

Hit the ground running, as usual, this morning. My interview was this afternoon, and I had a number of things that I had to get done beforehand.

The interview was with 7 different attorneys plus the office manager and lasted 3 hours. I think it went well, but I am a terrible judge. But I managed not to say anything inappropriate--as I am prone to do in interviews.

The firm I interviewed with seems to be the polar opposite of my current firm. Developing relationships with your coworkers is encouraged (fraternization is largely discouraged at current firm--in fact I have been specifically instructed not to speak to certain attorneys.) They say that their billing target is accurate and few go over, although there is a bonus structure in place for those who exceed their target hours. They have a well defined partnership track and marketing people to help young associates develop their rainmaking skills. And it looks like I could eventually spread out from the particularized practice group that I would be going into. Everyone I interviewed with was very nice, and I was impressed that they involved even junior associates in the hiring process.

But having to be in "go" mode for 3 hours is exhausting, and I was worn out before I even made it back to the office to complete my day.

I had a couple of projects to finish and then I needed to prep for 2 depos tomorrow once I got back to the office. But, of course, little things kept popping up. And Partner called at 5:55 to tell me that we MUST send discovery out first thing in the morning. It wouldn't take more than an hour, but it was 6 and I still hadn't started prepping for my depos tomorrow.

Then Partner asked why I wasn't attending a certain event tonight. My response: "Yeah, like I have time for that!." I'm pretty sure I pissed him off. I think it came out snarkier than I intended. Or maybe is was subconscious snark.

I gathered what I needed to prepare for my depos, and finally left the office at 7:30, home by 8:00.

Had dinner and spent about 5 minutes with my kids and then had to start sending out thank you emails to the 8 people with whom I met today. It is tough to come up with 8 unique "thanks for meeting with me" emails.

It's now after 9:30--still haven't prepped for my depos tomorrow. Arrgghhhh!

I am getting really, really tired of working all the time. I am trying to set boundaries, but I can't pull back and meet my deadlines and obligations to my clients. I really hope this interview went well.


k said...

Good luck! Just getting out there is a big step, and if you have to keep interviewing, think of today as very good practice.

Shelley said...

I hope you get the offer! It sounded like it went really well - and that it would be a MUCH better fit.

gudnuff said...

I'm sure you were excellent. How could they not snap you up with wholehearted enthusiasm? Where would they ever find your equal? How could karma not let you claim your reward for all the work and bs you've endured thus far? It is time. This will happen. And it will be gooooood. So good. Thus it has been foretold. Thus shall it be. (The waiting is the hardest part...well, the waiting while still working at the sucky job...) Anyway, good luck! You've earned it.

Anonymous said...

They kept you there for three hours! Do you honestly think that they would have kept talking with you for three hours if they didn't like you? Three hours is a lot and a tremendous waste of time if they weren't serious! I'm sure you rocked it!

legally certifiable said...

Thanks for all your support, ladies!