

So, it looks like I am unemployed as of Friday. Partner wouldn't even look at me today (Big Boss was out all day). I think it speaks volumes that my superiors are incapable of being mature and professional while I am continuing to do my job through Friday like I said I would. Apparently class and dignity is not their strong suit. The good news is that I am attending an out of town deposition tomorrow and both Big Boss and Partner are out of the office Thursday and Friday. So I never have to see them again, and can live out my final days in peace.

I am pretty much ok with my decision. I think that if I stayed my anger and bitterness over Big Boss's actions would have made me far more miserable than I already was. Their counter-offer followed by back-pedaling simply underscores why I was leaving in the first place and makes me all the more confident about leaving.

My unemployed status will certainly require some sacrifices, but I think we can pull through. Hell, we lived on a single income for almost 10 years before I got a job.

And I am looking forward to getting to spend some time with the girlies. There is a lot going on at the end of the year, and I am glad that I will be able to participate.

So, fingers crossed, my unemployed status will last just long enough to feel like a vacation, allow me to regroup, reorganize my life, and hang with the kiddos for a couple of weeks. I am so tired of the drama and truly ready to move on.


LEO said...

Good for you! You did the right thing standing up to them... I'm sure you'll come across another great opportunity, but in the meantime enjoy your extra family time!

Andrea said...

I'm sure they're going to miss you a whole lot more than you'll miss them! It's ridiculous how juvenile they were about you leaving. These jerks demand 1000% loyalty/servitude, and you don't get a crumb of loyalty in return. Just feel good that you made the right decision!

RJ said...

Good on you. Sounds like your summer child-care issue is solved!

Pluses: No more big jerk boss. No summer childcare issues. (hmm 2 birds killed with one stone...)

Minus: No paid employment.

Sounds like this could be a great summer!

How long will the conflict of interest last?

Butterflyfish said...

Good for you, but also, I'm sorry that the other job fell apart.

Kady said...

You pulled your older posts, but it's pretty easy to piece together what happened here.

It's clear that you've been working in a totally toxic environment. Any employer that would sabotage their employees' opportunities do not deserve to be in business.

Shelley said...

I am sorry the new job didn't work out, but am glad you'll get a bit of free time after so much extra work.

I left a toxic job with nothing else on the horizon, many years ago. The financial bit wasn't fun, but I never regretted leaving. It was almost instantaneous relief!

gudnuff said...

Enjoy de-toxing. You were the belle of the ball and are only being sidelined due to circumstances beyond your control. Everything you could control, you totally rocked.
Time with your kids is no samll thing, either, so that's all good.

MJV said...

Way to reframe it, girl. It's going to work out. Drama is soul-sucking and good for you being brave and for moving on!