Showing posts with label award/tag. Show all posts
Showing posts with label award/tag. Show all posts

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Bookshelf Overhaul Tag

Okay, first off and heads-up, I've extended the Overhaul giveaway through to the end of October, as I've realized that it's going to take me that long to get through ALL of the edits.

So today, I'm issuing a tag for you guys to fill out. You can do it either in the comments below, or you can take it to your own blog. Comments is worth four points, while doing it on your own blog is five.

1. How long have you been following Knitted By God's Plan and how did you find me?
2. If you've read any of my books, which? And which are your favorites? If you haven't read any, which are you most interested in?
3. If you could redesign any of my covers, how would it look? Feel free to photoshop something, or just describe it.
4. Of my WIP's, which are you most eager for me to finish and publish?
5. Which of my Pinterest Storyboards do you find the most intriguing? 
6. Pick a fairy tale and tell me how you would like to rewrite it.
7. Recommend a book for me to read. 
8. If you and I were stranded together on a desert island, how long do you think that we would survive?
9. What is a project that you're working on that you can't wait to release into the world?
10. What is a burning question that you have for me?

If you fill this out on your own blog, post a link to the post in the comments.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

A-Z Book Tag

I stole this from Rachel Rossano. Let us commence.

1. Author You've Read the Most Books from:

Consulting Goodreads gave me Jean Craighead George with eighteen books that I read for a contest against my sister and a friend, though it's also possibly Mary Pope Osborne or Valarie Tripp, as I devoured the Magic Tree House and the American Girl books when I was a kid. If you want more recent reads, it's Rick Riordan with 15 books, though I decided last month that I was done reading him. Not entirely because of what he was choosing to write with ... but because of the preachy tone he's taking with many issues. I don't like preachy books no matter what they're preaching. So I'm done with him.

2. Best Sequel Ever:
I think that I shall give this award to The King's Scrolls by Jaye L. Knight. Oh, my aching heart!

3. Currently Reading:
The Yellow Fairy Book by Andrew Lang and The Wishing Spell by Chris Colfer

4. Drink of Choice While Reading:
Water. I know. I'm boring.

5. E-reader or Physical Book?

Either. My Kindle gets a tiny bit more of my attention, though.

6. Fictional Character You Probably Would Have Actually Dated in High School:
I didn't date in High School, so I'm really not sure WHO I would have dated. Let's go with Clay from the Wings of Fire by Tui Sutherland. Him or Qibli.

7. Glad You Gave This Book a Chance:The Phantom Tollbooth. 

I was a weird kid who didn't know what she'd like and would judge books by their covers. I didn't trust that dog on the cover. Nor did I know what a Tollbooth was. I thought it WAS the dog.

8. Hidden Gem Book:
The Prophecy of Atlantis by Susan Weakley. I'm still waiting on a sequel for this.

9. Important Moment in Your Reading Life:
The moment I figured out reading silently. Completely revolutionized the way I read. No book was safe after that.

10. Just Finished:
Krakens and Lies by Tui Sanderson

11. Kinds of Books You Won't Read:
Preachy books. Books with idiot adults. Horror. Erotica.

12. Longest Book You've Read:
Unless you count the Lord of the Rings as one book, I think it'd be David Copperfield.

13. Major Book Hangover Because Of:
Dreamlander by K.M. Weiland. I had so many questions

14. Number of Bookcases You Own:
Two. I need another one, though. And the space to put it. Currently, I have a giant stack of books sitting in front of my second bookshelf.

15. One Book You Have Read Multiple Times:Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine. It helped me through a tough chapter of my teens.
16. Preferred Place to Read:
I have no preferences. As long I have a book in my hand, I'll read wherever.

17. Quote that Inspires You/Gives You the Feels from a Book You've Read:“It doesn't seem right or to serve any purpose at all. However, if there's one thing I've learned in my life, it's that, even when nothing makes any sense to us, there's still a purpose. And as hard as it is at times, we have to believe that and let it carry us through.”
- Jaye L. Knight. Don't remember which book, but I think it was The King Scrolls.

18. Reading Regret:

I'm the sort of person who doesn't finish books that she would regret, and then deletes them from her memory, so I'm rather pulling a blank here.

19. Series You've Started and Need to Finish (All books are out in the series):
The Ranger's Apprentice. I'm currently hiding from the third book. Don't ask.

20. Three of Your All-Time Favorite Books:
Ella Enchanted
That Hidden Strength
The King Scrolls
21. Unapologetic Fangirl For:
The Ilyon Chronicles by Jaye L. Knight.

22. Very Excited for This Release More than All the Others:
Exiles by Jaye L. Knight. I got to beta read it and EEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!! You guys are going to love it.

23. Worst Bookish Habit:
It's a tie between my spoiler addiction (part of the reason I like my Kindle is that I can't skip to the end and read the last chapter ahead of time) and my habit of hiding from the later books of the series. 

24. X Marks the Spot: Start at the top left of your shelf and pick the 27th book:
Mouse Guard: Winter 1152 by David Petersen. It's a graphic novel that my cousin gave me and I've read a couple times over. I need the third book of the series. And the series prequel.

25. Your Latest Book Purchase:
Cinder and Scarlet by Melissa Meyer. They were a dollar each at my library. I knew if I left them, someone else would snatch them up, so I snatched them.

26. ZZZ-snatcher book (last book that kept you up WAY late):
Um, the last one ... I'm pulling a blank, actually, becuase I've not been in a "devote energy to reading" mood of late. I'm going to put in Sew, It's a Quest, because I sacrificed a good number of zZz's for it to get it revised back in February. So ... yeah.

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Merry Christmas! Have Some Snippets!

Oh, and for the record, if you'll head over to the AA blog, you can find a lovely short story over there staring everyone's favorite Reutra.

So I've been tagged by Claire Banschbach to do the Snippet Tag. As someone who enjoys a chance to share my snippets at any chance I get, of COURSE I'm going to do this. First, rules, though.

-Include the fancy-shmancy graphic I included somewhere in your post. (Or make your own, just so long as you include a link back to my blog.)
-Answer all the questions, however you want to. Creative interpretation is key here! You can use the book you’re currently working on to answer the questions, or other books you’ve started or have written.
-Tag 2-5 other bloggers.

I'm going to use Love and Memory; Worth of a King; and Rocks for this, since those have been my main projects at the moment. And I'll likely give multiple snippets per answer because I'm generous like that. You're welcome.

1. Share your most gripping, fascinating, and hooking first line of a story.

“I can’t,” Clara declared running off of the mat. “I just can’t do it.”

A Queen sat on a balcony in her castle, various instruments for measurement scattered about her, mixed in with the notes she was taking.

2. Share a snippet that literally just crushes your heart into a million feelsy little pieces.

“So, there’s something wrong with your mom?” said Andrew, as she pulled him through the hallways. He knew she said that it wasn’t exactly something wrong, but it did involve her mom, so it seemed like a good place to start.
Her grip on his hand tightened. “Nothing that hasn’t been wrong for the last twenty years,” she answered.
“Oh, so…” He did hate it when she led him on a guessing game.
“She fell off a trapeze twenty years ago and hurt herself,” Clara explained. “I know that I’ve told you about that. Same old problem that she’s had for twenty years. Normally, it isn’t an issue, just when…” She took a long, shuddering breath. “My mom is pregnant.”
“Ah,” said Andrew, scrunching up his forehead. “But shouldn’t you be excited about finally getting a younger brother or sister?”
“If I get the brother or sister, I’ll be excited,” Clara answered, her voice flat. “I told you it could be something very good … but my mom has had ten miscarriages. That is something that you never want to watch your mother go through, trust me, Andrew.”

“I … I don’t doubt it,” Andrew mumbled.

She turned back and stared at her Grandmother. "She talked about ... the Tiger."
Gran tensed.  “And what did she have to say about my Jonathan?”
Roxanne shrugged. “Nothing that no one else has to say,” she admitted. She stared at her Grandmother a long moment.
Yvonne Dially was a unique woman – one of the very few who had successfully made a change from villain to hero post-graduation – though it had never been her desire and the change had cost her dearly. After twenty years of the staged fights, her husband, Jonathan Dially – her hero, the Tiger – had snapped one day, turned into his animal and started running through the streets shooting people. Many were injured that day, some even died.
Proper protocol for an episode like this was to contact the Academy and wait for them to send an “official” hero to deal with the matter. But though Yvonne did contact the Academy, she learned that it’d be over an hour before the nearest hero could make it. She wasn’t one to wait. She donned her own suit, and Flower Garden took Tiger down within minutes. People from the Academy arrived later that day and took him back to strip him of his power – and his life in the process. Yvonne nearly faced the same fate for not following protocol, but given the situation, they decided that she hadn’t really had a choice, and allowed her to make the change to hero and sent in a new villain. 

3. Share a snippet that makes you want to shout to the world that you’re SO. HAPPY.

He was about to turn away and leave them alone when Clara looked up and a smile broke across her face. The next moment, her arms were around his neck and he was falling. Automatically, he wrapped one arm around her waist, while he thrust the other behind him to catch them.
“That excited to see me?” he whispered in her ear – it was next to his mouth anyway – once he was sure that they had fallen safely.
“Nah,” she said, pulling back. “I just remembered that I like you better at my eye level.”
“Right.” Andrew nodded, taking in the glittering brightness of her eyes. “Now I remember. How could I forget that your eye level is me on the floor?”
Her eyes narrowed, and she leaned in. “You are out of shape, Tom Canty. That shouldn’t have knocked you down.”
Andrew sighed. “I know. I just don’t get many chances to practice.”
“Well, we’re going to have to do something about that,” she declared, pulling back again. “That was a warning, by the way. Be on your guard. Come off of it and you’ll be on the floor again.”
Andrew chuckled. “Consider me warned, Alice.”
She gave a sharp nod. “Good.” With that, she stood and scampered back to her father, leaving Andrew to awkwardly regain his feet. He gave a quiet sigh. It wasn’t fair – she got back her pre-kids body, while he was shoved back into this awkward form that felt too small, yet the limbs too long. It was only made worse by the fact that he knew his potential.

He was pretty certain that he was going to spend the next few days predominately on the floor.

“Oh! I knew it, Sidi,” Nadilynn cried as Obsidia and Delaney descended from the platform. “I knew it!”
Delaney laughed and pulled Obsidia closer. “Did you now? I thought that you were quite befuddled and had no idea at all who Obsidia had chosen.”
“Oh, Del, that was the fun of it,” Nadilynn countered. “Making you think that you had me completely befuddled. But I’ve seen the looks the two of you have been giving each other. You couldn’t have been more obvious if you tried.”
Obsidia blushed as she looked up at Delaney. “Do – do you think anyone else noticed?”
“Your mother, undoubtedly,” Nadilynn answered. “And she isn’t excited about it. Do you see the glares she’s giving you? She doesn’t approve one bit, but what’s new? She makes her distaste for Father no secret.”
“Not that I blame her,” said Delaney. “From all accounts, she loved King Edson very much, and she would resent Father for his death.” He removed Obsidia’s hand from his arm and gave it to Nadilynn. “Now I’d love to stay and talk, but I’m afraid that Father has some business for me to attend to. Enjoy your gossip and I’ll be back for a dance, Sidi.”
“And she will look forward to that,” said Nadilynn. “But only if you hurry back. Don’t presume too much on her patience!”
Delaney laughed and melted into the crowd.

4. Share a snippet that gives a bit of insight into one of your most favorite characters ever.

“Intriguing,” Roxanne admitted. “So you said you were going to train me?”
“As best I can,” said Mr. Angelo. “To begin with, will you levitate this rock for me? Take it straight to the ceiling if you can.”
Roxanne squinted at the rock he indicated. It was about a yard in diameter and half as tall. She moved much larger rocks with hardly a thought all of the time. There had to be a catch.
Sure enough, as soon as she had it a foot off of the ground, she encountered resistance. Mr. Angelo was pushing down on the rock with every bit of power that he had. She frowned. He was testing her raw strength. He could have said so up front.
She raised on hand, then the other, to help focus her power. No one knew for certain why hand motions helped elementals control their various elements, but they did. Roxanne tried to avoid them most of the time, but sometimes they were necessary.
She refrained from reaction as she saw that he added his hands as well. He she was taking every bit of strength that he had as well.
They stood like that for several minutes, neither moving the rock an inch, but each pouring in every ounce of power that they had. This was turning into a contest of who could last the longest, and she rather suspected that it would be him, since he was older and had been developing his power for far longer than she had.
She would have to resort to cleverness. Very well.
She glanced at him a moment, and noted how strained he appeared. And how he wasn’t paying attention to her at all.
Roxanne squeezed her hands together, and the rock squeezed into a long pole in response. Mr. Angelo was not prepared for the rock to suddenly change shape, so she was able to push through his control and embed the pole in the ceiling.
They stared at each other for a long moment, then a slow smile pulled at the corner of his mouth and he began to chuckle.

“It’s in the ceiling,” she said, simply.

“No, you don’t,” Nadilynn countered. “You’re the daughter of the previous king, no good for a political alliance. Not like I am.” She gave yet another exaggerated sigh – she enjoyed overusing them. “You are the people’s favorite, though – some just can’t get over the fact that Father won the throne fair and square – and allowing you to marry Del will do much to placate them. But me – ah – you thought that your suitors were there to court you? Ah, no. They were just there for an early chance at me.”
“Well, have you decided which of them you prefer?” asked Delaney. “Don’t try to tell me that you haven’t already formed your opinions.”
“Not that my opinions will do me any good,” Nadilynn grumbled. “I fear that Father already has me as good as sold off already.”
“Well, perhaps you’ll be lucky and it will be the perfect prince for you,” Obsidia suggested. “Your father is an ambitious man, but not cruel, so far as I can tell.”
“Yes, but I’m the worthless girl-child who stole our mother from him,” Nadilynn countered. “Ah, but I bet that he’s just thrilled to know that he’s so close to finally being rid of me.”
“Nadi, will you please stop being ridiculous?” asked Delaney, giving an exasperated sigh.
“You have no sympathy!” Nadilynn cried, indignant. “Neither of you have any sort of pity for my plight!”
“We have sympathy enough,” Delaney answered. “We’re just not in the habit of bestowing it on dramatics.”
“Dramatics!” Nadilynn all-but shrieked. “Is that what you think this is? Delaney, I’m frightened for my future here, and all you want to do is make fun of me!”

5. Share a snippet that literally melts you into a puddle of adorable, squishy, OTP mush.

ROCKS AU bit that I wrote because the real timeline broke my heart:
Dad just nodded and retreated into his office. Roxanne closed the “door” behind him. Roxanne took a deep breath, and summoned her own suit from the ground. As soon as she had slid the mask on, and her thoughts had relaxed into ROCKS’s, she waved a hand and opened the wall where William waited.
“Rox,” he began, then his eyes widened as he saw her. “Wha – what is going on? Where’s…”
Roxanne gave a practiced laugh and smirk. “Oh, William, sorry about that. I had to have a quick word with Daddy, first, prepare him and all.”
William glanced up and down the hallway. “Where’s … what did you do with Roxanne?”
Roxanne laughed again. “Oh, William. Are you that blind? Are you really that convinced that your beloved Roxanne is so good and pure that you can’t recognize her when she stands before you?”
She stepped towards him. He flinched, but didn’t bolt. Very good. She took his face between her hands. He still didn’t run. She kissed him.
He kissed her back.
“Years ago, you asked me what power I’d have, if I had one,” she said, pulling away, raising the floor beneath her feet so that she looked him in the eye. “That was such an easy question to answer, because it was an answer I knew. But then you made me into a hero, into Diamondz, and that is where you went wrong. I am no hero. I am ROCKS.”
Then she pulled away, returning the floor to its place. She spread her arms wide, playing her suit to its every advantage. “You’re the first civilian to see my new outfit. How do you like it?”
“It … you’re a villain,” William finally managed.

Roxanne laughed again. “Oh, yes, yes indeed. The Academy wouldn’t dream of wasting my talents on hero-ing. Come now, Daddy’s in costume and ready to speak with you. Please don’t take it personally if he seems a bit frosty.”

“Reuben, do not climb into my suitcase,” said Petra, as he walked into her bedroom.
“I wasn’t thinking of it,” Reuben countered.
“Yes, you were,” she answered, turned around to face him.
Reuben glanced down guiltily. “Yeah, I was. Sorry?”
“What are you doing in my bedroom?”
“Talking to you,” he said with a shrug. He put a hand on her shoulder. “Do you have to go? I’m going to miss you so much…”
“Obviously,” said Petra, removing his hand and turning back to her packing. “Or else you wouldn’t have hatched a brilliant plan to climb into my suitcase while I wasn’t looking. Did you honestly think I wouldn’t notice?”
“I knew you would notice,” he answered. “I was hoping you’d laugh.”
“Watch, I’ll show you.”
Before Petra could protest, he yanked her empty suitcase off of her bed, set it on the floor, and sat down cross-legged inside.
“Reuben!” She cried, spinning around.
He just stared up at her with a pathetic expression. “Take me with you, Petra.”
Petra sighed. “Out of my suitcase, I am trying to pack.”
“You smiled!” he exclaimed, a broad grin spreading across his own face.
“Out!” Petra ordered, pointing to outside of the suitcase.

6. Share a snippet that gets you beaming with pride and you’re just like yep, I wrote that beauty.

Sure enough, there was Jennifer, stalking towards them with a hand on her hip like she ruled the world. “Chocolate Chip! How did you girls know that those were my favorites?”
“Because you always take two whenever anyone else makes them,” Roxanne answered, without flinching. “I suppose you’re here to take yours?”
“Of course,” said Jennifer, reaching in and pulling out two of the largest cookies. Then she gave a strangled cry of fury as she tried to bite into one. “Do you cook with actual rocks, Roxanne
“Sometimes,” Roxanne admitted, biting into one of the cookies – savoring the softness and gooiness. “Gives me more control, you know.”
Jennifer narrowed her eyes. “Are you challenging me?”
Roxanne gave a slow blink. “It’s not Friday. You only accept challenges on Friday. I’ve given you your demanded cookies, how does that in any way equal a challenge?”
“I’m watching you Roxanne,” Jennifer warned.
“Fair enough,” said Roxanne. “I’m watching you, too."

“It grows late, dear. Do you intend to come to bed?”
She turned to see her husband standing in the doorway. “It’s easier to observe the stars when they’re dimmer and further apart,” she answered. “I think Vilar will be the next to fall.”
“How soon?”
“Some time in the next twenty years,” the queen answered. “It’s hard to give exact estimates when it’s this early.”
“Any idea what its power will be?”
“It’s hard to say.” The queen began stacking the papers together. “It’s a larger star, though, from my estimate, and one of the golds, so it’s bound to be potent.”
Vilar is falling.” Her husband shook his head. “What might that portend?”
“Our stars are powerful, but they don’t tell the future.” The queen carefully stood, making sure she didn’t break any of her instruments. “I know that they had silly ideas in our old world, but you would do well to put them out of your head. There’s no point in second-guessing the future.”

7. Share a snippet of genius, deliciously witty dialogue between your characters.

“Petra, we need to talk.”
Petra rolled her eyes. “Obviously if you’re sitting on my bed.”
“Petra, it’s about you and Reuben,” Summer added. “We’ve been noticing…”
“Noticing what?” asked Petra, folding her arms over her chest. “That we’re doing just fine and that you really don’t have to worry about us?”
“All right, you’re in denial,” said Sarah. “Petra, You and Reuben are not all right and you know it.”
“I didn’t say we were all right,” Petra countered. “I said we were just fine. Yes, we’re going though some struggles right now, but we’re working through them.”
“And it’s not just us noticing,” Summer continued. “I was talking to Erin and Jessica just last Sunday, and they were legit worried about a return of the French and Indian War.”
“Legit isn’t proper grammar, Summer.”
Summer rolled her eyes. “Whatev.” This time she didn’t purposefully to annoy Petra. “Look, the point is – other people are noticing the tension between the two of you, people who don’t know that you were married for thirty years in another world.”

“Why were you even talking to Jessica and Erin anyways,” asked Petra. “I thought we’d made it clear that they were a bad influence on you.”

"You have a plan," Myr announced one evening, as Roxanne was turning on her computer for her computer literacy class that she was taking.
Roxanne blinked. "Really? What makes you so sure about that."
"You've got that smirk on your face. The 'I'm going to take down everyone in this room with just a crowbar' smirk that you had right before you challenged X to that fight," Myr explained. “So I’d like to know what you’re plotting and if I can get in on it this time.”
Nope, she didn’t need a reason to talk to Myr about the plot at all.
“You may ‘get in on it this time,’” Roxanne answered, logging into her computer. “Actually, I’ve been planning on asking you if you want to help me.”
“Ooh!” cried Myr, rushing over to Roxanne’s side of the room. “What do you need me to do? Electrocute everyone?”
Roxanne’s eyebrow flickered. “Perhaps eventually. But for now, I need your knowledge of the other girls.”
“Are you going to challenge them, too?”
“Myr, you are the friendliest villain in the dorm,” said Roxanne. “If there is anyone here that knows the others, and who has any semblance of their trust, it’d be you.”

“I’m also generally regarded as the most insane and they barely tolerate me,” Myr pointed out. “Sorry to disappoint.”

8. Share a snippet that makes you feel like an evil genius for thinking up such a malevolent villain (Mwa-ha-ha!)

ROCKS: (So far the only one with a present villain thus far)
She surfaced without fanfare just a few feet away from the line of policemen. There was a circle of them all the way around the mountain, in ten-foot increments, facing outwards. They all seemed uneasy, but they were clearly there more to keep people out than to keep her in. It was amusing, these people who had never had to deal with a villain before in their lives. Give them a year, and they’d get used to her. But for now…
She gave a mocking laugh, and sidled up to the man nearest her – he appeared to be in his forties and had a mustache. “You know, I’m personally of the opinion that, if a person is brave enough to go hiking on the mountain where a supervillain lives, they deserve to be left alone.”
Roxanne never saw so many grown men jump so fast. Within moments, she had at least ten guns pointed at her. It would have been a bit disconcerting if she hadn't specially designed her suite to resist such impact.
"Don't move, or we'll shoot!" one of the men warned.
"Oh, you will?" asked Roxanne, she tilted her head back and laughed. "Oh, go ahead. I'd love to see it. You'd really shoot a woman?”
"You're no woman, no proper woman, leastways," one of the other men growled. "You're one of those Super people and a villain to boot. We didn't ask for you in our town, and we'd be more than happy if you'd leave."
"Oh, but it's such a nice town, and so strategically close to the nation’s capital," Roxanne answered. "I'm sorry, but I'm here to stay – at least until I can move to that shiny building where they make the laws."
"I'm warning you ... you..."

"It's ROCKS," Roxanne informed him. "All caps. Capital R, capital O, capital C ... etcetera. And if those guns make you feel better, by all means point them at me. They don't bother me one bit."

9. Share a snippet that leaves you breathless, in a cold sweat with action-induced intensity.

ROCKS (Also the only one with much action ... I'm not an action writer):
"We're trained to shoot," another man warned.
"And I'm trained to do this." Roxanne stamped her foot and the whole mountain trembled. Except for Mim's room. She didn't want to scare the poor little civilian who had no idea what was going on. "So if you think it'll do you any good, feel free to do what you're trained to do and shoot me."
She waited a few minutes, no one dared.
"Oh, you boys really are no fun at all." She clucked her tongue and shook her head. "Now if you were proper heroes, you wouldn't have hesitated a moment - and I know, I've tangled with quite a number of heroes in my time. Here, let me show you."
She reached out a hand and pointed to the gun nearest her, trained at her heart. She hooked her finger. The gun's trigger pulled in response, letting loose the bullet. The bullet flew towards her with lightning speed ... then bounced harmlessly off.
"Boys, I'm afraid those toys of yours would do no good against me," she informed them. "You're out of your league, so I'd recommend you back away and leave my mountain well and alone. We'll all be happier for it, I assure you."
Her only answer was the firing of a number more guns. She rolled her eyes, let a few bounce off of her armor, then caught the rest in mid-air. She held them suspended for several seconds, then sent the bullets flying back to the men who had shot them. The men jumped out of the way so fast, Roxanne could barely contain her amusement.
“Oh, boys, boys, when I said they’d be no good against me, I really meant it.”

Waving her hand, Roxanne gathered all of the guns and carefully deposited them in a pile at her feet. "Now that we have that taken care of, let's discuss the matter civilly. Yes, I'm an evil villain intent on taking over the country and ruling it for myself, but I'm a benevolent evil villain intent on taking over the country and ruling it for myself. I really do care about the people. I just want to be the one who tells them what to do. Because there are a number of idiots currently being the ones telling people what to do and I think that I'll do a much better job."

10. Share a snippet of a most interesting first meeting between your characters.

WoaK (Adrian and Obsidia meet for the "first" time):
Obsidia was relieved when they finally reached their destination and they stopped in front of the wonderful little printshop. She breathed deeply of the heady scent of ink and paper as they stepped inside. Then she gasped as she saw that paper was scattered all over the floor, two boys hastily trying to gather it up while a man – clearly their father – was standing to greet the visitors.
“Well, well,” he said, his gaze sweeping over the group, but resting the longest on Obsidia. “What have we here?”
Instead of explaining their reason for coming, Christa had a question of her own. “I thought that Jerolin was working with the blacksmith now.”
One of the young men looked up and settled a glare on Delaney, for some reason. “I am,” he admitted. “But Garen gave me the day off so I decided to help out here with the big order.” This must have been Jerolin.
“You’re helping,” giggled Christa. “It looks like you spilled a book.”
“Three would be more accurate,” said the other young man – Adrian, by reason of elimination. “It’ll take hours to get it sorted back out. We were just debating…” he trailed off as he looked up and noticed the guests. “Oh.”

His eyes met with Obsidia’s, and suddenly the world melted away in their oddly familiar depths.

ROCKS: (First meeting between Roxanne and Myr)
“This seat taken?”
Roxanne looked up to see a girl with blue eyes and blue hair cut in an uneven pixie and holes purposefully cut into the knees of her jeans, standing in front of her, pointing to the chair next to hers. She shrugged. She didn’t want company, but she couldn’t lie and say that the chair was taken. Though technically she could say that it belonged to her brother.
Before she could make that claim, however, the girl was sitting, her boots propped up on the chair in front of her. “That was real sweet of them, you know.”
“No, I don’t know,” said Roxanne, considering her options for getting this girl away from her.
“It’s not like we’re going to kill each other or anything, but here we are, our first day of true freedom, and guess what? No powers. How are they even doing it?”
Roxanne shrugged. “No idea.”
“I’m Myr, by the way,” she said. “I do electricity. You?”
“Roxanne, rocks.”
“Gorgeous. We’d make the pair, wouldn’t we? I’m hoping to get villain – they have all the fun, you know, even if we can’t ever win. You?”
“Don’t really care, but they’re probably going to give me villain. I look like one.”
“So do I,” said Myr. “Sweet. Maybe we’ll get to be roommates!”

Merry Christmas, one and all!

1. Share your most gripping, fascinating, and hooking first line of a story.
2. Share a snippet that literally just crushes your heart into a million feelsy little pieces.
3. Share a snippet that makes you want to shout to the world that you’re SO. HAPPY.
4. Share a snippet that gives a bit of insight into one of your most favorite characters ever.
5. Share a snippet that literally melts you into a puddle of adorable, squishy, OTP mush.
6. Share a snippet that gets you beaming with pride and you’re just like yep, I wrote that beauty.
7. Share a snippet of genius, deliciously witty dialogue between your characters.
8. Share a snippet that makes you feel like an evil genius for thinking up such a malevolent villain (Mwa-ha-ha!)
9. Share a snippet that leaves you breathless, in a cold sweat with action-induced intensity.
10. Share a snippet of a most interesting first meeting between your characters.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Favorite Screen Characters Tag

So I've been tagged by both Jaye L. Knight and Morgan Huneke with the Favorite Screen Characters Tag. Truth be told, I was kinda hoping to avoid this, but since I've been tagged, I'll play along.

So, my favorite screen characters, in no particular order.

1. River Song - Doctor Who

River holds a special place in my heart, if only because it was because of her that I resurrected Laura, who is one of my favorite characters. I love characters who are out of sinc with the rest of the cast, and who are brilliant for foreshadowing. "Spoilers Sweetie."

Plus, her arch with the Doctor was so interesting. I may not quite call myself a fan of Doctor Who, but I am certainly a fan of River Song.

2. Bree - Month of the Novel

YouTube videos are still on the screen!

Anyways, I adore the Month of the Novel videos, but I identify best with Bree, the older sister who knows everything about writing (because I totally do, ya know?). I can't count the number of times I've been called by my younger sister, and of recent days, by my younger brother to help them out of a mess that they've written themselves into.

The actress herself is hilarious, may I add?

3. Mrs. Frizzle - The Magic School Bus

I want a magic school bus. 'Nough said.

4. Elsa - Frozen

Again, elder sister here. I love Anna, and I can relate to her bouncy personality, but I like Elsa slightly more. Fun fact about me: Each of my three siblings and I are born in a different season, so we like to pretend with are that season. I'm Winter. Fear me.

5. Larry - Veggietales

Okay, so I'm picking on kids shows here. Fun fact about me: I watch a lot of kids shows. Anyways, I grew up on Veggietales, and Larry has this sense of humor and distinctive voice that just amuses me. And what kid doesn't love his silly songs and on-going banter with Archibald?

(Half-way done. You can do this Kendra!)

6. Madeline - Madeline

I was also a huge fan of Madeline as a kid, so much so that I saved my money and bought all of the dolls. I could/should probably post a picture of them some day. No, they never released all twelve girls, but I have every girl they did, as well as Mrs. Clavel (I can't remember how to spell her name), and Pepito. I also own most of the books.

7. Wesley - Princess Bride

I am purposely trying to avoid characters from movies based on books, because their book version is almost always more predominant in my head, and just confuses me. However, Princess Bride is one story that I've seen more than read, and can we just talk about how awesome and dreamy he is? And he's also Robin Hood (Men in Tights) and unlike other Robin Hoods, he actually uses a British Accent! Plus my aunt dated him for a while. (Actually, it was just a guy who looked like him, but details.)

8. Inigo Montoyo - Princess Bride

"You killed my father, prepare to die."

While I'm on the subject of the Princess Bride, I can't help but also mention my other favorite character from that show. Inigo has such a delicious accent. (And ... I love accents, have I ever mentioned?)

9. Nutcracker - Nutcracker Ballet

I've only ever seen the Nutcracker Ballet on video, so it counts, yes? Yes. Anyways, I believe I've mentioned it before, but I'm slightly obsessed with the Nutcracker, so I can't make a list without mentioning him.

10. GiGi Darcy - Lizzy Bennett Diaries

She had such a small role in the actual book, I enjoyed seeing her come to life in the YouTube series.


And I'll call it quits there. No, I'm not going to tag anyone. I'm already brain-dead after this. In other news, I'm working on a post about the magic system of Rizkaland, so if magic is something you're wary about, you can read this and see how I've reasoned it out. Not sure when it's going to go up, but you can look forward to it!

Thursday, April 2, 2015

777 Challenge

Via Pinterest
I've been kinda busy with my life. What time I've been able to spare from work has been given to editing Water Princess, Fire Prince and writing the sequel.

But I was tagged by Jenelle Schmidt and Robyn Hoode for the 777 Challenge, which basically means that one goes to the seventh page of their current WIP, counts down seven lines, and then posts the next seven.

Should be fun ... and I had intentions of sharing it from WP,FP, but when I looked it up, it proved to be something I think I've already shared ... so you guys are getting a snippet from book 2 instead.

  “Is – is she a friend of Laura’s?”
  The man considered a moment. “I don’t know that she is,” he admitted. “But there’s a lot about our mother’s past that we don’t know. She speaks of Laura as fact, though, where most others believe her to be only a story.”
  “Oh.” Petra didn’t like the thought of going alone with this strange man, but it wasn’t as though she knew anyone else here. “In that case, I’d love to meet your mother.”

And there you go. For a wee bit of context, Petra has just arrived in Rizkaland, and Laura (the Doorkeeper) has informed her that she needs to go talk to a friend of hers who would lead her to some answers. She has just met up with a young man who says that his mother may be able to help her. It was a fun scene to write.

Now, I'm also supposed to tag seven people ... but frankly, I believe that everyone know has already been tagged or even have already done this. So, if you haven't done this yet, and want to, consider yourself tagged. I don't know who you are, but I suspect you do. It's not a hard challenge. Have fun!

Friday, December 5, 2014

'Bout This Blogger Tag

The Notebook Sisters just moved to WordPress. And since Mime isn't going with them, they're changing their name to Paper Fury. So they've issued a tag. Shall we commence?

1. Why did you start blogging?
Because my mom was doing it and I thought it'd be a great way to become famous. It's been ... coming, slowly.

2. What’s the story behind your blog’s name?
I was really into knitting at the time, and my mom insisted that I chose a title that reflected my Christian walk (because I think that's what I was ... supposed to be writing about). Had I known it would become a writing blog, I possibly would have chosen something a bit more appropriate, but it is what it is.

3. How many designs have you been through since you started blogging? (Pictures! We demand pictures!)
I have no idea, as I change it up at least every six months, and I always change it for parties. I've always just used the free options that come with blogger, though I think I've tried every one that have except for the dynamics.

Sorry, no pictures. I'm not quite a screenshot person. I do have the headers that I've used, though.

4. Have you ever switched blog platforms? What made you move? If you haven’t ever changed…why?
Knitted by God's Plan has always been and probably always shall be blogger hosted. Why? Because I don't want to wander off to places where my readers can't find me. I have experimented with wordpress, though, trying to make a website of sorts for the Bookania Quests. I ... need to finish it. It's rather incomplete. I'm actually waiting for a friend to give me some coats of arms he drew up for the various countries of Bookania. He says he's done, but I have to clean my room to get them. (Sigh.)

5. How long does it take you to write a post? What’s your postly process like?
Oh, a few minutes to a couple years. It depends on what they are. If they're an interview or cover reveal for someone else, I can plug all the information in and be done with it within fifteen minutes. (Maybe longer if I decide to raid their pinterest board for a picture). However, I have a few drafts that have been in my posts since I started the blog almost. Normally, however, they usually only take an hour.

And I have so many different kinds of posts, it's hard to say that I have any one process. I get an idea, or find a tag, or someone asks if they might appear on my blog, and I proceed as necessary.

6. Have you ever been super nervous about a post? Why?! What was it?
I'm a bold person, very rarely nervous. However, there have been some posts that I've done with I was at low points, where I decided to be open about it, and I really didn't want to. (I mean, who doesn't want to admit that they aren't at the top of the world, everything going their way or doesn't matter?) Also, I'm sometimes nervous about posting stuff about future books. Such as the CE's with Petra or Maryanne. Their books aren't in my publishing queue yet, but they insisted on encountering me.

7. Do you have a blogging schedule?
Sometimes. When I feel like it. My second or third year of blogging, I tried to adhere to one (expand my backposts, it was obvious from the titles). Right now, I'm just trying to post regularly, and if possible, every other post is a Author's Commentary for Sew, It's a Quest. So far, I'm succeeding. I avoid blogging on Sundays. I mean, I have, but I don't get good views that day, and it just feels wrong, so I avoid it. I prefer week days.

8. Do you tell people In-Real-Life about your blog? Their reactions?
I'm also an author, and IRL is one of the ways I have to promote. So yes, if I tell someone about my books, I'll also tell them about my blog, so they can come here and read more. Usually they're so thrilled about meeting a real author (I have the physical books to prove it) that they're more than interested in the blog.

9. Top ten blogs you read/comment on the most! Go! Go!
Um ... Notebook Sisters (now Paper Fury, excuse me),
However Improbable
Dolls, Books and Things that Matter,
The Splendor Falls on Castle Walls
Lianne Taimenlore
The Destiny of One
Scribblings of my Pen and Tappings of my Keyboard
Lily's Notes in the Margins
Hidden Orchards

10. If you could change/improve things about your blog, what would they be?
Honestly? I have considered changing the name to something more writing related (Yarns and Words .... Knitted Stories ... I'd keep the knitting, but add words to it) but since knittedbygodsplan is the url everyone knows me as, and it's the one on the back of my books. I suppose I could just change the name and leave the URL as it is ... but that always strikes me as tacky. I've been Knitted By God's Plan for five years. It's unique to me. It's who I am. It reminds me that I need to find God's plan for myself no matter how much I'd rather go my own way. So I'm keeping it. (Though I've added the catchphrase you see at the top of the page. Knitting books and Writing Scarves indeed ...)

I would like upgrade my design to something professional ... but then again, I like being able to change it every few months, and doing that with professional design could get pricey (unless I use stock, and then ... no.)

I'm happy with my blog the way it is, I guess. Maybe I'd have more followers who'd comment every day without fail (and buy my books) ... yeah ... that'd be nice.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Tea Party Blog Tag

Hello readers! Just popping in with my participation in the Notebook Sister's tag, which is about books and Alice and Wonderland and is in honor of their third anniversary of blogging. Congratulations to them!

1. Just Alice: What book cover(s) has made you super curious?

I'm not much of a cover person - in fact, I'm more likely to be turned off by the cover (as in the case of The Phantom Tollbooth and The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe), than I am to be enticed by one. However, I did decide I wanted to read Molly Evangeline's books based heavily on her cover arts, particularly on the cover art of her second fantasy, Courage. 

2. Mad Hatter: List the craziest character(s) you've ever read.

Eh ... there was an old lady in the Rowan of Rin series by Emily Rodda that was pretty nuts. Can't remember her name for the life of my however. (It's not that I don't read about crazy characters, but I've read so many, they've all blurred together in my head)

Wait, no, I take that back, the craziest character I've read is the Green Witch in the Rhyme of the Willow trilogy by the Sullivan brothers. She was crazy

3. Red Queen, Off With Your Head! What book have you felt like beheading?

Usually when a book evicts this feeling from me, I don't finish it and forget I read it, so I'm pulling a blank here.

4. White Rabbit: What books or series have been insanely popular but you've been "late" to pick them up?

I'm always late to read popular books. (With the exception of Percy Jackson, but I didn't realize it was popular until I finished the original series). I didn't read The Hunger Games until after the first movie came out, I haven't read Twilight or Harry Potter (nor do I plan to) and I was far too late in reading the Narnias. (And don't give me the excuse that I wasn't born when it was published. I ignored - nay, shunned - it on my bookshelf for years before my mom made me read it.)

5. Caterpillar: What's the most confusing book you've read?

Star Seed ~ Life ~. That was a weird book. First of all, the main character was unintentionally time travelling, and secondly, it was told in first person, and there were two chapters told in first from two other character POV's - without warning.

6. Dormouse: What was the last book that sent you to sleep?

As with the books that I want to behead, if a book is putting me to sleep, I usually wander away from it, never go back to it, and forget it existed.

7. Cheshire Cat: Book that made you laugh and smile?

Cinderella Theorem comes to mind, as it's the one that I most recently finished. I honestly hadn't believed that anyone besides Doranna and I would think to put math with fairy tales. I was wrong.

8. Knave of Hearts: Most recent character who stole your heart?

Ah .... eh ... Kaden from Resistance. I wish I had a twin brother like him ...

9. Jabberwocky: Best villain you've read this year?

The emperor in Resistance. He seemed so nice until you went against him.

10. Down the Rabbit Hole: What's the latest book/series/author that's completely swallowed your interest?

Resistance. I read an ARC for review, and let me tell you, the next book can't come fast enough. (Except that I want Jaye to make sure that King's Scrolls is as well edited as possible)

Now, this has me thinking ... what shall I do for my fifth anniversary of blogging come July ... I'm going to have to make it good ...

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Character Tag

Wow, I really need to get back on top of this whole blogging thing. I know that I promised ya'll a post last Thursday or Friday, but ... well ... you see ... 

I believe I've mentioned the fact that my internet has been giving me troubles. It had been, and on Thursday I got so frustrated with it, that I started uninstalling things from my computer to see if I could find what it was that was slowing me down.

And I ... uninstalled my wifi. Yeah ... I've got a computer programmer for a dad, and I made a mistake like that. 

Anyways, after realizing what I did, I wanted the wifi back ... but wifi is a tricky thing. After thirty minutes of being very frantic, I ended up completely resetting my computer to store-purchase state. So I spent the rest of Thursday downloading and reinstalling various programs that I can't live without, such as Dropbox, Chrome, and Open Office. I technically lost all my pictures, but since I happen to have all of them still on disks, that isn't a huge loss. What I miss is all the book cataloging I did last summer, and that really nice new word processor I got from Giveaway of the Day. I'll have to pay 35 bucks if I want it back. (Though I suppose that that's better than paying 100 a year to have Microsoft Word ...)

I'm also missing all of the free games I had amassed, but they're not the end of the world.

Anyways, today, I'm here with a tag from one of my writing friends, Anne-Girl, who's holding the second annual Writer's conference. So far, it's been a lot of fun to read all of her posts!

1. Do you think it's more important to listen to your characters or to follow the idea of the book as originally conceived?

I think it's important that you and your characters sit down and talk through the story carefully. It's not a good idea to let them completely rule the story, but if you don't listen to them, they won't cooperate. Most of my characters respect when I make an executive decision.

2. If you could pick a fictional man to become alive and marry you who would you pick? {note: this is not asking whom you consider the greatest hero but whom you would be the most comfortable spending the rest of your life with}

I've known since before I was two that I was destined for the Nutcracker. Why are we asking this question?

3.  What is your favorite protagonist and antagonist pair?

Are we talking about my own writing or books I've read. I'm going to answer with my own writing.

In that case, my favorite pair is would be Petra and Amber. I haven't talked about Petra much because she belongs to book 2 of the Rizkaland Legends. However, I have talked about Amber, who is also the villain in book 1.

Honestly, I don't think I have a villain and heroine better suited for each other. They're so much alike (they even look alike), but their paths have made them so different. In another life (literally) they would have grown up to be best friends. (Although, in that other life, it's possible that neither would have been born, as Laura points out, so it all comes out in the end). 

I actually feel kinda guilty pitching her as the villain of Water Princess, Fire Prince, for the mere reason that she isn't their enemy. They just get in the way of her way of passing the time while she waits for the day when she can take Rizkaland as her own. The story works, works beautifully, but because she doesn't see them as a threat to herself personally, she really doesn't have as strong a presence in the book as she will in book 2.

4. If you had to do without one of the following in your story which would it be?
 A. The Dark Moment when the hero is at rock bottom and can't do anything
 B. The Moment of Decision when the hero makes an actual goal and starts following it{leading thereby to the story itself}
C. The Resolution the reconciliation of the hero with his or her inner struggles and outer struggles

I'll go with A, as I don't actually have a Dark Moment in all of my books. I don't view it as always necessary. They're nice accessories, but it isn't necessary to plunge every character to rock bottom.

5. In modern fiction which genre do you think shows the most tendency toward good character development?

I don't think any one genre is better than any other when it comes to characters. It depends on the author.
6. Have you ever "fallen for" the villain? {Note I do not mean thought he was a good guy but rather WISHED  he was the good guy and rooted for him}

I have, I know I have ... but I can't name names off the top of my head at the moment.
7. Do you prefer writing about your protagonist or side characters? 

The protagonist is almost always my favorite character - otherwise he wouldn't be the protagonist, but my side characters often have a habit of taking over a story.
8. What do you think is the most cliched and overdone character in fiction?

The Rebellious Princess, which is precisely the reason I pick on her so much. I love writing with cliches because they're actually quite challenging, if you want them new and fresh.

9. Which do you think is more important, making your reader feel or making him think?

I think they're both equally important, but my aim as an author leans more towards thinking. That and laughter.
10.  And lastly what do you think are three most important elements to being a hero?

True bravery (not that he isn't scared of things, but that he doesn't let fear keep him from doing the right thing). loyalty, and a good sense of humor.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Kendra the Author

And now for part two of Cait and Mime's linkup!

1. How many books did you write this year? (Estimate your overall wordcount for us too!)
I only wrote one full book this year, The Ankulen's second draft, and it ended up at 70,000+ words. But I also worked on most of my other books.

Just Another Sci-Fi Novel 50,000
The New Division 16,000
Half-Hidden 10,000
Behind the Rainbow 2,000
Water Princess, Fire Prince 50 notebook pages, which turns into 12,500 words at my average squish (how many words I can fit onto one page, my record's nearly 350 words, but it's usually closer to 250)
My Kingdom for a Quest 45 notebook pages, 11,000 words
Worth of a King 3 chapters at 1,400 words, 1,200 words, and 1,600 words.
And I've worked on some short stories which rack up another 3,000, 2,500, 1,500, and 1,400 words.

Which all together is over 184,000 words, since I was rounding down, which is pretty epic all things considered. I think I shall attempt to double that for next year ... 

2. Which was your favourite to write?
Shish-kabobs. Quaggleshump. Jump-rope. Popcorn.

You're making me CHOOSE!

Well, if I have to make this difficult decision, I think I shall have to go with Water Princess, Fire Prince, simply because I've been working on it the longest, and because I love its plot and characters.

3. Which was the hardest to write?
My Kingdom for a Quest. Ugh. That book is constantly getting itself stuck. I'm breezing through it fine right now, however!

4. Tell us about you favourite Male Character you wrote this year!
Derek from The Ankulen. Having grown up with very few peers of the opposite gender, I often struggle with writing them as characters. But both my Grandma and Aunt Viv (who both grew up as only daughters with two brothers, and Grandma raised three boys) say that I pulled Derek off pretty well.

Derek had a very bad childhood, including, but not limited to, his parents divorcing and his mother adamantly not wanting him. He wants a family, but has been burned so badly, he's wary of anyone who tries to get close to him. In the first draft of the book, he was a complete jerk, but in the second draft ... eep. He's a great guy, despite how annoying he can be, and he makes a great big brother.

5. And how about your favourite Female Character?
This one's even worse, because I love all of my gals. But since I have to choose, I'll go with Analyssa Stardrana from Half-Hidden, the titular half-hidden. She's one of my rebellious princesses, but she's not in-your-face about it. Her mother's people hunt wyrmen and ride dragons, so she spends much of her time doing that. But when she's at home with her father's people, she's as proper a princess as you could ask for ... though she can be quite haughty when in the presence of a potential suitor.

6. Can you introduce us to some awesome sidekick(s)?
Tisha and Chris from The Ankulen, and the short story "The Adventure of the Sun Jewel" where they are even more sidekicky than in the main novel (despite the fact that Jenny declares it Chris's adventure).

They are figments of Jen's imagination, but because she has an Ankulen, she was able to bring them to life as a child. Sir Chrisofer is her personal protector, and Fair Maiden Letitia is her best friend. At least, they were until they managed to get out of her imaginary world and install themselves as Jen's brother and sister ... a stunt that Jen was not impressed with.

7. Any romances in your writing? Which couple didn't go together as expected?
Plenty of romances. A and M in Just Another SciFi; Clara and Andrew, the titular Water Princess and Fire Prince; Obsidia and Delaney in Worth of a King; Jyson and Stardrana in Half-Hidden. A romance between two side characters in The Ankulen. Oh, and everyone in My Kingdom for a Quest. That's complicated.

But as for anyone not coming together as expected, that didn't happen, unless you count the fact that Clara has finally decided that Andrew isn't half-bad after all much sooner than I had initially intended. I realized that I needed to have them working together before the climatic battle, you see.

8. What's your favourite Pinterest Board for one of your books? Can we see some pics for the book they inspire?
I think that would be the board for the Rizkaland Legends, to which Water Princess, Fire Prince belongs.

And sure, I'll show you some pics!
Via Pinterest
Via Pinterest
Via Pinterest
Via Pinterest 
Via Pinterest
Via Pinterest

9. What challenges did you compete in this year? (NaNos? Personal goals? Challenges run by other blogs?) And how did you go?

I did and won NaNo. I attempted and gave up on July's NaNo (Where I got most of Half-Hidden's word count), I did and completed the first 100-for-100 over at Go Teen Writers, and I attempted the second, but realized that it was intruding on projects that were much more important. I did Actually Finishing Something In July hosted by Whisperings of the Pen, though I didn't do as good as I wanted to.

As for personal goals, I published The Ankulen and Do You Take This Quest. The latter was supposed to be out last December, but ... anyways. Ankulen got out on the day I intended!

10. Show us the full cast in pictures from one of your books.
Most of my books have these epicly huge casts that I can barely keep up with (but have tons of fun doing so), and if I were to do any of them, we'd be here all day. But The Ankulen actually had a pretty small, self contained cast, and I've hunted down pictures of almost everyone, so I'll do it.

Via Pinterest
Jen, the main character, narrator, and possessor of the ultimate case of writer's block. This girl actually needs more freckles, but everything else about her is pretty good.

Via Pinterest
Jen as a child ... back when she was called Jenny, and right after she developed her Writer's Block. And there is an important plot reason for her being in black and white.

Via Pinterest
Fair Maiden Letitia. Jen's former best friend, now here resented adopted sister. She's in black and white for a similar reason.

Via Pinterest
Sir Christofer, Jen's valiant protector. He was trapped in Jen's imagination after she discovered the whole getting out and becoming a sibling mess, so he's still a kid. Which was pretty interesting.

Via Pinterest
Megan, the girl Jen's parents were supposed to adopt. She's so sweet and innocent, despite being fifteen. She provided such a nice balance for the grudge-holding Jen once she entered the story.

Via Pinterest
Derek, the boy Jen's parents were supposed to adopt, and Megan's complete opposite. He was so cynical and jaded ... but I've talked about him earlier, so I won't say anything more.

11. Epic quote(s) you wrote?

Arthur carefully selected an arrow and fitted it to his bowstring. He drew back, carefully aimed, then let it fly.
It missed the target by a good three feet.
"You're improving!"
Arthur turned to see his cousin, Robert, who was endevoring to teach him archery. "I was closer the last time."
"Yes, but your form is better this time." Robert claimed the bow from Arthur, selected an arrow from his quiver, fitted it to the string, and fired. The arrow flew straight to the target and sank soundly in the bull's eye. "No one masters archery in a day. You've only been at it two weeks. Give it time."
"How long did it take you?"
Robert slid the bow onto his back and gathered up the arrows and trust them into the quiver. "A week and a half."
- My Kingdom for a Quest

 “What dost thou plan to do?”
“Oh, read Fibonacci’s Rabbits for the one thousand and fiftieth time, discover the one hundredth twenty-third place in pi, roam the garter, talk with my birds, and, if I can squeeze it in, boredly watch as quinces try to rescue me.”
“Ah, thou dost have a busy day ahead of thee! I hope that thou mayest get it all done!”
Doranna sighed. “Well, if I get started at once, I just might!” She glanced at the mirror for a moment, trying to perfect her expression of complete and utter boredom, but instead burst into laughter. Maria soon joined her, shaking her head in amusement.
“Any other princess,” said Maria, as their mirth died down, “wouldst be in tears after spending … how long has it been? Fifty? Sixty? Seventy years trapped in a castle caught in time. But thou, Princess Doranna, thou art a wonder.”
“Seventy-seven years and three hundred and three days,” said Doranna, automatically. She sighed. “Verily, it hast been far too long. I tire of my confidence, yet my only other opinion is unsinkable.”
- "Woodcutter Quince"

 “Hey, Jy,” continued Samul. “Do you think there's any chance we might see a dragon on our way there? Because that would be seriously cool.”
It would only be seriously cool if it stays well away from us. Those beasts breath fire, if you'll remember. That's seriously hot.”
What's this!” exclaimed Samul in an incredulous voice. “Jyson cracking a joke? The world must be coming to an end!”
- Half-Hidden

I glanced around myself and feigned a sigh of disappointment. “You’re right. We landed high and dry. Oh, I hope this isn’t a desert! What if there’s no water at all! We’ll die of thirst!”
V was now on the ground and glaring up at me. “Cut. It. Out.”
“Fine, Vienna Sausages,” I said, rumpling her hair, causing her to squeak. “Let’s just see if we can find that rainbow. You know what they say, where there’s a rainbow, there’s bound to be water!”

“That's my name – don't wear it out!”
- Behind the Rainbow

And I think that's all I'll share for now.

12. Last word from your manuscript(s)! Go!

The Ankulen: note
Just Another Sci-Fi Novel: Door
The New Division: Grandmother
Half-Hidden: gone
Behind the Rainbow: already
Water Princess, Fire Prince: day
My Kingdom for a Quest: honeymoon
Worth of a King: anxious
"Woodcutter Quince": guess
"Gift Exchange": think
"CinderEddy": was
"The Sun Jewel Adventure": asked

That's quite an interesting collection...

13. First sentences from your manuscript(s)!

The Ankulen: I have no imagination
Just Another Sci-Fi Novel: In our day and age, competition among authors has grown fierce.
The New Division: During the Great Depression, it was not an unusual thing for a small baby to be left on the doorstep of an orphanage by parents unable to provide for the tiny life.
Half-Hidden: In his dreams, Jyson could always fly.
Behind the RainbowI hear that my sister is being all dramatic and all that up there, with the present tense and stuff like that. (This is actually the first sentence of the second chapter, by my sister wrote the first chapter)
Water Princess, Fire Prince: Clara sat at the top of a big slide with three of her friends. (Actually, that line's around five years old. I've been working on this story that long!)
My Kingdom for a Quest: Once upon a time, in a land called Bookania, two servants were locked in a dungeon for the mere crime of not knowing where their prince was.
Worth of a King“Milady, please, put down the book, I need to do your hair.”
"Woodcutter Quince": Once upon a time, in a land called Bookania, there lived a woodcutter and his wife in the middle of a large and fearsome wood called Black Forest.
"Gift Exchange": Once upon a time in a land called Bookania, a small party was camped beside the main road, but was in no hurry to continue their journey, at least not that day, for it was a very special day.
"CinderEddy": Once upon a time there was a valiant knight whose kindness and bravery were known throughout the land.
"The Sun Jewel Adventure": Jenny Brown was eight years old.

14. Show us your favourite funny scene!

Ooh. This one's tough, partly because I have a lot of funny scenes (many of the punny variety,) and partly because most of those funny scenes are only funny in context. But I'll look ...

Without thinking, I began slowly walking in the direction I was being pulled. I heard Tisha and Chris fall into step behind me, but I kept my eyes shut. We walked like this for some time, but then I ran into a tree.
Yes, you read that right. I ran into a tree.
Well, actually, I walked into that tree, but, still. The tree and my face had a collision.
Instantly, my eyes flew open and I jumped backwards. As I pulled off my glasses to make sure they were still intact, I heard giggling behind me, so I threw a glare over my shoulder. “Yes?”
Were – were you walking with your eyes closed?” questioned Tisha, who was, to her credit, trying not to laugh.

What does it matter if I was?” I answered, turning my attention back to my glasses. Well, at least they didn't seem to be harmed. With grudging satisfaction, I slid them back onto my nose and turned to face the pair.
- The Ankulen

15. Show us a snippet of dialogue you're proud of.

Again, difficult. I'm a dialogue-driven author (in case you haven't noticed from the above snippets), so to single out one snippet (that, again, makes sense out of context) is tricky. But I'll look!

Robert sighed and shook his head. "Well, I'm her brother, and I say she can't sleep in any longer." With that, he stood up and marched over to the girl's tent and pulled back the flap. "Robin! If you sleep any longer, you'll miss the party."
No response.
"Robin!" he said, louder. "Wake up. It is morning."
"Go away," Robin growled. "I'm asleep."
"Fine then. You'll miss the party." Robert turned to go, intending to get some pine cones or something that he could throw at his sister to wake her up.
"What party?"
Robert turned to see that Robin had actually opened her eyes and propped herself up on one elbow. He grinned. "Well, Eric's here, so it must be a party."
"Go away."
- "Gift Exchange"

16. Tell us about some funny typos or writer-bloopers you've had this year!
Um, during NaNo I wrote that that the ceilings in engineering were taller than in other humans ... instead of other rooms. Also writing the words "The flippant" turned into "Theippant" somehow.

17. What has writing taught you about yourself this year?
Patience. You have to be very patient when it comes to writing. Very, very patient.

18. Best piece of writing advice you learnt this year?
Don't insist that the first draft be perfect. I didn't used to, and then I did, and now I don't anymore. I love rough drafting, but actually, my favorite part of writing is rewriting.

19. Anything big on the horizons for next year? Plans to query? Publish? Edit?
I hope to publish a short story collection and at least one more installment of the Bookania Quests. I

20. Tell us a bit about a book you're super excited to write in 2014!
Hopefully I will (finally!) finish with Water Princess, Fire Prince's first draft, and I'm looking forward to tearing it apart and rebuilding it. Maybe I'll have it out by June 2015! (I can dream, right?) I'm also looking forward to writing book two of the Rizkaland Legends. This is one of my oldest stories, and it'll be its fifth draft. Very fun!

A bit about the two? Well, the series is inspired by Narnia, and as a result, it involves a lot of world traveling. Book one (WP,FP) is about two teens, Clara and Andrew, who become a Water Princess and Fire Prince and are forced to work together and save the island of Klarand. And that sounds really cheesy, doesn't it?

(And the reason I didn't share any snippets from that book was the fact that I'm so close to finished, almost everything would spoil the plot)
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