Showing posts with label Sugar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sugar. Show all posts

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Brand new look ;)

Hi pawpals, we had a brand new look !!!
Wait a minute ! Not us, but our blog !!
Do you like it ? As we love it so much.
All thanks to Sugar and her mom Rosalyn.
They helped us a lot in our blog makeover ;)
Thank you so much !!!!!

Presenting Sugar ! Thank you so much for helping us edit our blog ;)

Oh ya, Roy & I are going to West Coast Park Dog Run tomorrow morning !
Anyone else going too ? Hope to see familiar faces there ;)

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Swimming Saturday

Club4Paws today with Joyce. Not many photo taken !
All that sister of ours fault !
Sis : " HELLO MR Cody ! You're the one growling at all the other dogs ! "
Joyce : " So they gotta keep an close eye on him ! IDIOT ! "
Cody : " Oh Whatever ! "

Hey the next Singapore Kennel Club Dog Show is coming on the 17 May 2009,
any doggy friend going ? Heard that I maybe going.

Whoosh the water of my face :D

Joyce playing zoomies with me !

me getting some time out !
Such a humiliation ! Such a professional swimmer like me using a leash !?
Other dog may thing that I am a noobie in water !
Arghhh !

Sugar, the Groomer's dog.
& Without her daddy, Groomer Kent,
I won't smell so nice after every trip i Club4Paws :D

Sugar, isn't she a cutie ?
Better than my SISTERS :D HAHA !
Saw the gorgeous Golden Retriever behind ?! HAHA !
That's ME :D

Sugar & Cody at the background !

Sister playing Bone with SUGAR !
You can see my pathetic face at the back !
I am such a toy lover and she did this to me !?
I am leashed up !

She is quite shy when it comes to camera,
so it is kinda hard to get a close shot of her.

Tadang ! A close shot of her,
by holding on onto her collar :P
So visist her at Petzland in Club4Paws !
Her daddy is one of the best & patient groomer (:

Monday, March 23, 2009

Pals in our Singapore Doggy Magazine

No Handsome Hunks in the ClubPets Magazine like me ! D:
WHY am I not in it !?!?!

The Clubpets Magazine

Who are these lovely beagles ?!?!?
None other than Sugar & Cocoa !

& of cause stupid Joyce & Zena ! BOL !