as her sniffles died, and her tone was brighter when she spoke again.

“Not half as amazing as you, Tom Canty,” she answered. “I’m just sitting here, wallowing in myself. You’ve gone back to taking care of your brothers and being useful.”

Andrew opened his mouth, glancing behind him to the room where his brothers were. “They’re easing me back into it.”

“I know, the big history project that Mrs. Eaglechaser is doing.” Her voice pitched again. “But at least you have something in this world. I just … I just feel so lost!”

“I wish…” Andrew trailed off, honestly not sure what he wished. “What about your goal of the Olympics? Aren’t you working towards that?”

There followed another silence and inaudible foot shuffle. “I … I’m struggling to get excited about it the way that I used to. Not when all I want is to be with you, helping shoulder your burdens.”

It was Andrew’s turn to fall silent as he carefully considered how to answer that. Finally, he took a deep breath. “Clara, I’d love to have you here with me, but we both know that it’s not going to happen right now. Right now, I need you to help me focus. I need you to be working towards your goal of the Olympics because then I’ll know that you’re doing something with your life.”

“Yes, but…”

“Clara, please. It may seem silly to you now, but it once meant everything to you.”

She gave a heavy sigh. “I’m not that girl anymore, Andrew.”

“I know,” he said. “But I’ve been discovering that I’m no longer the boy whose world revolved around his younger brothers.”

Clara sucked in a sharp breath. “Oh, Andrew…”

Silence hung between them again. This was when she’d usually take his hand, cup her other hand to his cheek, and force him to look past all of his doubts and focus solely on her. But she wasn’t there. All he had to focus on was a family photograph of the Eaglechasers, hanging on the wall in front of him.

“Okay,” she finally said. “If me fitting myself back into my old life will help you that much, I’ll do it. Just … don’t hesitate to let me know if there’s anything else that I can possibly do. I know you, Tom Canty, the way that you can get it into your head that you’re all on your own and have to put the world onto your shoulders, but you don’t. I know there can’t be much that I can do, but … if there’s anything, let me know.”

“As long as you’re not afraid to ask me,” he returned, wanting nothing more than to gather her into his arms and just hold her. That was what he needed from her. He glanced down the hallway to see Kevin headed towards him. “Hey, I’ve got to get back to work now, so I’m going to let you go. Let you get back to whatever it was you were doing.”

“I was diving, but I think I’m going to pull out some schoolwork now. Maybe science.”

Andrew gave a small chuckle. Her science curriculum was his dad’s website – a site that he moderated. “Let me know if I can help you at all. I love you, Clara.”

“Love you, too. Bye.”

Her line clicked off with a hollow buzz. Woodenly, Andrew shut his own phone, lowering it from his ear and balling a fist around it.

“Clara again?”

Kevin’s question cut into his thoughts. Andrew nodded distantly.


“Must be difficult, a long-distance relationship like that.” Kevin shook his head. “I don’t envy you, Andrew.”

Andrew gave a grudging grin. Kevin didn’t know the half of it.

“We’re making it work,” he said, as much to convince himself as his best friend.

Kevin smiled encouragingly. “I’m just glad that you’ve found a girl. You’ve been so wrapped up in your brothers since you were twelve, but since meeting her, you’ve been focusing more on yourself. Whatever anyone else might say, she’s been good for you.”

Andrew nodded. “So, did you get ahold of your cousin?”

Kevin frowned. “I did.”

“And?” Andrew had a good idea of the conversation’s likely result, but he needed to hear it.

“I can’t talk her out of it.” Kevin threw up his hands. “She swears up one side and down the other that she’s serious. Tyler’s the last person whose heart she’d want to break. Apparently, she’s scared of his sisters.”

“Well, they’ve known each other their whole lives,” Andrew pointed out. “I think he knows what he’s getting into with her, and I think she could use a good influence.”

Kevin gave a bark of laughter. “I guess, but … Andrew, you’ve met Summer. You know what she’s like.”

Andrew rubbed the back of his neck at the memory. Summer had been most of the reason that Clara’s early attempts at flirting had terrified him so thoroughly.

“Tyler’s worse than you, when it comes to trying to fade into the background. At least you can get started on tangent about science. If I’ve heard him say more than three words together, I’d be surprised. The thought of them together feels all wrong, but,” Kevin paused to shrug, “talking to Summer just now, I’ve never heard her sound so mature. I can’t help the foreboding in the pit of my stomach, but if he’s had this influence on her already…”

“She’s got three older brothers who can keep her in line,” said Andrew. “And he has younger sisters who won’t let her get away with anything. I really don’t think that you need to worry about it.”


Clara lowered the phone from her ear and just stared at it, heart hammering in her chest. Everything in her screamed to redial his number and get him back. Did she have more that she wanted to say to him? No.

She just wanted to hear his breathing, close her eyes, and pretend that he was there beside her, physically.

Her backpack lay on the other side of the room, with the day’s assortment of homework inside. She’d told Andrew that she was going to do some science. She’d also promised him that she’d get her head back in the game and focus on her goals.

“Clara! What was that? You tried to drown yourself out there!”

Clara’s head snapped up to see Rhoda standing in the office doorway, Kath hovering behind her. But what was there to say that Andrew’s cousin would understand? Clara just shrugged.

“Is that your cell phone?” Rhoda continued, storming forward. “Did you seriously just ditch the rest of class just to talk to your boyfriend, Clara?”

Clara just shrugged again. There was no use denying it. “He just hung up.”

Rhoda gave a violent roll of her eyes. “This isn’t cute, Clara. What’s gotten into you? A month ago, a boyfriend was the last thing on your mind, but you meet Andrew and – bam! You can’t even breathe without needing to call him.”

She had a point.

“Oh, hush,” said Kath, stepping forward. “She’s in love, and love can change a person. You know that.”

Rhoda rolled her eyes to Kath and shook her head. “I don’t even know this new Clara.”

Kath’s gaze drifted to Clara, and then her eyes fell. Her answer was a mumble. “Then we need to take the time to get to know this new Clara.”

Rhoda stared at her a long moment before rolling her eyes again. “Honestly, though, what’s gotten into her? Falling in love shouldn’t produce a one-eighty personality change like this.”

No, but falling into another world and being married for twenty-five years would.

“It’s like…” Rhoda’s gaze drifted to Clara’s stomach. “Clara, please tell me you’re not…”

“No!” Clara took a sharp breath and hugged her arms over her stomach, defensively. “I – no. I don’t … know Andrew that well.”

The lie tasted awful on her tongue, but it was the should-be truth of this world. In Rizkaland, she’d known Andrew, mind, soul, and body. She’d borne six of his children. But here, they were supposed to be near-strangers. That was the act that they tried to put on, though they hadn’t waited to plunge into a romantic relationship again.

She wasn’t carrying his child now. Her mother had already made sure to check that.

“Oh, come now,” said Kath. “Do you really think that little of Clair? And your own cousin.”

“The Clara that we grew up with, never,” Rhoda declared. “But this new Clara who has possessed her body? I really don’t know. As for Andrew, I would think that he knows better, but…”

“Your cousin is a perfect gentleman,” Clara cut in. “We’ve never even kissed.” Not since coming back. That was the truth, at least.

“They have this distance between them,” Kath declared. “Really puts some hampers on their relationship.”

Rhoda rolled her eyes again – she was going to roll them right out of her head if she kept this up. “I guess that has to explain why she has to call him every five minutes.”

“I try to limit it to three times a day,” Clara inserted.

“Well, texting him every five minutes.” Rhoda waved a dismissive hand. “Clara, I don’t think you realize this, but Andrew has a lot of responsibilities in his day-to-day life. He…”

“He lost his mother at twelve, and he’s been the primary caretaker for his younger brothers ever since, yes, I’m quite aware of his struggles,” Clara cut in, leaping to her feet and flashing Rhoda a glare. “He’s been defined by his responsibilities since he was twelve. That’s not healthy for a kid. Do you want to know what half of our conversations are about? His brothers.” The other half were about how much they missed Rizkaland. “That guy was desperate for human connection. I’m just happy to provide that for him.” Clara shoved her phone into her backpack, shouldered it, and stormed out of the office, trembling as she tried to swallow down tears.

Life just wasn’t fair.



Monday, April 19, 2021

Tour of Love and Memory - Slight Change of Plans


Edit: It's now available for purchase HERE! Carry on to hear about the new giveaway. 

So ... Love and Memory didn't release today, and the listing is down. I wasn't close enough to done on the deadline, so delayed it, and then just barely missed the upload deadline last night. I was literally in the process of uploading it when it closed. 


So, if you preordered, you've probably received a refund. Currently, I'm in the process of finishing a proper polish on the book and I'll be manually publishing it tomorrow. 

What this means for the preorder giveaway - well, since those orders were refunded, I can't *afford* to hold the giveaway as-is. THEREFORE, for the first couple days of release, if you purchase it and send me a receipt, I will put it in the new drawing. People who also send me a preorder receipt (or who have already done so) AKA, the people who did preorder (And, now, the 99 cent preorders DO qualify, as long as they're), will receive a double entry. To clarify: Preorders no longer qualify for the giveaway, as you have been refunded, but having made one will double your chances of winning if you chose to enter now.

I had 28 preorders, and I will honor that by giving away 3 paperback copies of the book, hands down. If we can get to 40 purchases, then more books will be added to the pile. 

I would also like to honor Kindle Unlimited reads (as I'll get paid around as much as an outright purchase), though I'm not entirely sure how to verify these. I THINK, if you send me a shot of the book on your shelf and tell me what time you read it, so I can confirm that I had a matching read, it will work? While I won't insist on a verified review to match it, one would be appreciated. And, yes, having made a preorder receipt will help here. (If, for some reason, you made a preorder, then you read it with unlimited, then you purchase it, that would totally qualify as a triple entry, even if the purchase is made while on sale, see below. So ... anywho.)

If you're not interested in the giveaway, I will also be holding a Countdown sale May 25th-31st. Once the price drops to 99 cents, the giveaway will be CLOSED, as those purchases will not qualify. I will give the KU readers a full week to get it read, though ('cause I know it's Thicc). It will be an incremental Countdown, though so jump fast if you want to get the best price.

I was going to post some snippets today, but I don't have time to fight blogger with the formatting (Because blogger has decided it now wants to be nasty with them), and so, instead, I've posted the first chapter of Part 2 to the Ardnek Afterthoughts. which, as a reminder, is an exclusive blog available to subscribers of my Newsletter

Oh, and you can check out today's blog tour stops, because the party's going even with the train wreck:

Fantastical Notions: Interview – Kendra
Resting Life: Review

Friday, February 19, 2021

Change of Plans? - Blog Tour Open for Sign-up!

 So ... I've not been getting the interaction I was hoping for with the Rizkaland Readalong. Furthermore, I am ... not as close to finished as I want to be with Love and Memory, and so ... well, the time investment that this Readalong is taking is not worth it. 

Guys, I have TWO MONTHS LEFT. And I still have to write all of part five.

And so, instead, let's have this:

That's right! Signup for Love and Memory's blog tour is now open! Click here to sign up, and here to request an ARC

If you're interested in spotlighting the book on your blog, newsletter, or other social media, without being part of the official tour, that is an option on the blog tour form. Just check the box, and I'll send you the info packet when I mail it out to everyone else.

And, yes, you probably ought to have read Water Princess, Fire Prince and Lady Dragon, Tela Du, first, which is why both have their prices reduced until release. 

Also, I have this for Instagram.

For the record, I am funneling the Readalong entries into the giveaway below.

But, as a peace offering, how about a snippet?

Petra, this wasn’t the way. Reuben’s thought was stern, and his grip on her arm tightened.

She twisted back to stare at him, preparing to defend herself, but his lips crushed against hers, and his anger and disappointment blazed through her.

Petra didn’t fight him, but this kiss was an argument. She threw up every defense she had, but he shattered them. It didn’t help that a memory of three little girls with green scales and hopeful eyes made them weak to begin with.

When he pulled away, she was trembling.

Also, did you know that I have a Discord Server for my readers? It's actually where I most consistently post writing updates and other goodies, so I highly recommend checking it out.

Friday, February 12, 2021

Rizkaland Readalong: Water Princess, Fire Prince Part 5 - The War

First off, if you missed part 1, you can check it out here.

Second off, if you don't have your own copy of Water Princess, Fire Prince, you can nab it today only free on Kindle! And, since next week begins Lady Dragon, Tela Du, you can go ahead and grab it for free, as well! ALSO, today is the last day to preorder Love and Memory for just $0.99! So go nab up the whole series. Don't worry. I'll not go anywhere while you're off grabbing them!

Third off, there's a giveaway at the end, so do stick around!

Let's get into it.

Andrew has been in Amber's prison for two weeks, Clara's still an ice statue. Granite shows up and reveals how to break the ice magic and how to get out of the prison, and Andrew follows the instructions, and they make their way out of the abandoned city ... only to be attacked by cat-like creatures called etrinas and Andrew goes down for the count. Clara stays to fight them off, but it's only when Kath, Rich, Stephan, and Kiona show up on hinequa-back that they're rescued. Then it's into full-swing for war, though there's a quick detour to get Essua, since she didn't melt, and then it's battle time. Amber attacks, they spend the day fighting, and then Andrew gets the brilliant idea to chase Amber out of town with fire AND water (y'know, the stuff they found inside the Mountain), and lo and behold! It works, everyone lives happily ever after. At least for the next twenty-five years, when it's time for Clara and Andrew to return to their own world.

Things of note:
There are four kisses in this section. The first is when Andrew has to defrost Clara, then she returns the favor moments later 'cause fire down her throat wasn't comfortable and she wants to have a first kiss worth remembering, and then they share another one that night as they're talking over their relationship, and then the final one is right after they chase Amber out and win the war. *happy sighs*
No, he did not actually pour fire down her throat. It just felt that way to her because she was so cold.
It's revealed in this section that Bugslayers, due to the poison in their system, can't have children.
So that kiiiinda puts a wrench in Jill Anna's relationship.
But then she dumps a bunch of Ia beetles onto Amber's head and Amber has to completely destroy the poison to get out of her system. I don't completely state in-book that it cures her of her inability to have kids ... but it does.
It's revealed here that Amber's offer to Andrew - about how she'll give him "the life he always dreamed of - was also offered to Princess Renee ... who turns out to have been Andrew's mother. Hmmm... weird.
Andrew's pretty badly scratched up after the etrina attack, so Clara insists that they wait until he's healed before they counterattack. 
Andrew breaks a vase the night before Amber's attack, which results in him and Clara falling asleep cuddling on a couch and !!!!!
Rich and Kath skip town in the middle of the fight.
In the epilogue, their youngest daughter seems a bit fixed on a story about Rich. Hmmm...
Oh, and yes, it turns out that their parents are the Ten. 
And Clara gets given a locket that has pics of all their children, after they leave.
Andrew realizes why Granite seemed familiar - he looks just like his friend's cousin, Reuben. Who has a best friend who looks just like Amber. (dun dun duuuuuun). Yes, this realization was added in the revision.

Favorite scenes/other stuff in this part:
Andrew just has noooooo idea what to do with a Clara that isn't hostile. It's adorable. And also him being all embarrassed when Rich finds them asleep together on the couch and everyone else is like ... yeah, you're Tied to her. It's FINE.

But Clara's just gone in heart-whole for Andrew. Also, random thing that just occurred to me ... her fear of falling ... may have extended to falling in love? I dunno, but it does line up with her personality? Which is why she'd have fought it so hard, but then he just represents security to her, it never felt like falling, 'cause it was so gradual and here she is!!! 

The convo between Clara and Rich was great. Because, like, he's happy for her that she's happy in her relationship now, but also ... well, he's still in love with her and now he's lost her completely.

Parker finding a schwazle in his bag of animals was ... cute. 

I'm going to skip favorite quotes, as this is going out late, and blogger's being nasty about formatting with these.  

Behind the scenes:
I am aware that the war was a rather ... abrupt ending. I have a ... very good explanation for that. See, the first draft was written by hand, and I was running out of pages on my third notebook, and I just didn't want to get a fourth, so I just put the story out of its misery? Okay, not a good excuse ... but I'm not good at wars, 'kay? 

I kiiiinda feel like I needed to have a Clara/Jakob/Essua scene where he askes Clara about Jill Anna, and Essua's just like, bro! Go ahead and pursue your lady-love. If she can't give you kids, then you can just hand the crown over to me and I'll just have to go find myself a husband. Just ... chill out. Because that's actually 100% what happened, and how Jakob finally convinced Jill Anna to marry him because she was just this insecure bean who didn't want to take the risk. (They did have kids, though. Their eldest daughter actually married Clara and Andrew's eldest son and became queen. And I don't think Essua ever did marry)

So, fun fact ... the kiss on the beach was going to be their first kiss, during plotting, but then Clara just had her balcony moment (like, I have a reviewer say I forced the balcony, but ... that was Clair. I'd plotted for her to keep fighting to the end), and she just fell into his arms and !!!

Shortly before writing their first kiss, I'd just done CPR/artificial respiration training, which is why it happened. My certification has long-since expired ... but I do still carry the card in my purse 'cause, y'know, if it comes down to it and I'm the difference between life and death for someone, at least I have had the training.

Also, randomly, while writing that scene, I was at my aunt's watching a Barbie movie (Princess Charm School, I believe), and my uncle joked about getting all those ideas about romance from said movie, and I just fell out of my chair laughing because I'd just written "You kissed me!"

I tried to cut their third kiss, 'cause I wasn't sure if it was necessary (Four kisses were waaaaay too much for one book, right????), but then the scene got better and I kept it. (And, joke's on me, six years later, as I'm writing Love and Memory, I've had a good 20+ kisses and no regrets.)

Discussion Questions

(Every question you answer in the comments below is an entry to win one of the Rizkaland Legends in paperback, or all four - for a total of five winners. Giveaway is U.S. only.)

1. Thoughts on Clara being afraid of "falling" in love?
2. Have you ever had CPR training/certification?
3. Anything you're excited about happening in the sequels?
4. Any favorite quotes?
5. Would you mind, pretty please, leaving a review on Amazon, Goodreads, or anywhere else?

Monday, November 30, 2020

Love and Memory Has a Cover!

 This post ... is incredibly late.

It's been a week, and I've finally stopped long enough to catch my breath. 

But! I revealed the cover for Love and Memory on Thursday! And now I'm finally now blogging about it. 

I am ridiculously proud of this thing, because I actually designed it myself. I was going to commission Alea, and she had even sent me a mock waaaaaaay back when LDTD was still newly-released, but then we were getting close to the crunch, her schedule was full, and I had a vision click into my head that I wanted to make happen. 

And so I made it happen. There was a lot of back-and-forth between Alea and I - and I am thoroughly grateful for her advice - and I am so pleased with how it came together. It may just be my favorite cover that I have designed to date ... except there's another that I put together since that I'll be revealing next June, and it also makes me incredibly happy. 

Now, alongside this reveal, I am offering book one, Water Princess, Fire Prince as a FREE ebook on Amazon, and book 2, Lady Dragon, Tela Duis just 99 cents! And, furthermore, I am offering Broken, which is part 1 of Love and Memory, for free as well as an early read! This sale is part of Perry Kirkpatrick’s Black Friday Sale, so do go check out all of the other books on offer for 99 cents or less! 

Admittedly ... because I am so late with this post, today is the last day of the main sale, only my freebies actually end today, so ... do rush over and go score some savings while they're still there!


Here are all the blogs that have helped me out on this cover reveal - do go click through and comment on all of them, as each was given an exclusive interview, snippet, pinterest inspiration, or all three, and I may or may not have a prize for whoever comments on all of them. Not sure what that prize is, yet, but ... there you go.

Oh, and a small bit of an announcement - because I'm aware that there's such a gap between releases, I do plan to host something of a readalong leading up to LaM's release. It will be a weekly event, each week focusing on one part of the book, starting with The Water of Water Princess, Fire Prince, and ending with Broken of Love and Memory. I maaaaay also toss in The Worth of a King, taking it from 11 weeks to 14, but I still need to stare at a calendar and figure out which weeks this will be happening. For now, just go grab all the books while they're on sale and strap in for the fun. I look forward to sharing with you folk all my favorite scenes of these books, and seeing what you guys loved about them. 

(Edit: I have consulted the calendar and have decided that yes, I will be including Worth, and the readalong will begin Jan 15th, and the posts will post on Fridays.)

Oh, and to play a game - Here's the Pinterest Board for Love and Memory. If you comment below with a pin from it, I may or may not tell you what the pin represents/inspired. So ... let's have some fun!

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