Gratitude bestows reverence, allowing us to encounter everyday epiphanies, those transparent moments of awe that change forever how we experience life and the world. ~ Sara Ban Breathnach

Showing posts with label nourishment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nourishment. Show all posts

Friday, April 1, 2011

Week III - Day 5 - Which Cup is Best? - The Evening Review

Breathing in: I am ___your name___
Breathing out:...thank you God.

Lean not on your own understanding.
It is amazing, a bit scary, incomprehensible, think that are loved by the Creator of this magnificent world...and that are part of his creation.  God, I cannot get my head wrapped around this notion of love and acceptance.  This Is Where the Healing Begins - Tenth Avenue North

I just looked out my window and see bright sunshine from the west.  Today has been an interesting mix of gray skies, cold, windy, thunder, rain and dark clouds...and now BRIGHT sunshine.  Our God does appreciate a grand sense of diversity within the space of a few hours.
Warm Saganaki and Warm Pita Bread...

I had lunch today with a Sister of Spirit.  We covered a wide range of topics over a Greek Salad and of course some Fried Saganaki.  One more day of being nourished by good food and good fellowship. It is nice being aware of these moments...rather than simply taking them for granted.

The nourishment went both ways during our lunch.  I listened...she listened. Companions in Christ would have considered we were both nourished by the gift of Holy Listening. And within such listening...there is God.

I was also nourished this evening taking a blueberry muffin to my mother-in-law who is dealing with the after effects of radiation and chemo.  I learned that she really enjoyed the muffin I had taken her several days ago.  Since her appetite is cause for concern I don't mind stopping at Panera every time I am out! She was grateful and she would probably say she was the one being nourished....but it was me who felt filled with inner peace as I walked to my car.  Another gift to not be taken for granted.

It is crazy thinking, trying to find their answers to their questions!
Does anything need to be emptied out in order for me to be at peace tonight?

Part of my luncheon conversation dealt with questions and speculations of what people want or expect.  Neither one of us had any "answers" since when asked, those who are unhappy cannot seem to articulate what it is they are unhappy with. So....many questions and no sense of direction.

Still, having written this...I am not exactly anxious.  But, having written is on my heart, so before I turn in tonight I will visually empty out my cup as a reminder to myself that God is within the questions and the lack of direction.  God is present and when I become quiet and present myself...I may gain a sense of where he is leading me.

For what do I thank God for as I prepare to enter sleep?

Trusting that God will hold...
I thank God that I am learning to not hold my stuff so open my hands a bit so he can take it...and hold it for me.

I thank God for companions who love me, companions I can trust, allowing me to be honest.  Companions who listen without trying to fix me. These kind of companions are truly a blessing and a gift.

I thank God for the gift of my daughters.  They love me.  They keep me on my toes. They can keep me guessing!

Cup of Wisdom
As I look forward to emptying my cup, I look forward to a gentle rest and peaceful dreams.  May we all have good sleep this evening.  AMEN.

I am leaving home by 5:15 tomorrow morning in order to participate in a Lenten Breakfast.  Day 6 is The Cup of Wisdom.  Now, let me think...wisdom....getting up at 3:30 in order to journal. Wisdom...journaling tonight for tomorrow...and in the process not spending the time with Joyce's thoughts that I need?  Wisdom...I may read the devotion tomorrow and journal later in the day....or I may even wait to begin again on Monday!

Lets hear it for Wisdom!

Many Blessings ~ Sandi

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Week III - Day 4 - The Cup of Mercy - The Evening Review

Thinking of the past several days, I am beginning to appreciate the "emptying" of an evening.  To help...Empty Me - Chris Sligh  God,.empty me of me, so I can be filled with you.

It is the fresh basil that makes this!
It has been such a good day, I decided to splurge and make myself a homemade pizza with fresh mozzarella, ricotta, fresh pesto and basil...and oh, sliced tomatoes.  Ummm, a perfect meal to celebrate a good day.

This was just one kind of nourishment for this day full of blessing.

I am working through a text book on Volunteer Administration.  I am to take an exam in May...and if I do not pass it this May, I can retake the exam in May 2012.  I am doing my best to consider May 2011 as a learning time with the intent to learn and then to pass the exam in May 2012.

I am struggling.  The authors of the book, all college professors from different universities, have written their sections assuming the reader already knows certain concepts, terms.... This reader does not fall within their assumed group. It has been difficult to not become discouraged having to read chapters over and over again hoping for the light bulb to click on.  Today, I was blessed by a good friend working through the first 75 pages with me and helping me translate it into a language which I am familiar, normally "church" language.

One more way I was nourished.  I became more confident that I am not simply stupid...I just need help translating! On a day that I was asked to greet myself mercifully...this was a huge gift! This course is going to be much more difficult than I originally anticipated, yet, today I have a sense of confidence that I can do this.  I am greeting myself mercifully.

Later this afternoon I discovered a long awaited project could not be accomplished as first planned.  Oh, no...the negative talk "almost" began and I managed to stop....Breathing in: Held in your mercy.... Breathing out:....held in your love

I imagined emptying all that negative gunk out of my cup...leaving me an empty space that could be filled by God's mercy... And a new idea, a new plan emerged.  I made a trip to Michael's, found what I needed, and would you believe...I think this new plan will be better than the original!

I am finding the Breathprayers to be amazingly helpful.  I am still not able to "watch" my breathing without hyperventilating, but the breathprayers work for me!  Praise, God!

Does anything need to be emptied out in order for me to be at peace tonight?

I don't think so.  I fully appreciate this thought of Oprah Winfrey's.  I do have a sense of joy and inner peace this evening...and I believe it does flows from being connected to what matters. God surrounded me today with good food, the love and encouragement of good friends, new ideas, and the means to implement them. I thank God for all my good gifts today.
I'm not a word maven, yet Wordles fascinate me. : )

This morning I wrote about forgiveness.  This may come up again, I continue to resist looking ahead.  If it does, I will pull this wordle up again. If it does not, then I have it already included in this journal....possibly I have already pulled it in!

I have long realized I am my own worst enemy.  I do not know anyone who is as critical of I am of myself....and that is not anything to feed, or celebrate.  Who am I...if Jesus can forgive me...who am I to withhold forgiveness?

Yes, through the gift of good friends, food, and new ideas...this has been a good day.

God, I thank you and praise you for all those who have crossed my path today.  I thank you for the gift and nourishment that comes from a variety of sources.  Tonight, I ask for good rest, for myself and for all those who are walking alongside me during this Lenten season. AMEN.

Third Day is one of my favorite groups. I thought of this song while out walking this evening and watching a hawk hunt for his nourishment.  Eagles - Third Day : ) You will have to ignore that whoever put this video together seemingly mistook a seagull for an eagle.

Many Blessings ~ Sandi