Tuesday, June 22, 2010

But this rock is so cozy!

So, time will only tell if I'm "back," as in for good, or at least for long enough to matter for the internets. But I'm back today, anyway, if anyone still has me on their RSS feed or randomly stumbles onto my page via an ill-conceived Google search.

Why now? I can't point to any one reason. Partly because I've missed blogging, or at least the aspects of it that drew me to it in the first place. Partly because an old friend of mine recently started blogging and has inspired me to return to it. And partly because I've been going through some major life changes and, well, I suppose that's as good a reason as any to bare my deepest thoughts to the gods of web cache.


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Thursday, January 31, 2008

Fear not, faithful readers

I shall return shortly. And I didn't want to let there be two entire months in which I posted nothing.


Tuesday, July 03, 2007

The Secretx8

Okay, Andy tagged me, so I guess I need to do this. I'm supposed to tell you eight secret-type things about myself. I say "secret-type" because I don't tell real secrets. Seriously, I'm like the best secret-keeper ever. People tell me their secrets all the time and I've never told them to anyone. And that's only SOMETIMES because when they told me the secret I was drunk and now I just plain can't remember it.

Actually, now that I think about it, I think I've done this one before. Oh well. I'll try not to repeat myself.

1. I've never seen any of the Godfather movies. Worse still, I once tried watching the first one, and I found it boring so I stopped watching it. So there you have it. Go ahead and throw your stones at the computer screen, or whatever.

2. Along the movie lines, I hate romantic comedies. Sorry. I just do. There's seriously like four plots floating around out there, and I've seen all of them about a dozen times each. That's more than enough.

3. In a remarkable stroke of immaturity/inability to move beyond the past, there are a few things about law school that, to this day, still make me irrationally bitter and angry.

4. I'm a very nice drunk. This actually isn't much of a secret, considering how many people have seen me drunk.

5. I have friends who still think I'm a virgin (it happens when you grow up in God City, USA). I remember being back home a couple years ago and having dinner with a few friends from back in the day, one of whom had recently gotten married. He was telling us the story of how he and his wife met and ended up getting married, etc. At one point the other two friends were engaged in a side conversation, and he leaned in and whispered to me: "Sex is great. Seriously, it was so worth waiting" and gave me a knowing look. I just smiled at him and thought "awww, that's so cute."

6. I went to my first sci-fi convention-type event last month. I've been a total sci-fi nerd/geek (although I cannot get a handle on which one is the correct word) for more than half my life now, so I guess it was about time. It was pretty cool, actually, and really more of a wading pool in the water park of sci-fi gatherings. It was billed as an "all-access" event that I think was essentially a pre-Emmy publicity event to which they opted to invite plain old fans as well as the press. Pretty awesome of them, actually. The coolest part? I got to shake hands with the great Edward James Olmos.

7. I have an escape plan for when the zombies attack. Mark my words, they are coming.

8. One night when I was waiting tables in college, one of my professors came into the restaurant on a date with another professor. I was totally oblivious and figured, oh, they're just two colleagues having a drink together. Apparently either I'm an idiot or my professor had verbal diarrhea, because he stopped me at one point while I was walking past and gave the creepiest speech I've ever heard to justify the fact that, unbeknownst to me, I'd just caught him with the woman who was currently breaking up his marriage, which was not yet finally dissolved. Yeah... I so needed to know that.

I would tag people, but I've been so bad about blogging that I'm not even sure who bothers checking this thing anymore. So -- if you read my blog, and haven't already done this one, consider yourself tagged. And please leave me a comment letting me know you're doing it, so I can hop over and take a look at your deep dark secrets ;)

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Thursday, June 28, 2007


Online Dating

According to some, this blog has only a PG-13 rating.

Spoken like someone who's never actually read it.


Update: There we go, I guess that fixed it.

Online Dating

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Monday, June 18, 2007

Nope, not dead.

Just in a funk. Dunno if it's reverse SAD or what, but I just have not felt like blogging lately. Which is a shame, really, 'cause some cool stuff has been going on... maybe I'll get back into it eventually. Anyway, thanks for sticking around to see if I do.


Sunday, April 29, 2007

Where brain go?

In case you hadn't noticed, I have a killer case of writer's block.

Hopefully I will think of something interesting to post soon.

Maybe I'll put up a YouTube video of Cujo acting crazy. That dog does some hilarious shit.

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Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Happy belated birthday!

Well, I inadvertently missed my blog's second birthday a few days ago. I blame work, which has been KE-razy.

Anyway, happy birthday, blog! Thanks for being so awesome!


Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Who is this "smenita" person

and why is her name the verification word for every comment I've posted today?

Seriously. Is she haunting anyone else?

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Monday, March 06, 2006

200th post!!

And it comes on the heels of last night's major upset. Micah had a great "chat" going on last night, which helped move things along as the ceremony itself seemed... somber? Jon Stewart was fan-damn-tastic as the host. He didn't pull any punches, and I respect that. Toss in some hilarious fake ads with voice-over by the brilliant Steven Colbert, Ben Stiller in a skintight green unitard (can we pause for a moment to just giggle at the word "unitard"?), and Will Ferrell and Steve Carrell following, apparently, a battle to the death with their makeup artists. These four should be the presenters/hosts for every award category in every award show from here on out. Meryl Streep and Lily Tomlin can come too. They were pretty entertaining. Everyone else, eh. At least Sean Penn didn't come out and express his man-love for Jude Law this year.

Although I liked Crash, I'm really disappointed that Brokeback didn't win. I guess even Hollywood still has a ways to go with being fully comfortable with its own sexuality. While it's great that a good film with an unflinching look at the sad state of race relations in the country got the recognition it deserved, it's still kind of disheartening that (apparently) gender issues still aren't seen as being as important as race issues.

Anyway, I'll save the soapboxing for some other time. Yay for Reese Witherspoon and Rachel Weisz! I just love those two. I guess I'm happy for George Clooney and Philip Seymour Hoffman too.

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Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Look at me, Ma!

So I was using my recently-acquired blog goodies and came across something disturbing on my site meter. Apparently an aolsearch for "mom porn" puts me in the top ten results.




I just have to note: I'm actually in the middle of my con law exam. Yes, I am taking a break from my exam to post to my blog. How cool am I? (I just keep chanting: "Cs get degrees! Cs get degrees!")

So last night I stayed up late to add goodies to my blog. As you'll notice, my sidebar has changed. I finally figured out how to make blogrolling.com work (it's quite simple, actually; the problem before was that I had copied the wrong html code. It wasn't so much that the code itself didn't work, as that it was a customized code that looked really ugly on my blog. But I couldn't figure out how to get the un-customized code, which I finally did last night. I'm slowly but surely learning how to make all this internet coding stuff work :)). I got a Technorati profile and added my domain to some other blog directories in the hopes that it will stir up more traffic. I also added a site meter and link tracker. I feel so web-savvy!

So hopefully things will really start hopping. Of course, this also means I need to be better about continuous and frequent updates. It's okay -- really, studying for the bar doesn't take up that much time, right? ;)


Thursday, April 07, 2005

Quite unhappy with Blogger

Or perhaps I'm unhappy with my school's tenuous wireless access. Either way. I just spent a half an hour composing a brilliantly witty post, only to have the internet devour it. Sigh.

So instead I'll just offer a link to an instructive dance video.

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Tuesday, January 18, 2005

My first blog


I set up this blog while I was home for Christmas break, which was almost a month ago now. When I didn't post anything then, I thought I'd post something on New Year's Day. You know, New Year, New Blog. But that didn't happen either. Partly because I was hungover and partly because I couldn't think of anything to say.

So I figured, what the hell. I'll write something now when it's not particularly important whether I write or not. Plus, I'm awake now with not much else to do. I just finished writing a paper that shouldn't have been a huge deal but was for some reason (may have had something to do with the fact that I still haven't finished reading the material it's supposed to be based on). To congratulate myself I'm drinking Jim Beam. I don't really have anything else to do right now (at least, nothing that positively can't wait), I'm not going to bed until I've finished my drink, and I've been wanting to start this blog for a while so... here it is!

I'm not sure what this blog will be yet. I heard some people talking about blogs the other day. One of them was dismissing the "online journal" type of blog, where people write whatever pops into their heads. Hmm. So far mine looks a little like that. Maybe I should make my blog about law school? It's already in the title (and, hell, partly in my fake blog name). But would this imply that my life is all about law school? Then again, is that really so far from the truth?

All right, I'll spare you too much more of my bourbon-soaked early-morning ramblings. For now, I'll leave you with this. I will probably write a lot about law school, mostly because when you're in law school, it does kind of tend to swallow up your life a little bit. I'll also write about random things that trouble me or occur to me to say, some of which may actually be non-law related. My promise to you is that I won't write anything that I don't find hilariously clever. Or, okay, anything that isn't at least mildly amusing or that otherwise appeals to me. I promise that doesn't mean "anything." Oh, and I don't make very many grammar mistakes. I hate reading stuff with grammatical errors.

Cheers. Thanks for stopping by.
