
"Don't be such a pu$$y!"

That's what one of my twins told the other when she started freaking out about a bug. Being the fabulous mom that I am, I burst out laughing.

"Wha-at?" said SS.

"Sweetie, do you know that is not a nice word?"

"What do you mean--it's just another word for kitty?"

By this point SS is obviously embarrassed and realizes that she unintentionally said something that she shouldn't.

"Well, it is a bad word, too. And if you said that to someone at school, you would get in trouble. I know you didn't know any better, but please don't call your sister a pu$$y anymore."

SS then goes and hides behind a chair.

I thought they at least recognized most of the bad words by now--but I guess that one's not part of my lexicon so they must have though it was ok (I've said before that my biggest failing as a mother is my potty mouth).

Not much happening on the job front. I haven't heard anything from the several jobs that I applied for last week, and there hasn't been anything to apply for this week. I am more seriously contemplating going solo--researching costs to get a realistic picture of what I would be getting myself into. Honestly, it scares the shit out of me . . . but at the same time I feel like karma is pushing me in that direction.

I emailed the volunteer att'y program a couple of days ago, but haven't heard anything yet. Guess they don't need volunteers too badly. Perhaps they are overwhelmed by laid off BigLawyers.

The weight watching and working out is going ok. I have nothing better to do than count calories right now--and at least it gives me control over some part of my life. Took the girls to a local farm to pick blackberries and buy produce yesterday, so we are now well stocked with healthy stuff.

1 comment:

LEO said...

HA, I was laughing outloud when I read this. When I was in fourth grade, my friend took a roll of cookie dough and put it in her mouth, innocently saying "hey look, mom, Blow Job!" She got a slap in the face for that one.