Thursday, February 21, 2008

I'll be ready

Your Score: You Made It!

You scored 91% smarts, 69%

balls, 82% dumb luck!

You're pretty brave and know where to go, but if it weren't for that 120-watt bulb on top, you'd be Zombie Chow.

Link: The Super Zombie Survival Test

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Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Boy was that dumb

I'm blaming my brother. I spent the better part of the afternoon playing Sims 2. Those of you who have played it know that it is the most addictive game ever, especially when you have the cheat codes, as I do. I can make my family rich enough to build the biggest, best-furnished, most fantabulous house ever. Which takes quite a lot of time, but is completely fun.

Sigh. Really, if I don't study much, I'll have an advantage in that I'm inherently less stressed out than everyone else, right?

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Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Oh Mario! I missed you so!

Holy cow, this is dangerous. You can play old Nintendo games, and games from other consoles (but, come on, it's all about NES) on your home computer. Oh man. I'm never passing the bar.

Edit: credit is due (and was shamefully withheld from) my good friend and co-bar-procrastinator Laura.

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Sunday, June 12, 2005

Save Toby!

We're running out of time!


Monday, June 06, 2005

Jack of all trades

Today's nifty time-waster:
The Ed-Ray Age-May
46 Emotional, 79 Social, 36 Annoying, and 30 Tough.
You're the guy who can do a ton of things, but you're not particularly good at any of them. For some reason everyone likes you anyway.
Link: shosam on The Which RPG Archetype Are You Test written by Ok Cupid

My corresponding law-obsessed thought: wonder how this bodes for my chances on the Bar?

Update: the link to the test now works. Thanks, odderie!


Saturday, June 04, 2005

"Look, my last landlord was a total bitch"

This made me giggle. Apparently someone doesn't like the idea of a credit check before renting. Hmmm...


Sunday, May 22, 2005

Hooray, another time-waster!

My new favorite thing is picture-making sites. This one is pretty cool. It's in German but pretty self-explanatory.

It's me! Posted by Hello


Tuesday, April 26, 2005

The revolution is coming!

Just because they're small doesn't mean they aren't diabolical. I wonder if this should serve as more or less reason to want to buy a chihuahua? I mean, they're just so cuuuuuuuuuute. I have no problems with cute communists.


Sunday, April 24, 2005

Is this possible??

Yes, I have work to do. So what.

It's much more fun to shop for bar trip deals. And I think I found a GREAT one -- New York (where I'll be visiting a friend) to London to Tokyo and back, for just over $1500. The only thing is, I've never flown this airline. Does anyone know anything about Virgin Atlantic? is my new favorite website.


Thursday, April 07, 2005

Quite unhappy with Blogger

Or perhaps I'm unhappy with my school's tenuous wireless access. Either way. I just spent a half an hour composing a brilliantly witty post, only to have the internet devour it. Sigh.

So instead I'll just offer a link to an instructive dance video.

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Thursday, March 17, 2005

Happy St. Paddy's Day!

It's still technically St. Patrick's Day on my side of the International Date Line. So here's a cheesy game for those of you up late looking for some greenish fun to kill time until the hangover kicks in.

And while you're at it, here's a leprechaun for you to color.


Tuesday, March 08, 2005

I must've woken up on the wrong side of the bed...

Thug Bear
Thug Bear

Which Dysfunctional Care Bear Are You?
brought to you by


Saturday, March 05, 2005

Singing Spongmonkeys

Some of you might have wondered what in the hell Quizno's was thinking about a year or so ago when it unleashed its commercials featuring creepy-looking, guitar-playing, singing gerbil-things touting its subs. I can't answer that, but I can give you a link to the original song.

We like the moon! Posted by Hello


Thursday, March 03, 2005

For all you Kip Dynamite fans out there

I've found a link to an mp3 of Kip's song Always and Forever, from the fabulous movie Napoleon Dynamite. I stumbled across this as I was searching for songs to put on a compilation cd I'm making for my mom. She'll love this.

And since I'm on the subject, I'm very disappointed by this seemingly legit description of a liger. What about the magical powers??


Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Just what I need... another distraction

So I'm sitting in class when a friend IMs me a link to this website. It's addictive. They have stills from movies, except they've somehow made the people invisible. You're supposed to guess which movie it is. I consider myself pretty knowledgeable about movies, but this is hard! I only got about 35 or so. Some of them are easy (see below), but many are surprisingly tough.

A softball Posted by Hello

This website occupied much of my two morning classes. And I wonder why I never manage to pull my grades up...


Click here once you've tired of driving yourself nuts.
