Showing posts with label Ventura. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ventura. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

"Art Alfresco and El Matador Beach" ©

Today was the monthly California Art Club paint out, hosted by George Malone.  George picked El Matador beach for our gathering spot and the day couldn't have been more perfect.  With most children back in school the parking lot and beach had plenty of room.  So you don't think I paint with sun on my palette and shade on the painting you should know I turned my easel for the photograph, since I had my back to the sandstone cliff as I couldn't get back far enough for you to see the whole spot from where I was actually painting.  One thing I learned today is not to set up so close to the cliff as the wind blew sand off the cliff onto my painting.  It's covered in sand and the paint as some chunks floating on the surface.  The other thing I learned today is Gamblin's new warm white is a luscious and good replacement for Titanium white when painting outside.  I can't wait to try their other newly introduced colors.

What grabbed my attention was the lone big rock lit from above with the shadowed bigger rock behind it adding to the drama of the scene.  

Oil on panel, 9" X 12"

Last weekend I showed paintings at the Ventura Museum for their event "Art Alfresco".  Below you can see my booth set up, before they opened the doors to the public.  I was able to meet several new art lovers and collectors and the weekend was a success for everyone.  I'll be back in two years for the next event.  If you are ever in Ventura looking for a dinner spot, try out Sushi Marina.  The service and food couldn't have been better.  

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