Showing posts with label Mommy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mommy. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Barkday Celebration

Hey Pals ! Sorry for the recent M.I.A.
Our secretary, that is our human sister, have started school.
New school, new environment, and she is having a hard time to adapt.
That's why she have been busy with her school work these few weeks.
So sorry about it, we sure miss reading all your blogs.
Don't forget about us alright !!!!! We really miss you guys!
Roy is doing fine already. His hot spot and infections are healing.
But we sure hope our second family, Paco is doing well too.

How have you guys been ? Will really want to be pup-dated
about what is happening at everyone of you guys side.
And now fur my birthday celebrations photos
and my birthday special beach outing !!!!
This is suppose to be updated LONG agooo ! You know.. My human.. BOL.
Twix & Piappies World !!! Please send us a peemail about the GABE giveaway !!!! :)

ME & My beloved sister.

Me & Mommy

My best friend & I :)

My annoying brother and I !
Can you believe I am only like 34kg, this dude is 39.4kg !
And the vet claims that he is not fat at all.
And she claims that I cannot put on any more weight !!! *faint*

Cake cutting timeeeee !

Birthday boy munching the delicious cake !

Puppy boy first time eating a birthday cake.
But not his very own one :P

2 annoying sister !

YEAHHH ! It's time to head off to the beach !!!

Roy have to be in the crate,
as he always get car sick when he goes on a long distance trip. BOL !

Yeap, your eye isn't playing a trick.
Roy is already bigger than me :D

2 of us finally settling down :D

Yeahhhh ! Swim swim swim !
Love to swim in the sea rather than the pool !

More swimming !

A latest member in our pack !!! A Border Collie !
BOL ! Just kidding! She love to join us because she is very very interested in Cody's frisbee ! BOL.

Ok, this time, dad really thrown the frisbee quite farrrr.

Roy Boy

Human sister. What is she thinking ?
I am not some newfie of saint bernard who can rescue drown person !

Dad playing with the border collie.

BOL. Roy v.s Dad !
Dad and sis hate to v.s with me, because they say I tend to cheat !!!

Roy &....

ME ! The Belated Birthday Boy !!!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Happy 1st Barkday, Joyce !

Today Cody allow me ( Joyce ) to blog ! LIKE FINALLY !
Today is my barkday pawpals ! Where are my presents ?
haha, just joking. I got some from a few friends already.
& will be posting it tomorrow :)

I used to be a fuzzy bear puppy, remember ? BOL.

But now ? I have turn to THIS ! BOL.

Big difference right ?

Look at the Barkday Cake, Huskee & Hershey's mommy Shane got us !!! BOL.
She's such a nice lady huh ?
Thank you Shane, we love you & everyone at home :D

Me posing with my cake :)

& my siblings posing with me and my barkday cake :D

Me & daddy !!!
He look much tan after a game of soccer yesterday ! BOL !

ME along with Daddy & Mommy !

I am so honored that daddy hand fed me :D

Give me the strawberry now sister !

mmmm~ nom nom nom.. thats yummy !!!

WHAT !? I still need to wait !!?!?!?!
Sister : " OK GIRL ! "

MMmmm~ NOM NOM NOM !!!

Any more left ? *sniff sniff*

This is the barkday cake that my human bought for me,
but I could not eat today !!! ARGH !!!!

& at night, we have some birthday cookie !!!
Yum yum !!! Huskee & Hershey's mom, Shane got us 2 box of those,
the muffine & the biscuit bone,
while our human got us another box of biscuit bone too ! BOL!

Can I have all of them ? :P

mmmm~ PINK ! LOVE IT !!!

Cody got the carob one ! mmm~

I also got a carob one ! NOM NOM NOM...

Cody waiting for the muffin to enter into his mouth !

& there he go :D

Cody got another bone biscuit !

mmmm~ mommy hand fed me the muffins !
mmm~ YUMMY !!

I will show you guys my pressies tomorrow !!!
I love all of you paw pals !!!!!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

What a day ! So many human birthday !!!

Firstly, Happy Birthday to Amanda's sis's bestest friend, Ronald.
Hmmm.. I guess its more then best friend huh ?
OR else, why will she ask us upload this ? BOL! Opps.

Having the same birthday with Ronald, was our dear Mommy !
A women never expose her age, so we will help her ! HAHA !
*all four looking at sis* HER IDEA MOMMY ! NOT US ! :P

Then it is CAKE TIME !!!! MMMMM~
Mocha Walnut cake ! Sounds nice huh ?
But sadly, we didn't have ANY ! HOW COULD THIS BEEEE !?!?!?

Daddy & Mommy,
notice daddy wasn't looking at the camera?
He was asking us to get down of the table! HAHA !

Ok this is such a funny photo,
daddy is trying to me like me ! TONGUES OUT ! HAHA !

Hmmm.. I think daddy have not sense of direction this time ! HAHA

Sis did not take photo as she was helping us to take,
& wearing her PJ, so too bad ! HAHA!

Me & Mommy !
Am I bigger than her ?! HAHA !

Daddy keep saying that my head is bigger than mom's !?
Is it true ?! BOL !

Birthday woman cutting her cake !
Daddy keep fooling around,
keep saying BUTTday instead of birthday ! HA !

Hurry with the cake cutting session !
WHAT !!! NO CAKE FOR US !?!?!?!

That's how a father & son fool around ! HAHA !

I love my daddy alot, and mommy & everyone at home and my paw friends !!!!