Showing posts with label California Art Club. Show all posts
Showing posts with label California Art Club. Show all posts

Saturday, June 14, 2014

"Waiting for Rain, Eaton Canyon" #eatoncanyon #landscapeoilpainting #laurawambsgans

Oil on Canvas, 24" X 30"

After teaching a workshop full of fun artists in Lake Arrowhead a couple of weeks ago I started this painting for an exhibit next fall.  I am still sneaking up on the light this painting slowly, too much too quickly and the painting will be ruined.  

Next week I will be competing in the Los Gatos Plein Air 2014.   If you want to read more about the event click here.  It's an area unfamiliar to me and I am looking forward to painting the land south of San Francisco.  If possible I will try to blog from the event.  

A bit of good news, I was juried into the California Art Clubs exhibit, "Quintessential California".  The show will be exhibited at the Santa Paula Art Museum until November 2nd, with an artists' reception on Saturday June 28, 4pm - 6pm.  There is a slight admission fee, just so you know.  To learn more about the museum visit Santa Paula Art Museum 

Thursday, September 26, 2013

"Wild Surf" ©

Today I had the pleasure of watching Ruo Li painting a seascape at the Keystone art center.  He talked a lot about the process of painting and what he felt was important for artists today.  Interestingly he suggested that every artist should know how to use photoshop and be able to manipulate images to paint.  I came home from the day inspired and even though the paintings and show stuff from last weekends show in Thousand Oaks is still not put away completely, I painted.

Oil on canvas,  11" X 14"

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

"Art Alfresco and El Matador Beach" ©

Today was the monthly California Art Club paint out, hosted by George Malone.  George picked El Matador beach for our gathering spot and the day couldn't have been more perfect.  With most children back in school the parking lot and beach had plenty of room.  So you don't think I paint with sun on my palette and shade on the painting you should know I turned my easel for the photograph, since I had my back to the sandstone cliff as I couldn't get back far enough for you to see the whole spot from where I was actually painting.  One thing I learned today is not to set up so close to the cliff as the wind blew sand off the cliff onto my painting.  It's covered in sand and the paint as some chunks floating on the surface.  The other thing I learned today is Gamblin's new warm white is a luscious and good replacement for Titanium white when painting outside.  I can't wait to try their other newly introduced colors.

What grabbed my attention was the lone big rock lit from above with the shadowed bigger rock behind it adding to the drama of the scene.  

Oil on panel, 9" X 12"

Last weekend I showed paintings at the Ventura Museum for their event "Art Alfresco".  Below you can see my booth set up, before they opened the doors to the public.  I was able to meet several new art lovers and collectors and the weekend was a success for everyone.  I'll be back in two years for the next event.  If you are ever in Ventura looking for a dinner spot, try out Sushi Marina.  The service and food couldn't have been better.  

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

"Corriganville Park, Winter" © Simi Valley, CA

Every month George Malone, fellow member of the California Art Club arranges a paint out for one and all.  Today when the sprinkles puddled up on my panel I packed up my gear and figured I had enough work on the panel to stop on this one.  Corriganville Park was a gem that George had found for us.  The area reminded me a bit of Vasquez Rocks with the addition of trees, paths and elevated spots.  Even with the flat light of an incoming storm the park had views to paint in every direction.  

Oil on panel, 12" X 12"

This is the best plein air location organizer and all around nice guy, George Malone, painting under sprinkling skies.

Friday, May 11, 2012

"Tejon Ranch Paint Out" ©

The last couple of days the California Art Club held a paint out at the Tejon Ranch in Kern Country, CA. Laura and Dwight Dreyer put the event together from arranging our admittance to the ranch to lunch served alfresco in the ranch vineyard.  About 20 artists participated, painting from 6am - 7pm on Thursday, ending the day at a great little Mexican restaurant, Los Pinos, in Lebec.  

This little painting captures the morning light on a sea of spring greens.  It was painting in the exact location that a State Farm commercial, including some bison, was filmed.

Oil on panel, 9" X 12"

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

"Paramount Ranch" ©

Today was the last California Art Club paint out planned by George Malone for the 2011 year. We met at the Paramount Ranch near Malibu and had a beautiful winter day of painting.

Oil on Panel, 10" X 12"

Sunday, August 14, 2011

"Mirrors to the Sky" ©

The California Art Club is having an exhibition this fall with an Asian theme and so I researched ideas coming up with rice paddies mirroring the sky above for my submission painting. A painting adventure to the Pacific Asian region is now on my wish list....

Oil on canvas, 20" X 24"

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Ring Cycle painting ©

In order to celebrate the coming of Wagner's Ring Cycle coming to Los Angeles the California Art Club is creating an exhibit. This is one of the paintings that I have been working on to submit for the exhibition. You never know if what will be accepted for the exhibit but just the opportunity to get pushed out of the box is one of the many benefits of the club.
Oil on Linen, 24" X 20"

Sunday, January 11, 2009

"Hansen Dam, Winter VI"

One last view of Hansen Dam in the winter, looking north from the south side of the water. Today was the twice annual California Art Club critique at the Autry Museum. I painted this before going very fast so that I would have a blog for tonight, now after hearing all of the thoughts of the panel I can just imagine what they would say about this little study. Here goes: More structure in the trees, connect the dark trees in an interesting way, create a light path and a definite focal point and on and on. It was a day spent not painting but well worth the time to straighten me out a bit. One of the many benefits of belonging to the club. Thanks CAC!

Oil on panel, 5" X 7"

Sunday, December 07, 2008

"Malibu Ranch" ©

The California Art Club quarterly paint out was held at the King Gillette Ranch in Malibu on Saturday. Sharon Burkett Kaiser arranged everything beautifully and I am grateful for all of her efforts to make sure everyone was comfortable. The ranch was a terrific painting location. You could have blindfolded me, spun me around, whipped off the blindfold and said "paint that", and "that" whatever it was would have been inspiring. A long stand of Eucalyptus trees line the entry drive, the distant famous Malibu mountains were beckoning, flocks of ducks paddled around in a pond that reflected golden Sycamore trees, the paintable views were endless. I finally settled on this little group of buildings off in the distance with the huge Sycamore trees towering over. What a day we all had, absolutely perfect.
Oil on panel, 9" x 12"

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

"Laguna Palms" ©

Tonight is the California Art Club/South Pasadena Chamber of Commerce "Rialto Visions" exhibit, collectors circle preview. A bunch of bloggers are in the show, Sharon Weaver, Karen Winters and Marian Fortunati. There may be more, which is part of the fun at these events, figuring out who's who. I have seen the paintings, all featuring historic landmarks of South Pasadena and it's a room full of gems. I am so fortunate to be hanging with this group. Meanwhile today, in between framing, the insurance photographer and sanding an orange alabaster I painted "Laguna Palms".
Oil on Panel, 5" X 7"

Friday, October 03, 2008

"Cathedral Oak Monument" ©

The city of South Pasadena has embraced the artists of the California Art Club, encouraging paintings of city landmarks to be presented in an exhibit in a couple of weeks. I went on "the hunt" for a landmark to paint and came to this simple cross surrounded by Sycamores on the very edge of the Arroyo. Something about the cross and the stone, quietly standing amongst the trees just grabbed my heart and I painted the "Cathedral Oak Monument". Legend has it that this is the spot of the first Easter Service in California, preformed by Father Crespi in 1770.
Oil on Linen, 9" X 12"

Saturday, May 17, 2008

"In Morning Light" ©

"In Morning Light" was just juried into the upcoming California Art Club exhibit "Natural Beauty". It's a long show, 6 months at the Women's City Club of Pasadena, within walking distance of the Pasadena Museum of California Art, nice duo to hit in a day. Meanwhile this weekend I am showing with my Mom at the Sierra Madre 46th Annual Art Show. Sierra Madre is my parents home town and it's a great weekend to meet her art buyers and very good friends. *This photo is a scan of the submitted slide to the jury, which is the reason for the black boarder.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

"Malibu Creek Park" ©

The California Art Club held their first quarterly paint out for the year today. Members could choose between several locations, I picked Malibu Creek State Park. What a spot! Signs of spring are covering the hills and dusting the trees. The creek is full, wide and a deep brown under the cloudy skies. A deer passed by, while we painted, as if seeing easels, umbrellas and artists dotting the landscape is an everyday occurrence. Maybe it is. During our lunch break Karl Dempwolf was kind enough to give a critique, in exchange for a sandwich. I would have bought him dinner too, for his valuable insights into our paintings. Great day....

Oil on Linen, 11" X 14"
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